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Global studies

Interested in global questions? There are many opportunities for you to put your interests for a more sustainable and equal world into practice in your studies. SLU offers several courses with focus on global challenges in low- and middle-income countries as well as possibilities to study abroad.

Examples of global studies at SLU

laptop on wooden table

Qualified Internship for Sustainable Development

The course Qualified Internship for Sustainable Development, 30 ETCS, is an opportunity for you to integrate internship in your education. The goal is that SLU's students learn first-hand how sustainability is addressed in workplaces of their interest. The course is offered as an independent course at Master’s level.

Logo GCUA 2030

Courses within GCUA 2030

GCUA 2030 will offer PhD courses running in 2024. The first two courses are now open for enrollment.

  1. Agenda 2030: Synergies, conflicts, and assessment tools
  2. Working and communicating across cultures 
  3. Education for sustainable development: Teaching for sustainability 
  4. Designing research with impact using the Theory of Change approach 
Tropical forest

Sustainable Forestry and Land-use Management in the Tropics

Do you want to work with forestry, agroforestry, and forest-related issues in the tropics? This is the course for you! This course will take you through the arc of understanding global issues and theoretical knowledge to the on-the-ground complexities, challenges, and strategies of tropical forest and landscape management activities. 

More courses

SLU offers many courses with an international orientation. Many of them are given in English and open for both Swedish and international students. 

As an SLU-student, you can also study abroad as an exchange student. Read more below. 

Study abroad with SLU

Field studies in Africa

Erasmus +

Erasmus+ is EU's programme for the promotion of international cooperation and exchange in education, youth and sport. Erasmus+ is meant to serve as a tool and part of the work to meet and address the major challenges facing Europe today and in the future.

More information about Erasmus+ at UHR website (Swe).

SLU Travel Grant

Travel Grants for Internationalisation are available to SLU students for participation in a study visit abroad, or a course, congress or equivalent activity. The scholarship can be used for travel costs, accommodation costs and conference fees. To be qualified to apply you must be admitted at SLU as a postgraduate student or have taken your doctor’s degree not more than two years prior to the closing date for this application. 


Exchange studies

As an SLU-student, you can study abroad as an exchange student. Studying abroad is a good way for you to broaden your knowledge, develop your language skills and make new contacts in a totally different culture. SLU has partnerships with over 100 universities around the world. 

Published: 02 November 2022 - Page editor: agnes.bondesson@slu.se