Enhanced cooperation between SLU and IITA – follow up workshop

Last changed: 13 August 2013

Alnarp, 29-30 August, 2013

The workshop in Alnarp was a follow-up to the previous meeting in Nigeria, aiming at concrete plans of cooperation including joint research proposals.

About 40 scientists from SLU, Lund University, and IITA attended the Alnarp workshop representing a broad range of research areas within social sciences and economy, genetics and plant breeding, plant health, crop production ecology, and soil science. Two of the major CGIAR research programs, Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics  and Roots, Tubers & Bananas will act as guiding frameworks for the cooperation.


Earlier in 2013, scientists and representatives from SLU took part in a workshop at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria with the aim to explore possibilities of an enhanced cooperation between SLU and IITA.
