The Agri4D conference aims to bridge science, policy and practice to create a real-world impact on global food systems to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 2, Zero Hunger.
Organised by SLU Global at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and the Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative (SIANI), with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
Programme Day 1, 26 September
8.30: Conference platform opens
9.00: Opening of the conference
Welcome address – Pär Forslund, Deputy Vice-Chancellor at SLU.
Opening address - True Schedvin, Head of Global Sustainable Economic Development, SIDA
Plenary Keynote – Dan Smith, Director of Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI
9.45: Break
10.00: Parallel sessions – 4 parallel sessions
11.15: Guided poster walk
11.45: Lunch break/ Mingle
12.30: Round table discussions - The UN food systems process - an agenda for action for each one of us moderated by Madeleine Fogde, SIANI
13.15 Break
13.30: Parallel sessions - 4 parallel sessions
14.45: Break
15.00: Joint daily wrap-up with highlights from the day
15.30: End of Day 1
Programme Day 2, 27 September
8.30: Conference platform opens
9.00: Welcome to day 2
Plenary Keynote – Betty Kibaara, Director in the Food Initiative at The Rockefeller Foundation, Africa Region Office
Plenary Keynote – Seema Kulkarni, National Facilitation Team member of Mahila Kisan Adhikar Manch (MAKAAM) Forum for women farmers' rights
9.45: Break
10.00: Parallel sessions - 4 parallel sessions
11.15: Partner's pitch
11.45: Lunch break/ Mingle
12.30: Round table discussions Building the resilience of smallholder farmers through biodiversity moderated by Aileen Kendi, Veterinary medicine and law, and Boby Ogwang, founder and CEO at MARA Agribusiness.
13.15: Break
13.30: Parallel sessions - 3 parallel sessions
14.45: Break
15.00: Joint daily wrap-up with highlights from the day
15.30: End of Day 2
Programme Day 3, 28 September
8.30: Conference platform opens
9.00: Welcome to day 3
Plenary Keynote – Appolinaire Djikeng, Director General of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Plenary Keynote – Wangu Mutua, Deputy Regional Director for Vi Agroforestry
9.45: Break
10.00: Parallel sessions - 4 parallel sessions
11.15: Guided poster walk
11.45: Lunch break
12.30: Round table discussion - Engaging stakeholders and translating science into policy and practice moderated by Ivar Virgin and Sofia Boqvist, AgriFoSe2030
13.15: Break
13.30: Parallel sessions - 3 parallel sessions
14.45: Break
15.00: Closing remarks by Irene Annor-Frempong, FARA
15.30: Joint daily wrap-up with highlights from the day
16.00: Conference ends
Programme Agri4D 2023 Day 3.pdf
Here you find programme for the Agri4D conference
26-28 September 2023.