Are you interested in exchange possibilities?

Last changed: 30 May 2023

SLU Global and the Division of Educational affairs are planning the internationalisation work ahead. For this, we would like to get your information about YOUR interest in further student and teacher exchange and capacity building. Possible funding could be Erasmus + (International Credit Mobility or Capacity Building for Higher Education).

Deadline for responding is 15 June.
The data you enter here will be processed by SLU to administer your registration or visit. Read more about the processing of personal data on


SLU Global's network coordinators at the faculties

Faculty of Forest Sciences
Adan Martinez Cruz

Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Science 
Teun Dekker

Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences
Cristián Alarcón Ferrari
One position is vacant.

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science 