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Organised by SLU Global at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and the Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative (SIANI), with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
Agri4D 2021
More than 800 million people in the world are undernourished, despite the growing scientific knowledge and decades of international aid. Natural resource conflicts, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly push more people into poverty and hunger. At the same time, obesity is an increasing health problem in almost all countries in the world. While the majority of existing food systems are drivers of biodiversity loss, greenhouse gas emissions and water insecurity, they also provide livelihoods to a majority of people.
Just and resilient food systems can contribute to all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At this year’s Agri4D conference, we ask the participants to specifically address the core question: ‘How can we shape sustainable and just food systems resilient to the new realities of changing climates, ongoing transformations in food production, supply and demand, health threats and pandemics?
Programme Day 1
Day 1, 28 September
Please note: All time slots displayed in the conference programme are in Central European Summer Time (CEST) / UTC+2.
8.30: The conference platform opens
8.50: Introduction film to the conference digital platform COEO
9.00: Opening of the conference
Welcome address - Maria Knutson Wedel, Vice-Chancellor at SLU
Opening address - Janine Alm Ericson, Sweden´s State Secretary to Minister for International Development Cooperation Per Olsson Fridh
Plenary Keynote 1 – Ana María Loboguerrero, CIAT
Plenary Keynote 2 – Rhoda Mofya- Mukuka, FAO
10.00: Introducing Day 1 Topic Leaders
10.10: Exhibition time
10.30: Parallel sessions
Topic 1 – Justice in Food Governance
Topic 2 – Towards Improved Food and Nutrition Security from Smallholder-inclusive Food Systems
11.30: Parallell sessions
Topic 1 – Justice in Food Governance
Topic 2 – Towards Improved Food and Nutrition Security from Smallholder-inclusive Food Systems
12. 10: Lunch
12.50: Poster session
Topic 1 – Justice in Food Governance
13.40: Parallell sessions
Topic 1 – Justice in Food Governance
Topic 2 – Towards Improved Food and Nutrition Security from Smallholder-inclusive Food Systems
14.30: Topic 1 and 2: Summing up of Day 1
15.00: End of Day 1
Agri4D 2021 - Detailed programme Day 1.pdf
Programme Day 2
Day 2, 29 September
Please note: All time slots displayed in the conference programme are in Central European Summer Time (CEST) / UTC+2.
8.30: The conference platform opens
8.50: Introduction film to the conference digital platform COEO
9.00: Welcome to Day 2
Plenary Keynote 3 – Martien van Nieuwkoop, World Bank, Agriculture Global Practice
Plenary Keynote 4 – Stephen Muchiri, Eastern African Farmers Federation
Plenary Keynote 5 – Shirley Tarawali, ILRI
10.00: Introducing Day 2 Topic Leaders
10.10: Exhibition time
10.30: Parallel sessions
Topic 3 – Agroecology
Topic 4 – Closing the Loop – Making Food Systems Circular
11.30: Parallell sessions
Topic 3 – Agroecology
Topic 4 – Closing the Loop – Making Food Systems Circular
12.10: Lunch
12.50: Poster session
Topic 3 - Agroecology
13.40: Parallell sessions
Topic 3 – Agroecology
Topic 4 – Closing the Loop – Making Food Systems Circular
14.30: Topic 3 and 4: Summing up of Day 2
15.00 End of Day 2
Agri4D 2021 - Detailed programme Day 2.pdf
Programme Day 3
Day 3, 30 September
Please note: All time slots displayed in the conference programme are in Central European Summer Time (CEST) / UTC+2.
8.30: The conference platform opens
8.50: Introduction film to the conference digital platform COEO
9.00: Welcome to Day 3
Plenary Keynote 6 – Line Gordon, SRC
Plenary Keynote 7 – Kola Masha, Babban Gona
Plenary Keynote 8 – Tafadzwa Mabhaudhi, University of KwaZulu Natal
10.00: Introducing Day 3 Topic Leaders
10.10: Exhibition time
10.30: Parallel sessions
Topic 5 – Innovation & Innovative Approaches
Topic 6 – Build Resilience to Vulnerabilities, Shocks and Stress
11.30: Paralell sessions
Topic 5 – Innovation & Innovative Approaches
Topic 6 – Build Resilience to Vulnerabilities, Shocks and Stress
12.10: Lunch
12.50: Poster sessions
Topic 5 – Innovation & Innovative Approaches
Topic 6 – Build Resilience to Vulnerabilities, Shocks and Stress
13.40: Parallell sessions
Topic 5 – Innovation & Innovative Approaches
Topic 6 – Build Resilience to Vulnerabilities, Shocks and Stress
14.30: Topic 5 and 6: Summing up of Day 3
15.00: Concluding reflections
Plenary Keynote 9: Kerstin Jonsson Cissé, Sida
Plenary Keynote 10: Ylva Hillbur, SLU
15.40: Conference ends
Agri4D 2021 - Detailed programme Day 3.pdf

Plenary keynote speakers
Agri4D has gathered a range of very qualified speakers to talk about their areas of expertise during the conference. There are speakers from all over the world; from academia to governmental and intergovernmental organisations. Here you can read more about them and their work for global food security.
Meet the moderator and co-moderators

Matthew Fielding, moderator at Agri4D 2021
Matthew Fielding is a senior advisor at SIANI platform and the acting head of Project Communications at the Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI).
He has 15 years’ experience working in environment and sustainable development. His training in both social and natural sciences allows him to work with development from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Matthew holds a BSc in Tropical Environmental Science from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, and an MSc in Development Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London, England.

Anneli Sundin, co-moderator at Agri4D 2021
Anneli Sundin is a science communicator, and has in the last 7 years been based at the Stockholm Environment Institute. She leads the communication and engagement work of the Agriculture for Food Security 2030 programme, AgriFoSe2030, where she develops and implements communication strategies, as well as supports projects with Theory of Change processes, communication, monitoring and evaluation.
Anneli has a background in environmental science, resilience and sustainability. During studies she has done research work related to climate change and agriculture in Eastern and Western Africa.

Emil Planting Mollaoglu, co-moderator
Emil Planting Mollaoglu is a research assistant at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and supports research projects at the Department of Urban and Rural Development.
He mainly works with research on carbon offsetting, the bioeconomy, and genetically modified foods. He is also part of a team working with rural and regional cooperation and is part of the organising committee for the Agri4D 2021 Conference.
He holds a bachelor's degree in Development Studies from Uppsala University and an MSc in Rural Development and Natural Resource Management from SLU.