The purpose of this global capacity development programme is to contribute to better official statistics on emissions and removals of green house gases (GHG) in the partner countries. It also aims at improving the capacity of relevant administrations to develop processes for inclusive planning of sustainable urbanisation with a climate and ecosystem service perspective.
By strengthening the institutional capacity in relevant governmental institutions on climate mitigation and adaptation including sustainable urbanisation – particularly poor and vulnerable people are benefitted. Funded by Sida for an initial 4-year period (2019 – 2022) the programme takes its starting point in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The programme Strengthened Institutions for a Sustainable Climate (SISC) was extended after the initial four years and will be finalised in 2024.
SLU's contribution so far
SLU's contribution has been to strengthen Rwanda’s environment management authority (REMA), in reporting the greenhouse gas inventory and emission reductions from mitigation actions. The SISC project has enhanced the development and implementation of quality control for Green House Gas inventory in Rwanda.
In Kenya the Climate change adaptation has been integrated into the county Migori’s planning and budgetary processes, together with Training of trainers on Climate Change Adaptation. This also includes capacity development in climate smart agriculture and climate resilient farming practices.
In Mozambique, the SISC project has strengthened the technical capacity of local institutions for tracking progress of mitigation and adaptation actions in Mozambique NDC, as well as how to implement them at municipal or local level.
Climate change and urbanisation are closely related due to the high level of urbanisation. Urban areas are important contributors to emissions of carbon dioxide. Several NDCs (National Determined Contributions) under the Paris Agreement refer to urban issues. In order to follow up the NDCs there is a need to collect data on a continuous basis. The better data there is, the possibilities of making more informed decisions are enhanced and reporting within the Paris agreement will be favoured.
Details about the programme
The programme will contribute to
- Enhanced data production and analysis
- Processes for inclusive urban planning with a climate and ecosystem perspective as well as data collection
- Enhanced transparency of data and processes
- Improved coordination and cooperation among relevant actors
These strengthened capacity is key element in mitigation, adaptation, urban planning and governance measures. The countries will be able to better choose their actions, apply for funding of measures and follow up on changes due to measures.
Thematic areas
- Development of transparency systems (MRV measurable, reportable and verifiable, processes for data collection, GHG inventories)
- Climate adaptation (monitoring and evaluation, action plans, impact of climate change, disaster risk reduction, tree planting, gender)
- Urbanisation (inclusive planning, slum upgrading, ecosystem services, buildings, transport, renewables)
Cross-cutting issues
- Stakeholder engagement
- Inclusive planning
- Access to information
- Transparency
- Institutional arrangements
Project activities
- Workshops national and regional
- Coaching/mentoring
- Technical support such as GHG measure, data management, analyses of data, etc.
- Facilitating complementary and other initiatives
- Facilitating access to other networks
The participants belong mostly to those administrations with a mandate of producing climate resilience data, and promoting measures for climate change mitigation and adaptation in diverse sectors including the environment, agriculture, water management, urban planning, statistics, transport, energy, etc.
Implementing partners
Besides SLU, the Swedish implementing partners include: the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Statistics Sweden, the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute; and the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning. The programme is closely linked to activities under the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement and to Cities Alliance.