The academy stewards, Vice-Chancellor's Office
Academy Steward Helena Pennlöv +46 18-67 15 42
Administrative assistant Ida Hast +46 18-67 10 74
Lars Ericson has been appointed Honorary Doctor of Agricultural Sciences at SLU's Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences.
Agronomist Lars Ericson, Västerbotten County Administrative Board, has worked with research, development and continuing education in the land-based sector in northern Sweden for many years, and has made considerable contributions to both Swedish agriculture and SLU. He trained as an agronomist at SLU and between 1988 and 2008, he was head of SLU’s agricultural field research in the Northern district, where he was responsible for long-term agricultural experiments and Sweden’s official variety testing.
Since leaving SLU, he has worked in many roles involving continuing professional development in agriculture in northern Sweden. He has also been an active member of several associations and organisations, including Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, the Swedish Farmers’ Foundation for Agricultural Research, and the Swedish Grassland Society. He now sits in the steering group for SLU Grogrund, a knowledge hub for Swedish plant breeding. Lars Ericson has also overseen new editions of a popular science reference guide that provides concrete and practical advice for plant production in northern Sweden.
His in-depth knowledge of SLU’s research and his broad external network mean that Lars Ericson has become a bridge between the university and industry. Consequently, he has been able to make further contributions to agricultural development throughout Norrland.
Can be published along with texts about the honorary doctor. Photographer must be marked.
Lars Ericson. Photo: Gun Bernes
The academy stewards, Vice-Chancellor's Office
Academy Steward Helena Pennlöv +46 18-67 15 42
Administrative assistant Ida Hast +46 18-67 10 74