SLU's internal global network

Last changed: 10 December 2024

Are you interested in collaborations in low-income contexts? Are you employed or a PhD student at SLU? Then you should join our internal global network!

The network is open for all staff and PhD students at SLU who are involved or interested in collaboration with low-income countries. The network started in spring 2019 and is coordinated by SLU Global. 

Our hopes are to increase the contact between employees and to promote internal collaboration and multidisciplinarity.

We have meetings with seminars, workshops and possibilities to find new collaboration opportunities. We share mutual information on a digital platform, Canvas.

Global network coordinators

We have five global network coordinators to promote SLU's work for global development. One coordinator for each faculty and two at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences (NJ). The coordinators encourage dialogue and exchange of knowledge between departments, faculties and SLU Global. They also collaborate with the faculties' international committees and SLU's future platforms. Don't hesitate to contact the coordinator at your faculty!



At our Canvas site you can find:

  • Presentations from our network meetings
  • A list of network participants, including main subject and countries of interest/expertise
  • Information about seminars, conferences, calls and vacancies etcetera
  • Useful reference material from our networks meetings:
    • Guidance note on gender equality
    • Examples of anti-corruption cases to discuss
    • Evaluation of the network, from 2020
  • Link to map with joint publications by SLU and researchers based in low- and middle-income countries
Please spread the information about SLU's internal global network to relevant people at SLU!

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