The academy stewards, Vice-Chancellor's Office
Academy Steward Helena Pennlöv +46 18-67 15 42
Administrative assistant Ida Hast +46 18-67 10 74
Thomas B. Randrup is a professor of urban open spaces management since 1 June 2017. His inauguration lecture has the title: "Management of urban open spaces – a long-term perspective".
Thomas Randrup's research concerns the management and governance of urban open spaces, primarily green spaces in urban areas. Management raises "hands on-issues" ranging from strategic development to maintenance of different types of open spaces.
Governance concerns the involvement of citizens in leadership, policies and implementation of methods for strategic decision-making. How management and governance can support the supply of urban ecosystem services, including social benefits, is an important issue.
The academy stewards, Vice-Chancellor's Office
Academy Steward Helena Pennlöv +46 18-67 15 42
Administrative assistant Ida Hast +46 18-67 10 74