Mentorship programme

Last changed: 23 May 2024
GCUA 2030 logotype

Welcome to the GCUA 2030 mentorship programme.

Note! It is not yet decided if the mentorship programme will run 2024. 

The programme is being led by Dr. Katarina Billing who is a certified psychologist, coach and journalist with more than 20 years’ experience of working with people and leadership development.

The programme consists of seven modules and is designed to meet the following goals:

  1. Support PhD students’ sustainable (self) leadership within academia
  2. Strengthen the PhD students relational and communication skills—for visibility, networking, collaboration and stakeholder management
  3. Reflect and learn more about the academic culture and norms
  4. Reflect and learn about a norm critical leadership and approach
  5. Create a strong community of learning, support, and development

When: The programme will run from January to December 2023.

The students need to participate in all seven modules/seminars. The module dates are the following:

  • Module 1: January 24
  • Module 2: February 28
  • Module 3: March 21
  • Module 4: April 19
  • Guest lecture: May 31
  • Module 5: September 1
  • Module 6: October 10
  • Module 7: November 16

Each module consists of a half-day seminar. The same seminar will be given on two occasions on the same day to account for the different time zones.

Between each module the participant is expected to put approximately half a day on preparatory homework that consists of reading and learning buddy work etc.

In addition, mentee and mentor meet approximately 8 times for approximately 1,5 hrs. The final meeting will take place in December 2023 after the last module.

How: All meetings will be held over Zoom

About: The mentorship programme will allow for cross-cultural exchange and learning between mentors and mentees, in depth dialogues on a range of aspects related to academic career development, within and across discipline discussions etc. 

The process will be guided by an experienced mentorship programme coordinator.  

The mentorship programme is funded by STINT, the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education. 


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