Impact briefs
The AgriFoSe2030 programme impact briefs provide a comprehensive overview of the projects' approaches, highlighting their ways of working, key success factors, challenges encountered, and overall learnings. Each brief offers valuable insights into the diverse approaches used to address food security and agricultural sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia, with a strong focus on fostering local knowledge and stakeholder engagement.

Improving access to safe and nutritous food
Challenge 1 has focused on how poor households can have better access to safe and nutritious food. This included food loss in the various stages of production, aspects of food safety and how to connect smallholder farmers to markets.

Agricultural productivity and ecosystem functions
An increased agricultural productivity to meet a growing food demand and for improving income for smallholders is desired in the agricultural sector. This has to happen while securing the well-needed functions and services from ecosystems. Navigating between these two requirements has been the essence of Challenge 2, that targeted practitioners and policy stakeholder by supporting dialogue with scientists.

Science-based innovation and extension
A well-developed science and knowledge-based extension service is crucial for improving smallholder productivity and profitability in a sustainable way. Challenge 3 has been approaching these challenges and worked to improve conditions for smallholder farmers.

Promoting smallholder farmers’ autonomy and participation within transforming food systems
Rapid urbanisation and expanding urban food markets provide opportunities for smallholder farmers to engage more with markets. To support an inclusive participation of smallholders, agricultural policies and interventions need to recognise and lower existing barriers to participation. Translating science to inform policy in this development has been the overall objective of Challenge 4.