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AgriFoSe2030 contributes to sustainable intensification of agriculture for increased food production on existing agricultural land. Policy briefs, reports, annual reports and scientific articles from the programme are listed here.

Cook books from AgriFoSe2030

Follow the link to read more about the three cookbooks produced by AgriFoSe2030 and partners. The cookbooks have a focus on edible insects. 


AgriFoSe2030 in media

Organisations enriching lives of small-scale farmers in Africa
Published: 30 January 2024, The East African

Governments should focus on small-scale farmers for food security
Published: 6 May 2023, Nations Africa, Kenya Edition

Cookbook for edible insects
Published: 16 September 2021, Deutsche Welle (DW)

Africa: All the buzz about edible insects
Published: 14 April 2021, The Africa report

Det svenska biståndet måste agera kraftfullare för att utrota hunger
Published: 8 December 2020, omvarlden.se

Why we’re involved in a project in Africa to promote edible insects
Published: 27 November 2019, The Conversation


Scientific articles


Does production diversity support dietary diversity? Evidence from pastoral and agropastoral households in West Pokot County, Kenya
Published online by Frontiers, 6 Feb, 2025
Ipara, B.O., Otieno, D.J., Oluoch-Kosura, W., Andago, A.A., Jirström, M., Mackay, H., Fernqvist, F. and Rajala, E.



Gender-based approaches for improving milk safety, value addition, and marketing among smallholder livestock farmers 
Published online by Frontiers, 17 July 2024
Nagasha, J.I.; Ocaido, M.; Rajala, E.; Hatab, A, A.; and Chinowa-Karltun, L. 

Barriers and enablers of digital extension services’ adoption among smallholder farmers: the case of Cambodia, the Philippines and Vietnam
Published online by Taylor & Francis, 27 June 2024
Sen, L. T. H.; Chou, P.; Dacuyan, F. B.; Nyberg, Y.; and Wetterlind, J.



Assessing Trade-Offs between Agricultural Productivity
and Ecosystem Functions: A Review of Science-Based Tools?
Published online by MDPI, 30 June 2023. 
Sanou, J.; Tengberg, A.; Bazié, H. R.; Mingasson, D.; and Ostwald; M. 



Extension services for livestock keepers in low income countries - a low priority
Published online by MDPI, 14 March 2022.
Pousga, S.; Magnusson, U.; Moumouni, I.; Dayo, G-K.; Kante, A.;
and Boqvist, S. 


Effects of Replacing Grass with Foliage on Growth Rate and
Feed Intake in Goats—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Published online by Animals, 5 November 2021. 
Kronqvist C, Kongmanila D, Wredle E 

Non-Farm Activities and Impacts beyond the Economy of Rural Households in Vietnam: A Review and Link to Policies
Published online by Sustainability, 12 September 2021.
Mulia, R.; Simelton, E.; Nguyen, T.Q.; Jirström, M.

Avenues for improving farming sustainability assessment with upgraded tools, sustainability framing and indicators. A review
Published online by Springer Link, 3 March 2021. 
Chopin P, P. Mubaya C, Descheemaeker K, Öborn I, Bergkvist G.

Stewardship of Wild and Farmed Edible Insects as Food and Feed in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Perspective
Published by Fronter Veterinary Science, 19 February 2021.
Musundire R, Ngonyama D, Chemura A, Tambudzai Ngadze R, Jackson J, Jekanyika Matanda M, Tarakini T, Langton M, Chiwona-Karltun L.





How can agricultural research translation projects targeting smallholder production systems be strengthened by using Theory of Change?
Published online by Elsevier - Global Food Security 8 December 2020. Rajala E, Vogel I, Sundin A, Kongmanila D, Nassuna-Musoke M.G, Musundire R,  Nasha Mulangala M, Chiwona-Karltun L, Magnusson U, Boqvist S.

Evaluating farm-level livestock interventions in low-income countries: a scoping review of what works, how, and why
Published online by Cambridge University Press, 2 December 2020
Lindahl J F, Mutua F, Grace D.

Soil organic carbon in agricultural systems of six countries in East Africa – a literature review of status and carbon sequestration potential. 
Published online by Taylor&Francis Online 2 March 2020. Namirembe S, Piikki K, Sommer R, Söderström M, Tessema B, Nyawira SS.

Micronutrient deficiencies in African soils and the human nutritional nexus: opportunities with staple crops.
Published online by Springer Link 4 January 2020. Kihara J, Bolo P, Kinyua M, Rurinda J, Piikki K. 


Potential for soil organic carbon sequestration in grasslands in East African countries: A review.
Published by Wiley, 1 October 2019. Tessema B, Sommer R, Piikki K, Söderström M, Namirembe S, Notenbaert A, Tamene L, Nyawira S, Paul B.

The Need of a Structured Tilapia Breeding Program in Tanzania to Enhance Aquaculture Production: A Review.
Published by Tanzania Journal of Science, 2019. Kajungiro R, Mapenzi L, Nyinondi C, Haldén AN, Mmochi A, Chacha M, Mtolera M, Lamtane H, de Koning DJ.

Gendered land rights, legal reform and social norms in the context of land fragmentation - A review of the literature for Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. 
Published by ScienceDirect, 4 November 2019. Andersson Djurfeldt A. 

Botanicals and plant strengtheners for potato and tomato cultivation in Africa. 
Published by Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 30 July 2019. Mulugeta T, Muhinyuza J-B, Gouws-Meyer R, Matsaunyane L, Andreasson E, Alexandersson E. 

Antibiotic Use by Small‐Scale Farmers for Freshwater Aquaculture in the Upper Mekong Delta, Vietnam.
Published by American Fisheries Society, 13 August 2019. Hallenberg Ström G, Björklund H, Barnes AC, Thi Da C, Yen Nhi NH, Thi La T, Magnusson U, Norman Haldén A, Boqvist S.

Enclosures as a land management tool for food security in African drylands. Journal of land use science.
Published by Taylor & Francis Online, 30 June 2019. Nyberg G, Mureithi, SM, Murisho DN and Ostwald M.

Yield and labor relations of sustainable intensification options for smallholder farmers in sub‐Saharan Africa. A meta‐analysis.
Published by Springer Link, 22 May 2019. Sigrun Dahlin SA, Rusinamhodzi L.

Food production and gender relations in multifunctional landscapes: a literature review. 
Published by Springer Link, 3 May 2019. Westholm L, Ostwald M, 2019.

Urbanization, livestock systems and food security in developing
countries: A systematic review of the literature
Published by Springer Link, 27 March 2019. Hatab AA, Cavinato MER, Lagerkvist CJ.


Policy briefs


Transformative Rangeland Management Practices (TRAMAP) project
Transforming Camel Health Outcomes through Community-Centred Strategies
June 2024

2019 - In collaboration with ILRI/ReSAKSS

November 2019. Drought risks livelihood in Laikipia County

November 2019. Threats to potato production in Nyandarua County

October 2019. How climate change awareness influences agronomic practices and biochar adoption

October 2019. Credit-assisted microenterprises: what this means to households’ income and livelihoods in Kakamega county

October 2019. Enhancing sustainability in African catfish: seed supply for improved production in Kenya

October 2019. Living with droughts in asals: Integrating scientific forecasts with indigenous knowledge

September 2019. Conventional agriculture: Still a viable solution to food security in the ASALS

September 2019. Climat change education: The paradox to sustainable food security in Kenya

September 2019. Passion fruit woodiness disease: Killing the passion of smallholder farmers in Kenya

September 2019. Somaliland Gold under threat of extinction! Frankincense Trees!

Declining soil fertility in Kenya's grain basket: A threat to food security soil factors that constrain crop production in Kenya

September 2019. Improved sorghum variety: A forgotten gold in the Kenyan drylands

September 2019. Billions lost to human wildlife conflicts!

September 2019. Save the Mau catchment through peace: Integrating mediation in resolving forest conflicts

September 2019. Community wildlife conservancy model: An enabler to sustainable pastoral livelihoods

September 2019. Mangrove degradation; Reversing the trend through community engagement

August 2019. Wetlands - The dying ecosystems

July 2019. An economical and sustainable managemnt strategy of fall army warms (Spodoptera frugiperda) in maize

Consumption of soil materials by pregnant women: a threat to their food safety and nutrition

Biofertilizers: The neglected jewel Kenya must reclaim

April 2019. The Solanum nigrum complex: The solution to common infectious diseases in the developing countries

Blaming "DAP fertilizer" is missing the point

Enhancing food security in Kenya through predictive maize breeding method: A new way to develop high yielding maize varieties

Collaborative learning for improved milk production on smallholder dairy farms

Post harvest food losses: the maize we must jealously not lose

A food safety move to eliminate in-feed antibiotics increases piglets' sulfur amino acids requirement

Improved food security through stem borer pest resistant maize hybrids

Drastic massive loss of women's diet diversity due to change in season

Maize leaf diseases: A curse to food security in Kenya

June 2019. Improving tick-borne diseases control in Kenya: a strategy to incorporate multiple approaches



Navigating the Food Crises – Insights from AgriFoSe2030 Projects, Reports from East Africa and Southeast Asia, April 2023

Nairobi workshop report - End of phase II programme workshop report
November 2023


Published: 07 February 2025 - Page editor: agnes.bondesson@slu.se