Platforms and networks

Last changed: 03 September 2024

Having the right connections can be crucial both to obtain information about existing job offers and for getting the job. Cultivate relationships by participating in networks and meetings where international issues are discussed. Develop a presence by physically participating in recruitment meetings, conferences and events, and through digital networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Platforms and networks

Develop your global engagement by participating in organizations involved in international development. Generally, it is an advantage to already have shown an interest and gained experiences from an international environment when you begin to look for jobs. If you don’t have anything related to international issues in your CV, it can be much harder to get an international job. A good way to enhance your networking skills and improve your chances of getting hired is by attaining international experience through an internship, volunteer position, or field study in an international context.

SLU's global network is open for all staff and PhD students at SLU who are involved or interested in collaboration with low-income countries. The network started early 2019 and is coordinated by SLU Global.

SIANI – Swedish International Agriculture Network Initiative is a multi­sector platform with more than 1,600 active members and a partner to SLU Global. They work to advance knowledge and best practices that enhance food security and sustainable agriculture. One of the thematic areas, SIANI Youth, aims to engage young people and professionals interested in the Sustainable Development Goals and topics related to agriculture and food security. SIANI offers traineeships either through FUF or by contacting the secretariat directly.

Focali - The Forest, Climate, and Livelihood research network (Focali) was initiated in 2008. Since then, Focali has developed into a nexus that gathers researchers covering a broad range of natural and social science disciplines and connecting them with actors in civil society, public, and private sectors. This creates a broad knowledge base for dialogues that increase system understanding and broad collaboration.

Globalportalen (in Swedish) at Forum Syd consists of several Swedish aid organisations and education associations working with global issues and wanting to contribute to global development. There you will find jobs, internships and volunteer assignments both in Sweden and abroad. Also, activities, campaigns and tips on training courses that will take you closer to the world of foreign aid.

YPARD is a movement operating as a network that lists job opportunities all over the globe as well as conferences, events, and other networking opportunities.

Devex is an online community for global development professionals. This media platform provides recruiting and business development services for the international development sector.

Bond is a UK based membership platform for over 450 organisations working in international development. Here you can find both job and volunteer opportunities in the UK and internationally. 

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