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Internships/Trainee positions

An internship can give you as a student or recently graduated the opportunity to expand your skills and expertise to work in a global context. You will expand your global network and learn more how it is to work in an international environment.

Qualified Internship for Sustainable Development

The course Qualified Internship for Sustainable Development, 30 ETCS, is an opportunity for you to integrate internship in your education. The goal is that SLU's students learn first-hand how sustainability is addressed in workplaces of their interest. The course is offered as an independent course at Master’s level.

International thesis work

You can find degree projects, jobs, internships and scholarships on SLU's career portal. Some of the ads are in Swedish.
SLU also offers an opportunity to do field work for your thesis in a low- or middle-income country, with financial support from SLU through Erasmus+  or Minor Field Studies (MFS).


Swedish Development Forum

(FUF, Föreningen för Utvecklingsfrågor)

A FUF internship will give you valuable insight in how development organisations work as well as experience and contacts for the future. Many organisations also need extra resources which can be provided by these interns. Approximately 60 internships in Swedish organisations, authorities and institutions are provided every semester to students from universities all around Sweden. The application period opens 30 August.

Woman presents in front of white board

Internship at the Government office or Swedish embassies

The Government Office receives many interns in various parts of the business. Respective ministries, the Cabinet Committee and the Administration Department of the Government Offices decide from semester to semester whether they have the opportunity to receive one or more interns.

Sida trainee programme

In September 2024, the trainee programme at Sida will start for the second time. As a trainee, you have a unique chance to kick-start your career and get a foot in the development cooperation. Application closed March 2024.

FAO Internship programme

The Internship Programme at FAO is a learning opportunity aimed at attracting talented young people who are strongly motivated to share their new perspectives, innovative ideas and latest research experience.

Two students at a table

The Bank Internship Program (BIP)

The Bank Internship Program (BIP) offers students an opportunity to be exposed to the mission and work of the World Bank. The internship allows individuals to bring new perspectives, innovative ideas and research experience into the Bank's work, while improving skills in a diverse environment.

A female high school student receives a diploma

The Young Professionals Program

The World Bank Group's Young Professionals Program engages top global talent with distictive technical skills and diverse backgrounds to work across the World Bank, MIGA, and IFC towards a world free of poverty on a livable planet.

Published: 04 September 2024 - Page editor: Agnes.bondesson@slu.se