Methods and search strategies

Last changed: 30 January 2024

Potential SLU publications related to Agenda 2030 are identified via database searches. A selection is made by the SLU University Library, based on the description and targets for each Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), as described at the Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge Platform.

Searches are made in Web of Science Core Collection on a regular basis, supplemented by searches in Scopus. The search result is manually reviewed by library information specialists. The connections between publication and SDG are made in SLUpub.

A database search cannot find everything, and we invite everyone to comment on the lists, whether you are aware of relevant research that we have missed, or if you think we have included publications that do not belong to the selected SDG. SLU staff can also suggest SDGs when registering their publications in SLUpub.

The altmetric data is sourced from and based on the publication lists. The co-publication analyses are also based on the publication lists but restricted to those of the publications that can be found in Web of Science and a threshold is applied to restrict the amount of collaborating institutions shown. The information on Open Access is retrieved from'

To see the exact searches used for each goal to generate the publication lists, please click on each goal in the below list. 

SDG 1, No poverty

TS=(poverty or "social protection" or destitut* or penury or penurious or "pro poor" or microfinance or impoverish* or deprive* or dispossess*) AND OG=(Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

SDG 2, Zero hunger

(TS=(malnutrition or undernutrition or "protein deficien*" or "micronutrient deficien*" or (vitamine near/1 deficien*) or ((wast* or stunt*) and (growth or height or length or weight) and (child* or baby))) OR TS=((food or nutritio*) and (secur* or safe* or sustainab* or resilien* or sufficien*)) OR ts=("food insecurity" or FIES) or TS=("food produc*" or "agricultural productivity" or "food value chain*" or (sustainab* near/2 agricultur*)) or ts=((("genetic diversity" or "genetic resource* or bank*") and (seed* or breed* or crop* or "farm* animal*" or "domestic* animal*" or livestock)) or "local breed*") or TS=((rural* near/2 infrastructur*) or (agricultur* near/2 (research or "extension service*" or "export subsid*" or "trade restrict*"))) OR ts=(food near/2 (market* or commodit* or access or information or reserves or reserve or price))) AND OG=swedish university of agricultural sciences

SDG 3, Good Health and Wellbeing

(TS=(((alcohol or tobacco) near/2 (use or consumption)) and (harmful or disorder)) OR TS=("traffic" and (accident* or injur* or death*)) OR TS=(vaccination or vaccine or vaccines or ((antimicrobial or antibiotic or drug or multidrug) near/1 (resistan* or resisten*))) OR TS=((pollut* or unsafe* or hazard* or contaminat* or poison*) near/5 (water or sanitation or hygiene or substance*)) OR TS=("cardiovascular disease" or cancer or diabetes or "chronic respiratory disease" or suicid* or "mental health" or "well-being") OR TS=((mortality and (maternal or neonatal or premature or newborn)) and (woman or women or child*or  toddler or infant or baby or babies or boy or girl)) OR TS=(("early warning" or "risk manag*") and ("health risk*" or "health emergenc*")) OR TS=(tuberculosis or malaria or "tropical disease" or hepatitis or "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome" or "human immunodeficiency virus"))

AND OG=(Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

SDG 4, Quality education

TS=(educati* or pre-school or preschool or "infant school" or "child development" or kindergarten or "tertiary education" or university or "high school" or "relevant skill*" or "vocational skill*" or "technical skill*" or literacy or numeracy or "learning environment*") OR TS= ((scholarship or "scientific program*" or "information technology" or "communication technology" or teacher or teaching or teach or learn or learning or "knowledge transfer") and ("developing countr*" or "low income" or "middle income" or "global south") ) ) and OG=Swedish university of agricultural sciences

SDG 5, Gender Equality

TS=(gender* OR feminis* or equalit* or unequalit* or trafficking or "child marriage*" or "forced marriage*" or "sexual abuse" or "genital mutilat*" or "reproductive health" or "reproductive right*" or "unpaid housework" OR ((female or woman or women* or girl*) AND (discriminat* or violence or exploit* or participat* or contribut* or leadership or ownership or inherit* or empower* or entrepeneur* or educat*))) AND (OG=("swedish university of agricultural sciences"))

SDG 6, Clean water and sanitation

(TS=((pollut*  or  hazard*  or  hygiene  or  sanit*  or  poison*  or  contaminat*)  near/3  water)  OR TS=(((water  near/2  ecosystem*)  or  wetland  or  wetlands  or  aquifer  or  lake  or  estuar*  or  groundwater  or  freshwater)  and  (protect* or restor* or extent* or conserv* or recharg* or transform* or destruct*)) OR TS=("drinking  water"  or  "potable  water"  or  (water near/2 quality))  OR TS=(wastewater  or  waste-water  or  "water  harvesting"  or  "water  efficiency"  or  "water  scarcity"  or  "water  resource*"  or  "water  shortage*"  or  (water near/2 manage*))  or  TS=((reuse  or  re-use  or  recycling  or  re-cycling  or  desalin*)  near/2  water)) AND OG=(Swedish  University  of  Agricultural  Sciences)

SDG 7, Affordabel and clean energy

TS=(energy  or  electricity  or  fuel)  AND  TS=(clean  or  sustainab*  or  efficiency  or  efficient  or  intensity  or  saving*  or  bioenergy  or  afford*  or  reliable  or  access  or  renewable  or  electrifi*)  AND  OG=(swedish  university  of  agricultural  sciences)

SDG 8, Decent work and economic growth

(TS=("gross domestic product" or GDP or "economic productivity" OR job or jobs or entrepeneur* or employment or employee or hire or hiring or enterpris* or "decent work" OR "material footprint" or "domestic material" OR "equal pay" or "equal wages" or salary or salaries or slavery or "forced labour" or "forced labor" or "child labour" or "child labor" OR "labour right*" or "labor right*") or TS=("domestic financial" or "banking" or "insurance system*" or (insurance near/1 cover*) or "financ* service*") or TS=("aid for trade" or "global job pacts") or ts=((econom* or business or enterprise or compan* or venture* or undertaking*) near/5 (ecol* or environment*))) and OG=(swedish university of agricultural sciences)

SDG 9, Industry, innovation and infrastructure

(TS=(((industrial* or manufactur*) near/2 (employ* or resilien* or sustainab* or GDP or "gross domestic product" or credit or loan or "value chain" or market)) or "retrofit industr*" or (resourc* near/2 efficien*) or (technolog* near/2 (environment* or sustain* or resilien*))) OR TS=((capacity or capability or competence or knowledge) near/0 develop*) OR TS=(infrastructur* near/1 (network or market or digital or information or transport or public or sustainab* or resilien* or inclus* or includ* or reliab*)) OR TS=(road or roads or passenger or freight or "public transport" or "transport network" or "traffic network" or bridge* or railroad* or railway) OR TS=("informat* technol*" or "communicat* technol*" or "mobile network" or (internet near/1 access))) AND OG=(Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

SDG 10, Reduced inequalities

(TS=((equal* or inequal* or equit*) and (household or expen* or income or cost*)) OR TS=((age or sex or gender or disabilit* or race or racism or ethnicit* or origin* or religion) AND (politic* or economic* or soci* or equal* or inequal* or equit* or marginali*)) OR TS=((discriminat* or harass* or inequal* or unfair*) AND (legislat* or "human right*" or law or policy or policies or practice)) OR TS=((regulat* or monitor* or "financial soundness") and ((global near/2 market*) or (international near/2 market*) or (global near/2 institut*))) OR TS=((represent* or voice or decision* or vote or inclus* or finance or "zero tariff*" or "tariff line*" or "world trade organi*") and ("developing countr*" or underdeveloped or "global south" or "low-income countr*" )) OR TS=("migration policy" or "migration policies" or (mobility near/2 people) or "remittance corridor*" or "migrant remittance*") AND OG=”swedish university of agricultural sciences”) AND OG = (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

SDG 11, Sustainable Cities and Communities

TS=(urban* or city or cities or town* or settlement* or village* or "peri urban")

AND TS=(housing or transport or "road safety" or slum* or planning or manag* or design or "land use" or "cultural heritage" or "natural heritage" or disaster or waste* or water or sanitation or sanitiz* or air or ((public or green or open) and space*) or (building* and (resilien* or sustainab* or "resource efficien*" or "local material*")))

AND OG=(Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) 

SDG 12, Responsible consumption and production

(TS=("food loss*" or "food wast*" or "post-harvest loss*" or recycl* or reuse) OR TS=((sustainab* or environmental*) near/3 (consum* or produc* or manage* or "natural resource*" or chemical* or procur* or touris*)) OR TS=((fossil near/2 fuel) and (subsid* or taxat* or (environment* near/2 impact*) or stop* or cease or reduc*)) OR TS=((information or awareness or education or training) and ((sustainab* near/2 (lifestyle or develop*)) or "harmony with nature"))) AND OG = (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

SDG 13, Climate Action

TS=((climate near/2 chang*) or "global warming") AND OG=(Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) AND TS=(adapt* or resilien* or polic* or strateg* or educat* or awareness or mitigat* or "impact reduction" or "early warning" or (impact near/1 climate) or (effect* near/1 climate) or predict* or sustainab* or govern*) AND OG=(Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)

SDG 14, Life Below Water

TS=(sea or ocean* or marine or maritime or aquatic or aquaculture or coastal or fish*) and TS=("Oceanographic Commission Criteria" or "marine technology" or pollution or debris or ecosystem* or restore or restoration or resilien* or acidification or overfishing or overcapacity or subsid* or govern* or sustainab* or biodiversity or "biological diversity")and OG= (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences).

SDG 15, Life on Land

(TS=((forest* or wetland* or dryland* or mountain*) near/2 (sustain* or intact* or conserv* or restor*)) or TS=(deforestation or afforestation or reforestation or desertification) or TS=((soil or land) near/2 (degrad* or deterior* or erod* or erosi* or restor* or improv* or rehab* or stabili*)) or TS=((biodiversity or ecosystem*) near/2 (impact* or preserv* or loss* or threat* or conserv* or protect* or reduc* or chang*)) or TS=((species or wildlife) near/2 (extinct* or poach* or traffick* or protect*))) AND (OG=("swedish university of agricultural sciences"))

SDG 16, Peace and justice

(OG=(Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) AND (TS=((societ* OR social*) NEAR/2 (peace* OR sustainab* OR inclus*)) OR TS=(conflict* near (resol* or reconcil* or interest*)) or TS= (( information NEAR/1 access* ) AND (public or democra*)) OR TS=(( harass* OR "non-discriminatory" OR discriminat* OR unequal* OR unfair) NEAR/2 (race or racifi* OR sex OR gender OR religion OR belief OR faith OR ethnic OR language OR minorit*)) OR TS=(( kill* OR kidnap* OR disappear* OR detent* OR torture* OR prison* OR imprison* OR victim* ) NEAR/5 ( journalist* OR media OR "human rights" OR "trade union*" or activis* or protest* OR demonstrat* )) OR TS= (( legal* NEAR/2 identity ) OR ( birth NEAR/2 regist* )) OR TS= ((responsi* OR inclus* OR participatory OR representative ) AND ( "decision-making" OR politic* OR legal* OR judicial* OR juridic* OR legislature* OR "land use")) OR TS= (( illicit OR crim* or illegal ) NEAR/5 ( financ* OR arms OR weapon* or econom*)) OR TS= ((( unsequenced OR sentence* ) NEAR/2 detain* )) OR TS= ( equal* NEAR/2 ( justice OR law )) OR TS=( punish* NEAR/2 ( care* OR family OR corporal OR parent* )) OR TS=(( violence NEAR/2 ( physical* OR psychological* OR sexual* )) OR homicide* OR "intentional death*" OR ( conflict NEAR/3 death* OR dead* or mortal*)) OR TS=((( global* OR international* OR lateral* OR bilateral* OR multilateral* ) AND ( govern* OR negoti* OR voting OR vote* OR proportion* OR participat*) AND ((( develop* OR underdevelop* OR "low NEAR income" OR "middle income" ) NEAR/2 countr* ) OR "global south" ))) OR TS=(( abuse OR exploit* OR torture OR violen* OR trafficking ) AND ( child* OR young OR youth OR man OR men OR woman OR women ))))

SDG 17, Partnerships for the goals

(TS= ("global partnership" or "public-private" or "public partnership" or "civil society" OR "domestic resource" or "domestic capacity" or "development assistance" OR (capacity near/2 build*) or internet or innovat* or information or technolog* or communicat* or sustainab* or (knowledge near/2 shar*) or financ* or debt* or investm* or investing or invested OR export or trade or market or "duty-free" or "quota-free" OR (macroeconom* near/2 stab*) or ((policy or policies or rule* or regulat*) and (coheren* or coord*)) OR (((countr* near/2 own*) or domestic) and (framework or plan* or stat* or data))) AND TS=(develop* near/2 countr*) or TS=(("low income" or "lower income" or "middle income") near/2 countr*) or ts=("north-south" or "global south" or "third world" or "south-south" or "triangular cooperat*" or "triangular collab*")) AND OG = (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)