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Agri4D 2025

Welcome to join SLU, SIANI and Sida for Agri4D 2025. The conference will take place in Uppsala. Some of the sessions will be held online.

Save the date for Agri4D, 23-25 September 2025

Save the date for the upcoming Agri4D conference, where SLU, Sida, and SIANI will unite science, policy, and practice to make a real-world impact on global food systems and help achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2. 

Main theme: Nurturing regenerative food systems in a changing climate

13 March: Registration and call for abstract opens

23 September: Conference starts from 16.00 CEST with conference dinner onsite

24 -25 September: Two full-days with fruitful discussions

Visit previous conference website at: https://www.slu.se/en/collaboration/international/slu-global/agri4d-2023/

People at a market place

Themes 2025

The theme for the conference 2025 will be "Nurturing regenerative food systems in a changing climate" with three specific sub-themes:

1. Empowering the next generation of food systems leaders

2. Transforming food systems: innovation and implementation

3. Equity, justice, and resilience  



Meet the moderators

Heather Mackay

Heather Mackay is a geographer based at the Department of Human Geography, Lund University, Sweden, working at the intersection of agriculture, food, and urban life in the Global South. She completed a bachelors in Geography from Aberdeen University, Scotland, a Masters in Rural Resources and Environmental Management from Imperial College London; and a Masters in Spatial Planning and Development from Umeå University, Sweden.

She worked 10 years in international development in the UK, USA and Ghana before returning to academia. Her doctoral research investigated transitions at the nexus of urbanisation, food environments, and health in Uganda. Heather works across a mix of methods including spatial, qualitative, and quantitative.

Matthew Kessler

Matthew Kessler is a food systems podcaster, science communicator and project coordinator at SLU. Matthew has worked with farmers in North Carolina, New York, Hawai'i, Nepal, and Norway, with a BSc in Environmental Sciences and MSc in Agroecology.

Over the past 15 years, he has worked on farms and in kitchens, labs and classrooms - and most recently in recording studios - to better understand and communicate what is a 'good’, just and resilient future for food.

The objective of Agri4D 2025 is to discuss science that can contribute to evidence-based policy and practice needed to transform global food systems and contribute to the sustainable development goals.

This year’s Agri4D will focus on nurturing regenerative food systems that are resilient to climate change and have low climate impact, while contributing to social, environmental and economic sustainability. The conference encourages dynamic multi-stakeholder dialogues that can stimulate transformations contributing to eradicate hunger in the world.

All stakeholders, including researchers, practitioners, civil society, private sector and policy makers, who are working on food systems in low income contexts, are invited to join the conference to discuss innovative solutions for tomorrow. You can engage in several ways, for example through oral and poster presentations, workshops or roundtable discussions.

Organised by SLU Global at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and the Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative (SIANI), with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). 

Published: 13 March 2025 - Page editor: agnes.bondesson@slu.se