Readings and links

Last changed: 07 June 2017

Here we highlight some reading of interest for a sustainable global agricultural devlopment.

Readings with contribution from SLU researchers

Invest in animal health in development to reduce poverty

Improved animal health gives poor small farmers increased production and reduces the spread of infectious diseases and multi-resistant bacteria. Sweden has unique experience of organized animal health work and this experience should be utilized more in development work.

Report: Animal health in development – its role for poverty reduction and human welfare Rapport 2017:03 till Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys (EBA)
Authors: Jonathan Rushton (University of Liverpool), Arvid Uggla (SLU) and Ulf Magnusson (SLU). 

Debate article at (in Swedish)
Review by Inge Gerremo (in Swedish)

Sustainable global animal production - how can Sweden contribute?

Report: Sustainable global livestock development for food security and nutrition including roles for Sweden  Report from the Swedish FAO Committee. ISSN: 1652-9316
Author: Ulf Magnusson (SLU)

Review by Inge Gerremo (in Swedish)

Link to news article about the event Low use of antimicrobials and healthy productive animals – a possible equation? at the Committe´for Food Security 43, FAO, Rome about antimicrobials in the live-stock sector. The side event was organized by SLU, the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation and SIANI.

More information at the Swedish Government website (in Swedish)

Policy briefs in cooperation with SIANI

Use of Livestock Resources for Food Security in the Light of Climate Change

Farming + Forests = Food security: Integrated landscapes offer hope of sustainability in Asian uplands

Antimicrobial Use in Livestock in Low-Income Countries

Theory of Change Workshop report

Other reports and readings

An ICT agripreneurship guide: A path to success for young ACP entrepreneurs (ISBN:978-92-9081-613-3)