Upcoming events on climate change
27 February 2025 Climate change
The Goods and Bads of Green Marketing in Food Systems
13 March 2025 Climate change
Phasing out fossil fuels in agriculture
SLU Global and SLU’s four Future Platforms promote scientific climate conversations at SLU. There are webinars and seminars open for all and some events for SLU staff only. Check out upcoming climate conversations at SLU and some relevant external events below.
Support is available for SLU researchers to engage in authorship duties with IPCC – which may range from future Assessment Reports to special reports on specific topics.
Author contributions to IPCC reports are usually solicited on an in-kind basis, and for this reason SLU aims to provide some financial support to facilitate researcher’s engagement in this valuable process.
The sum of support shall vary depending on the context. Requests are welcome to global@slu.se (subject line ‘IPCC authorship support’)
Climate conversation: "Embed data in story structure to move the needle on climate communication"
Here you can find more information about our previous climate conversations. The webinars open for everyone are recorded, if you are interested to watch the recordings, please contact us and we will send you a link.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) launched its sixth assessment report in 2021 and 2022. In relation to these launches, SLU Global and SLU's four Future Platforms, SLU Future Food, SLU Future Forests, SLU Future One Health and SLU Urban Futures, joined forces and started a series of Climate Conversations - a webinar series based on research, including both internal SLU conversations and open webinars welcoming anyone interested to join.
The sixth assessment report presenting the current scientific knowledge on the physical science basis, mitigation, impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. The first part by Working group 1, got a lot of attention in Sweden and globally when it was released summer 2021. The last IPCC assessment report before 2021 came in 2014 and provided the scientific basis for the Paris Agreement.