Anti Vasemägi, Professor
Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU, +46 10-478 42 77
Anti Vasemägi is a professor of fish biology since 1 March 2018. His inauguration lecture has the title: "Fishing for genes that matter".
In his research, Anti Vasemägi aims to understand the genetic mechanisms of how fish adapt to their habitat.
His research field, also known as ecological genomics, is a relatively new and rapidly developing discipline. In his work, he combines the latest genomic technologies with ecological and physiological investigations.
Much of Vasemägi's work has concerned salmonids, but also other fish species and fish parasites, and his research group recently completed the first full sequencing of the perch genome.
Anti Vasemägi, Professor
Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU, +46 10-478 42 77