Trends based on long time-series from the Swedish National Forest Inventory give pragmatic information about the longterm development of forests and forestry in Sweden. For the more fundamental forest variables it is possible to follow data for the whole time-series from the 1920's to today. Some variables are only presented as countywise estimates whereas for others it is possible to create detailed maps.
Older, broadleaf rich forest
Productive forestland. Note: broadleaf proportion based on caliper data and not stand data
Standing volume
Standing volume by tree species
Productive forestland
Standing volume broadleaves, excluding birch
Productive forestland
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Pine - proportion of the total standing volume
Incl. lodgepole pine. Productive forestland.
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Spruce - proportion of the total standing volume
Productive forestland
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Broadleaves - proportion of the total standing volume
Productive forestland
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Trees per hectare
Pine - standing volume per hectare
Incl. lodgepole pine. Productive forestland
Map |
Spruce - standing volume per hectare
Productive forestland
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Broadleaves - standing volume per hectare
Productive forestland
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Birch - standing volume per hectare
Productive forestland
Map |
Beech - standing volume per hectare
Productive forestland
Map |
Oak - standing volume per hectare
Productive forestland
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Other broadleaves - standing volume per hectare
Map |
Growth, total drain and fellings
Growth, total drain and fellings
All landuse classes
Growth, total drain and fellings
Productive forestland