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Welcome to SLU at DevRes 2021!

SLU is one of the organisers of DevRes2021. Our researchers contribute to several sessions of the conference, as chairs or as speakers. Here you find the full programme as well as lists with contributing SLU researchers. You will also find a lot of useful information about some of the research at SLU. 

Full programme for DevRes 2021

Book of Abstracts DevRes 2021.pdf

Monday 14 June - SLU contributions

10:45-12:15, Room 3, Session 3: Sustainable dryland development for livestock keepers in sub-Saharan Africa (SDG 8,16). SLU staff involved – Panelists: Gert Nyberg, Ewa Wredle, Lufunyo Lulandala. Chair: Göran Bostedt. Presentation: Göran Bostedt - Escaping the pastoralist paradox in the face of climate change. Gert Nyberg - Some (quite many) perspectives on dryland restoration. Lufunyo Lulandala - Excessive livestock grazing overrides the positive effects of trees on infiltration capacity and modifies preferential flow in dry Miombo woodlands.


10:45-12:15, Room 4, Session 4: Agricultural and technological transformations for sustainable development (SDG 6, 7). SLU staff involved - Chair: Johanna Bergman Lodin.


10:45-11:45 - Room 5, Session 5 (Part one): Agronomy at work (SDG 2, 1). SLU staff involved - Chair: Libére Nkurunziza. Presentation: Salme Timmusk - Plant stress tolerance: Realising the global sustainable development goals.

10:45-11:45 - Room 6, Session 6: Gender and inclusion in agriculture (SDG 5, 10). SLU staff involved - Chair: Adan L. Martinez-Cruz.

10:45-11:45 - Room 9, Session 9: Formas and Sida seminar - Mobility support to Swedish researchersSLU staff involved - Chair: Ingrid Öborn. Presentation: Miriam Frida Karlsson and Kristin Piikki.




14:15-15:15 - Room 4, Session 13: Climate change – resilience, mitigation and adaptation. SLU staff involved - Chair: Adan L. Martinez-Cruz. Presentation: Francisco X. Aguilar - Capital Assets Associated with Rural Households’ Resilience to Water Scarcity: Evidence from Smallholder Farmers in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.


14:15-15:45 - Room 5, Session 14: Dialogue on opportunities and needs within Development Research. SLU staff involved – Panelist: Ingrid Öborn.


As this list might not be complete, please contact global@slu.se to add SLU staff involved.


Tuesday 15 June - SLU Contributions

Cancelled! 10:45-12:15, Room 3, Session 20 (Part one): Engendering rural transformation for sustainable development (SDG 1, 2). SLU staff involved – Panelists: Johanna Bergman Lodin, Linley Chiwona-Karltun, Merezia Wilson. Chair: Linley Chiwona-Karltun.


10:45-12:15, Room 5, Session 22 (Part one): Transformative Forest and Landscape Restoration to achieve the SDGs – Research, theory and practice (SDG 15, 2). SLU staff involved – Panelists: Aida Bargués Tobella, Rosa Goodman, Lars Laestadius.




Cancelled! 14:15-15:45, Room 3, Session 28 (Part two): Engendering rural transformation for sustainable development (SDG 1, 2). SLU staff involved – Panelists: Johanna Bergman Lodin, Linley Chiwona-Karltun, Merezia Wilson. Chair: Linley Chiwona-Karltun.


14:15-15:45, Room 5, Session 30 (Part two): Transformative Forest and Landscape Restoration to achieve the SDGs – Research, theory and practice (SDG 15, 2). SLU staff involved – Panelists: Ulrik Ilstedt, Erik Karltun, Gert Nyberg.


16:00-16:45, Room 1, Poster session: SLU staff involved – Poster: Göran Bostedt - Saving for Dry, not Rainy, Days - Saving and Borrowing Behavior among Agropastoralists in West Pokot County, Kenya.


As this list might not be complete, please contact global@slu.se to add SLU staff involved.

Wednesday 16 June - SLU contributions

10:45-12:15, Room 1, Session 35: Agroforestry, Livelihoods and Resilience: How to translate research into policy and practice at scale (SDG 15, 2). SLU staff involved - Moderators: Pierre Chopin A. Sigrun Dahlin, Ingrid Öborn.


10:45-12:15, Room 2, Session 37: Hybrid governance: What does it mean for sustainable futures? (SDG 17, 10). SLU staff involved - Presentation: Alin Kadfak - Casting a wider net: Emerging of labour standards by non-state actors in Thailand fishing industry.


10:45-11:45, Room 3, Session 38: Sustainable food systems (SDG 2, 1). SLU staff involved - Chair: Assem Abu Hatab. Presentation: Peter Rogers Ruvuga - Rangeland management practices for enhancing food security in Miombo woodlands: Overview          




13:15-14:00, Room 1, Poster session: SLU staff involved - Poster: Isabel Blanco Penedo - Understanding antimicrobial use in a contrasting world - On the road to reducing antimicrobial resistance for all.


14:15-15:15, Room 3, Session 46: Tree cover and forest dynamics (SDG 15, 13). SLU staff involved -Chair: Aida Bargués Tobella. Presentation: Kristina Marquardt - Forest Dynamics in the Peruvian Amazon: Understanding Processes of Change.


14:15-15:15, Room 4, Session 47 (Part two): Agronomy at work (SDG 2, 1). SLU staff involved -Chair: Ingrid Öborn. Presentation: Pierre Chopin - A review of methods, indicators and sustainability problem representation in farm sustainability assessment.


14:15-15:15, Room 5, Session 48: Stakeholders involved in the advancement of a sustainable transformation (SDG 16, 9). Chair: Francisco Xavier Aguilar. Presentation: Sara Lysholm - The perceptions and practices of Zambian farmers and traders on sheep and goat health and diseaseVan Hung Do: Participatory development of agroforestry systems in Northwest Vietnam: using quantitative and qualitative data for evaluation and design improvement



As this list might not be complete, please contact global@slu.se to add SLU staff involved.

Agri4D 28-30 September

Welcome to the conference Food Systems for New Realities - Agri4D 2021 that will bring together researchers, policy makers and practitioners to engage actively with the challenges of food systems.

Healthy harvests in a changing climate

The United Nations has designated 12 May the International Day of Plant Health. According to FAO, between 20 and 40 percent of crop production are lost before harvest due to pests. Jointly with partners, SLU has developed a resource package for healthy harvests in a changing climate.


Food Systems

During 2021, the world made a joint effort to discuss and plan for sustainable food systems. SLU actively participates with research and knowledge about Food systems.

SLU's global contribution to Agenda 2030

Resources and information about SLU activities tied to Agenda 2030, with a focus on international collaboration.

One Health and Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Antibiotics, drugs to combat bacteria, are useful tools in both veterinary and human medicine. They allow us to treat bacterial infections in animals and people. The problem is that all use of antibiotics kills the susceptible bacteria and leave the field open for those who have become resistant to the antibiotic.

SLU collaborates with several countries for better animal and human health. With the right knowledge and prerequisities, it is possible to improve animal health without promoting multiresistant bacteria. 

Programmes and networks - some examples

SLU Youth Institute

The SLU Youth Institute aims to create interest among Swedish youth for global food security and to find sustainable solutions to the global challenges.

Food market

GCUA 2030

GCUA 2030, Global Challenges University Alliance, is a network of university partners with a common vision of contributing to sustainable, global development.


AgriFoSe2030 contributes to sustainable intensification of agriculture for increased food production on existing agricultural land.


Land Livestock Livelihoods. Triple L is a multidisciplinary research initiative taking its base in the land-use and livelihood transformations that has taken place in West Pokot, Kenya, and surrounding dryland areas during the last three decades.

Hand pointing out of a car window

For more partnerships, programmes and networks with SLU's involvement, have a look here.

Published: 10 June 2021 - Page editor: agnes.bondesson@slu.se