Theme leader Anders Malmer

Last changed: 15 April 2013

I have three major activities in my agendas:

  1. Theme leader for this SLU-Global thematic area
  2. Research including PhD supervision
  3. Undergraduate teaching

As researcher I am leading the department competence area "Tropical Forestry" which is part of the Faculty competence area "International Forestry". My specialty is effects of land use on water and nutrients in soils and eco/cultivation systems at large. Typically the expertise and research questions are biophysical, but in our research group we put emphasis on working in a context of multidiciplinarity and having applicability into development of poor countries and poor rural people and forest users.

In Undergraduate teaching I mainly teach basic soil science and ecology for our students of MSc in Forestry (Jägmästarstudenter). These are broad courses where I enjoy sharing basics of systems ecology and environmental impacts of forestry with the students. In these courses the global experience is an asset to give examples and put things into perspective of how processes work and vary in regions, nationally and globally. I also teach applied tropical ecology and Global development on higher level MSc courses like "Soils and Land-use – Environmental Issues" and "International Rural Development". (här kan vara länkar till dessa kurser på nätet)

CV – fil PDF-fil CV AM web

Publications  PDF-fil AM publ jan13

