The academy stewards, Vice-Chancellor's Office
Academy Steward Helena Pennlöv +46 18-67 15 42
Administrative assistant Ida Hast +46 18-67 10 74
Rune Andersson has been appointed honorary doctor at the Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Science at SLU.
Director of Mellby Gård Rune Andersson is one of Sweden’s most successful business executives and entrepreneurs. He graduated from Chalmers University of Technology in 1968 with a degree in civil engineering. Between 1971 and 1974, he was head of administration at Luleå University of Technology. His career in business began in the late 1970s, and since then he has been the CEO of Plannja AB, Getinge AB, Electrolux storköksdivision and Trelleborg AB.
The development of Rune Andersson’s highly successful Mellby Gård began in 1986 and the group now includes around twenty companies, most of which in industry, but also in construction, agriculture, services and consumer goods. The company strategy is based on the belief in natural risk spreading and common sense.
With his great interest in business and entrepreneurship in agriculture, Rune Andersson has been of major importance to the SLU Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Sciences. His support and interest have contributed to exceptional efforts in science and collaboration. Rune Andersson was active in the creation of the Swedish Centre for Agricultural Business Management, and he now contributes to the funding of doctoral projects. Rune Andersson and his business philosophy have had a great impact on research and education in applied business management and entrepreneurship that have developed at the faculty.
The academy stewards, Vice-Chancellor's Office
Academy Steward Helena Pennlöv +46 18-67 15 42
Administrative assistant Ida Hast +46 18-67 10 74