Enhanced cooperation between SLU and IITA - first workshop

Last changed: 13 August 2013

During the week of April 10-12, a group of researchers and representatives from SLU attended a workshop "Towards Enhanced cooperation between IITA and SLU" at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Nigeria. The workshop was an arrangement within the SLU Global theme "Efficiency in farming systems.


A  survey done within in the SLU Global theme "Efficiency of farming systems", in early 2013, addressing the broader SLU community suggested substantial interest for SLU scientists to cooperate with IITA along a wide range of themes. The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), in September 2012, between SLU and IITA supports this commitment to strengthen institutional relationships towards enhancing science capacity and relevance for both institutes, ultimately aiming at the development and promotion of more effective tools and interventions to improve livelihoods of African farmers.

Expected outcomes

One of the the expected outcomes of the workshop was identification of major research areas of cooperation enhancing synergies between IITA and SLU research programs. For other expected outcomes, please read in the document "Background and expected outcomes" to the right.

Woman drying cassava. JPG

Woman drying cassava at cassava plantation in Nigeria. Photo: Erik Bongcam-Rudloff
