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SLU Global

SLU Global is a unit at the Vice-Chancellor's Office that supports SLU’s work for global development to contribute to Agenda 2030.

IUFRO Forest and Society Towards 2050

The 26th IUFRO World Congress is THE global gathering of forest stakeholders, held in Stockholm, Sweden 23-29 June. Discover the latest research, innovations and applied science. Connect with policymakers and experts from all over the world.

Free online course

Are you a forestry student, teacher or professional ? Wondering how the forest sector can become more equal, diverse and inclusive? Join the free online course Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Forest-related sectors (ForGEDI)!

Stipend for international thesis work

There is now an opportunity to do field work for SLU-students in a low- or middle-income country, with financial support from SLU through Erasmus+ or Minor Field Studies.

Climate conversations

SLU Global and SLU's four Future Platforms are organising a series of Climate Conversations. There are webinars open for anyone to join and some for SLU staff only. Next event is an internal event on 12 February.

SDG-cubes in front of the main entrance

Global news

Global calendar - internal and external events

Scientific publications by SDG

SLU researchers publish scholarly works related to one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals.


Teaming up biodiversity, water, and climate to restore East Africa's drylands, for improved climate adaptation and mitigation, increased biodiversity, and secured water and food resources.

GCUA 2030

GCUA 2030, Global Challenges University Alliance, is a network of university partners with a common vision of contributing to sustainable, global development.


The programme targets the UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 - "End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture" in low-income countries. We synthesise and translate existing science into policy and practice, and develop capacity to achieve this.

Published: 25 June 2024 - Page editor: malin.planting@slu.se