Resources: Circular and biobased economy

Last changed: 20 May 2021

Here we present a selection of popular science resources within the area of circular and biobased economy, produced at SLU or through our different partnerships.

Scientific articles can be found here.

Reports and more

 Rainfed systems intensification and scaling of water and soil   management

 Four case studies of development in family farming
 Editors: Jennie Barron & Anna Tengberg. SLU 2023




A guide to forest–water management

SLU reseracher Aida Bargues Tobella has co-authored the report.






Water productivity, the yield gap, and nutrition. The case of Ethiopia

By Jan Lundqvist, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), Louise Malmquist, SLU, Paulo Dias, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Jennie Barron, SLU, Mekonnen B. Wakeyo, Policy Studies Institute (PSI), Ethiopia

An FAO Land and Water Discussion Paper 2021

Overcoming water challenges in agriculture
Latest isssue of the State of Food and Agriculture 2020, FAO.
With contributions by SLU researcher Jennie Barron.

Read a news article about the report.






Evaluation of SLU-Vietnam collaborations 1977-2018

SLU Global 2020.







Towards 2030 – sustainability as the business case for agriculture and forestry 
The Swedish FAO-Committee 2019.

Read a news article about the publication here.






Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People
A new comprehensive assessment of potential and anticipated impacts of efforts towards attaining the    different Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on forests and forest-related livelihoods and development.

Seema Arora-Jonsson, Professor in Rural Development at  SLU, has contributed to the chapter on SDG 5: Gender Equality and to the chapter on SDG 16: Peace, justice and
strong institutions.


Multifunctional Land Uses in Africa
Edited by Simelton and Ostwald.

The book is a result  from AgriFoSe. 2019

Read a news article about the book.






Acheiving the Global Goals through agroforestry

Agroforestry Network. 2018






Policy briefs


Here is a selection of videos connected to Circular and biobased economy. For more filmed material, please visit SLU Global's YouTube channel.

Applications of sustainable management approaches in human impacted ecosystems. 2 December 2018, GCUA, BOKU and SLU.
Speaker: Andreas Melcher, BOKU

Rethinking forestry with Professor Jens Friis Lund, Univeristy of Copenhagen. SLU Global, February, 2018. 

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