Department of Animal Biosciences (HBIO), HBIO, Bacteriology, Virology, Food Safety and Veterinary Public Health
Welcome to this digital event hosted by GCUA 2030 as part of the SDG Action & Awareness Week.
This discussion, hosted by GCUA 2030, will address the pivotal role of higher education institutions in providing not only with the knowledge they need in order to contribute to the implementation of Agenda 2030, but also with the skills and competencies necessary to make a meaningful contribution to future societies.
Using target 4.7 as a starting point, the presenters will highlight concrete examples from GCUA 2030 institutions, a global network of partners with a common vision of contributing to sustainable, global development.
In this webinar, we talked about the basic concepts for systematic mapping or reviewing of available information. We also discussed methods for designing structured and exhaustive information searches, databases and other sources, and different types of syntheses and analyses.
We are developing a GCUA 2030 mentoring programme. In order to make it as relevant as possible for PhD students we invited the GCUA 2030 ambassadors to participate in a workshop to discuss what elements they would like to see in this mentoring programme.
This workshop included presentations by mentoring experts and small group discussions to develop key elements to be included in the programme!
During January 2021, University of Chile hosted four summer schools for doctoral students.
By the year 2050 the world´s population will exceed nine billion people. We need to solve the equation of meeting a growing demand for food while reducing its environmental impacts – and it all needs to be done under a changing climate. Research and innovation, translated into relevant action on a global scale is essential to meet these global challenges.
The course was organised by SLU as part of the Global Challenges University Alliance (GCUA 2030).
Presentation by the winner 2020 Maria Elisa Quinteros Caceres talking about her research on pregnant women and their infants.
GCUA 2030 is proud to announce the GCUA 2030 award. The award is established to encourage high quality research of relevance for sustainable global development. Each member university can nominate up to three candidates for the prize.