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New professors

The professorial inauguration of 2024 took place 18-19 April. The inauguration of new professors comprise of two events; the lectures and the ceremony. In 2024, 11 professors from Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala were inaugurated at SLU Ultuna.

A green picture collage with illustrations of different research subjects within SLU

Lectures by new professors

The new professors gave their inauguration lectures on Thursday 18 April and Friday 19 April at SLU's campus in Uppsala. The lectures were recorded and will be subtitled and published on each of the professor's webpages here below. 

Inauguration lectures – live broadcast 19 April

Follow the live open lectures by SLU's new professors of 2024 on April 19 here. Do you have questions for the professors? Email them to nyaprofessorer@slu.se.

Inauguration lectures – Afternoon session broadcast 18 April

Follow the live open lectures by SLU's new professors of 2024 in the afternoon session of April 18 here. Do you have questions for the professors? Email them to nyaprofessorer@slu.se.

Inauguration lectures – Morning session broadcast 18 April

Follow the live open lectures by SLU's new professors of 2024, in the morning session of April 18 here. Do you have questions for the professors? Email them to nyaprofessorer@slu.se.

Meet our new professors

Francisco X Aguilar

Professor of forest economics

Francisco Aguilar sits by a table discussing something with two colleagues.

Lutz Ahrens

Professor of environmental organic chemistry

Lutz Ahrens in the lab working with liquid chromatography

Johan Dicksved

Professor of nutrition and metabolism of monogastric animals

Johan Dicksved in the laboratory with his PhD student Pontus Gunnarsson

Malin Elfstrand

Professor of forest pathology

Malin Elfstrand and a PhD student looking at spruce plants in the greenhouse.

Patricia Hedenqvist

Professor of laboratory animal medicine

Picture of two persons in protective clothing holding and petting white rats.

Paul Kardol

Professor of forest microbiology

Paul Kardol standing in a laboratory looking in a box filled with moss and soil samples.

Abozar Nasirahmadi

Professor of digitalisation in agriculture engineering

Abozar Nasirahmadi sitting by a table making adjustments to digital equipment.

Helena Nordh

Professor of landscape architecture with a focus on design theory

Helena Nordh in a park. It is winter and there is snow on the ground.

Matthias Peichl

Professor of forest landscape biogeochemistry

Matthias Peichl standing on a platform above the tree tops adjusting some technical equipment.

Stéphanie Robert

Professor of plant physiology

Stéphanie Robert in the growth chamber holding a tray with Arabidopsis plants.

Markus Schmid

Professor of molecular cell biology

Markus Schmid studying an Arabidopsis plant in a climate chamber in the SLU Uppsala Biocenter.
Portrait of Malin von Essen

Moderator: Malin von Essen

Malin von Essen is a moderator, facilitator and freelance writer. She earned her degree in forest science from SLU in the 90s and following this trained as a journalist at Stockholm University. For the last 10 years, she has been running her own company focusing on facilitating dialogue on complex societal issues, often with a focus on the management of natural resources. She has previously worked with disseminating research findings in various roles at SLU and Skogforsk.

Photo: Patrik Söderman

Published: 27 June 2024 - Page editor: helena.pennlov@slu.se