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Biodiversity Challenge 2024

From May 2–June 28 we want you to find and report as many different species as possible on SLU’s campuses.

Image of butterfly and text: Biodiversity Challange 2 maj–28 juni. Photograph

Last Day!

On May 2, Biodiversity Challenge 2024 kicked off. The challenge, internationally known as Biodiversity Challenge for ICA members, is a collaboration between 19 agricultural universities in 16 European countries. It starts May 22 and ends June 30. The universities are tasked with finding and reporting the wild species(not cultivated spieces) that occur on their respective campuses.

Last year, we came in second with 1,845 unique species reported. The result for this year will be presented at video meeting today at approx. 4 pm. And you will find the result here when it is official.

See how things are going for our different campus areas.

See how things are going for the other universitets.

Do you want to organize an activity?

We are now looking for suggestions for activities or people who want to organize activities. Examples of past activities: Tree walk, looking for dung beetles, bird walk, straws and leaves. Please contact cecilia.nordstrom@slu.se if you have any suggestions for activities.

Report species to Biodiversity Challenge

Instructions and help on how to report your finds for Biodiversity Challenge 2024.

Campus maps

Maps for different campuses. If your campus area is not included, you can report for the "Biodiversity Challenge 2024" project at Artportalen.

Program Alnarp

Program Skara

Program Skinnskatteberg

You are welcome to report species at your campus area, alone or with others, to Artportalen.

Do you want to add an activity? Contact: Grzegorz.Mikusinski@slu.se


27/5 2024 16:00-18:00 Interesting plants with chirping birds in the background

Gathering place: We gather at the Manor's stairs

Description: May walk within Skinnskatteberg's Campus with flora connoisseur Lena Helin and bird expert Grzegorz Mikusinski.

Program Umeå

However, you are welcome to report species at your campus area, alone or with others, to Artportalen.

Do you want to add an activity? Contact: andreas.press@slu.se

22/5 12:00 Artbonanza at Campus

We're celebrating Biodiversity Day by trying to find and report as many species as possible for two hours, stay with us the whole time or drop off whenever you want.We meet att 12 outside SLU's main entrance on Skogsmarkgränd. Contact: Andreas Press 072-234 42 85

23/5 08:30 Moths

Participate in trap emptying and photo documentation of moths. Andreas Press shows and tells about the butterflies that ended up in the light traps during the night. We meet at 8:30 outside SLU's main entrance on Skogsmarkgränd on both May 23 and 24. Contact: 072-234 42 85

24/5 08:30 Moths

Participate in trap emptying and photo documentation of moths. Andreas Press shows and tells about the butterflies that ended up in the light traps during the night. We meet at 8:30 outside SLU's main entrance on Skogsmarkgränd on both May 23 and 24. Contact: 072-234 42 85

Program Ultuna

You are welcome to report species at your campus area, alone or with others, to Artportalen.

Do you want to add an activity? Contact: cecilia.nordstrom@slu.se

Celebrate Biodiversity Day by hunting species during lunch

22 maj, kl. 11:30–13:00

During an hour and a half, we will find as many species as possible around the southern end of the Campus, on the other side of the building with the address Vallvägen 9A. All groups of organisms, from birds to dandelions and springtails, must be included. We need everyone's help, whether you are a beginner or an expert.

Published: 28 June 2024 - Page editor: cecilia.nordstrom@slu.se