Anders Glynn, professor in toxicology

Last changed: 05 December 2018

Anders Glynn is since 1 February 2018 a professor of toxicology with a focus on food. In his inauguration lecture he asks the question if chemicals in our food make us sick.

Anders Glynn is a food toxicologist, studying human exposure to chemicals through food and drinking water, as well as possible health effects. For most of his career, he has been working on risk assessment at the Swedish National Food Agency, conducting research in parallel with this.

The aim of his research is to provide scientific evidence for decisions on actions against chemical exposure from food and drinking water that may cause disease.

See the film

Get to know Professor Anders Glynn and his work.

Inauguration lecture

Follow Anders Glynn's recorded lecture.


Anders Glynn, Professor
Department of Animal Biosciences (HBIO), HBIO, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Parasitology, +4618672091, +46706596894