SLU Youth Institute
SLU Youth Institute (SLU YI) aims to create interest among Swedish youth for global food security and to find sustainable solutions to the global challenges based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. SLU Youth Institute is the Swedish part of many Youth Institutes coordinated by the World Food Prize Foundation. Read more at our Swedish website!

High school students present solutions about global food security
After three inspiring and interesting roundtable discussions, one high school student from each campus has now been nominated and invited to participate in the Global Youth Institute in Des Moines, USA, this fall.

What is SLU Youth Institute?
The SLU Youth Institute is a life-changing experience hosted by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and the World Food Prize Foundation. High school students engage with local leaders and experts on critical global challenges, participate in hands-on activities, and explore exciting ways to make a difference in Sweden, across Europe and around the world.
Read more about SLU Youth Institute

About Global Youth Institute
Each year, 200 exceptional high school students from around the world are selected to participate in the three-day Global Youth Institute hosted by the World Food Prize Foundation.