Gabriella Lindgren

A major challenge in biology is to describe exactly how a one-dimensional sequence of nucleotides can specify a three-dimensional organism. The determination of gene function and regulation is critical to understand this process. My research involves using a combination of genomic, molecular genetic, proteomic, cellular and computational tools as well as animal models, to investigate genetic variants and their phenotypic effects.
I am teaching on the Masters and graduate course in Genome Analysis and the genetic section on the Masters program in Veterinary Medicine. In addition, I teach genetics on the course Molecular Cellbiology and Microbiology. Each year I ususally supervise 2-4 undergraduate students on different levels, most frequently on master level.
Research Interests
- Genome mapping and gene regulation of traits important for health, performance and production in domestic animals
Area of Specialisation
- Gene function and gene regulation
Selected Projects
- Genetics of hair growth (including an evolutionarily perspective together with prof Juan Jose Negro, CSIC, Seville, Spain and many others)
- Genetics of locomotion pattern (together with prof Marie Rhodin, Miguel Novoa and multiple collaborators)
- Genetics of athletic performance (multiple collaborators)
- Genetics of blood pressure regulation (comparative regulatory genomics using human-horse data together with prof Pelin Sahlén, KTH and many others)
- Genetics of developmental traits (multiple collaborators)
- Genetics of myotonic dystrophy (together with prof Stephanie Valberg)
- Horse domestication (together with prof Ludovic Orlando)
- Origin of the Öland’s Horse (together with Dr Marie Sundqvist and professors Ludovic Orlando and Anders Götherström)
- Ancestry of the Swedish Ardenne (together with prof Terje Raudsepp et al)
- Genomic adaption to high altitude in Ethiopia (together with prof Getinet Tarekegn)
Vimeo EU finansierade projektet HORSEGENE.
Organiser of seminar series
- Single-cell FAANG group seminar series (since 2021)
- I cooperate with several stakeholders, e.g. cat or horse breeding associations and other small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the industry
- Co-founder of Capilet Genetics, Inc. together with Lisa S Andersson and Leif Andersson. (established 2011). CEO and chairman of the Board, since 2021
- The Swedish Gene Technology Advisory Board, commissioner since Jan 2023
Research into Healthy Horses of the Future
Educational background
- Master of Science (MSc) in Agriculture (Agronomist: Biotechnology program), SLU, 1996.
- PhD in Evolutionary Genetics, “Genome analysis in the horse”. Department of Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2001.
- Associate professor (Docent) since May 2009.
Previous appointments and post doc periods
- Assistant professor (Forskarassistent) 2007 –2011. Dept. of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- February - April 2007. Visiting scientist, Omics Science Center, RIKEN Yokohama Institute, Yokohama, Japan
- 2004 - 2007. KA Wallenberg Research Fellow (Forskare). Dept. of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, Uppsala University, Sweden
- 2002 – 2003. Post doctoral researcher, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA, USA
- January - February 2002. Visiting scientist, Perlegen Sciences Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA
- June - December 2001. Researcher (Forskare), Department of Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala University, Sweden
- 1999 – 2001. PhD student. Department of Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala University, Sweden
- 1997 – 1998. PhD student. Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
Awards and patents
- Winner of SKAPA Innovation prize (Årets Innovatör) in Uppsala county 2012. This prize is shared with Lisa S Andersson and Leif Andersson
- SLU's silver medal of merit, 2015
- Horse research project of the year, 2020. Swedish-Norwegion foundation for Equine Research. SHF research project of the year
- Member of AcademiaNet, since 2022. Nominated by the Swedish Research Council (VR). AcademiaNet Profile.
- Co-inventor on granted patent: A method to predict the pattern of locomotion in horses
- Co-inventor on granted patent: A method to predict skeletal atavism in horses
- Co-inventor on patent application: Biomarkers for conformation of back and croup in horses (filed 2021).
Current Editorial work
- Scientific Reports, since 2021
Previously Editorial work
- Heredity (
- Genes
Referee for the following scientific journals
- Nature, PNAS, Nature Ecology and Evolution, PLOS Genetics, Nature Communication, G3, Fronties in Neuroscience, International Journal of Cancer, Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Mammalian Genome, PLOS One, Animal Genetics, BMC Genetics, Molecular Ecology, Genetics Selection Evolution, Livestock Science, Journal of Animal Science, Gene, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, Equine Veterinary Journal, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift, Book on equine coat colors (Wiley-Blackwell).
Membership in Scientific Bodies/Juries
- Acting as reviewer for Board of Scientific Councils: The Dutch Technology Foundation (STW), Swiss National Science Foundation, The Icelandic Research Fund RANNIS.
- Acting as reviewer for other research funding bodies: The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF), The National Geographic Grant Program, The Horserace Betting Levy Board's Veterinary Advisory Committee (VAC), London, UK (for the Equine Grants Team), The Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien (Vetmeduni Vienna) for funding of a PhD student in Equine genomics.
I currently co-supervise three PhD students
- Yasaman Seyedeh Fatemeh Mousavi, University of Kurdistan
- Heidrun Sigurdardottir, SLU
- Youchahou Poutougnigni, Ege University in Turkey
I was main PhD supervisor for Lisa S. Andersson, who defended her thesis on Sept 28, 2012; Kim Jäderkvist Fegraeus, who defended her thesis on Oct 20, 2017; Maria Rosengren who defended her thesis on Feb 18, 2022.
I was co-supervisor for the following PhD students: Helena Chalkias, who defended her thesis on Dec 6, 2013 (SLU); Freyja Imsland who defended her thesis on Sept 25, 2015 (Uppsala University); co-promotor for Liesbeth François who defended her thesis on Jan 29, 2018 (KU Leuven); Miguel Novoa Bravo, who defended his thesis year 2019 (National Univeristy of Colombia).
I was main supervisor for PhD student Merina Shrestha from Aug 2012 until Aug 2015. Merina defended her thesis on Jan 27, 2017. Three articles from my research group were included in the thesis.
I was mentor to five post doctoral researchers
- Aneta Ringholm, 2005. Carl Tryggers Stiftelse.
- Jeanette Axelsson, 2009 - 2011. Formas.
- Brandon D. Velie. 2015 - 2019. Swedish Norwegian Foundation for Equine research and EC funded project HORSEGENE
- Marina Solé. 2018 - 2020. The Swedish Research Council Formas.
- Rakan Naboulsi, 2021-2022. The Swedish Research Council VR.
I am mentor to experienced researcher
- Doreen Schwochow. The Swedish Research Council VR to GL.
I am a close collaborator and partly support running costs for seinor researcher
- Maria Wilbe. Maria holds a young researcher grant from the Swedish Research Council Formas
I have been supervisor for over 40 master's thesis projects or equivalent projects.
Currently (year 2023) I supervise two master's thesis students:
- Thomas Simon: Whole genome sequence analysis of myotonic dystrophy in horses
- Delyan Gregoriev: Whole genome sequence analysis of a special type of polydactyly in horses
Selected publications
Five selected out of a total number of 86 peer-reviewed original articles (by May 6th, 2023)
Early dispersal of domestic horses into the Great Plains and northern Rockies.Taylor WTT, Librado P, American Horse CJ, Shield Chief Gover C, Arterberry J, Afraid of Bear-Cook AL, Left Heron H, Yellow Hair RM, Gonzalez M, Means B, High Crane S, Yellow Bull WW, Dull Knife B, Afraid of Bear A, Tecumseh Collin C, Ward C, Pasqual TA, Chauvey L, Tonasso-Calviere L, Schiavinato S, Seguin-Orlando A, Fages A, Khan N, Der Sarkissian C, Liu X, Wagner S, Leonard BG, Manzano BL, O'Malley N, Leonard JA, Bernáldez-Sánchez E, Barrey E, Charliquart L, Robbe E, Denoblet T, Gregersen K, Vershinina AO, Weinstock J, Rajić Šikanjić P, Mashkour M, Shingiray I, Aury JM, Perdereau A, Alquraishi S, Alfarhan AH, Al-Rasheid KAS, Trbojević Vukičević T, Buric M, Sauer E, Lucas M, Brenner-Coltrain J, Bozell JR, Thornhill CA, Monagle V, Perri A, Newton C, Hall WE, Conver JL, Le Roux P, Buckser SG, Gabe C, Belardi JB, Barrón-Ortiz CI, Hart IA, Ryder C, Sponheimer M, Shapiro B, Southon J, Hibbs J, Faulkner C, Outram A, Patterson Rosa L, Palermo K, Solé M, William A, McCrory W, Lindgren G, Brooks S, Eché C, Donnadieu C, Bouchez O, Wincker P, Hodgins G, Trabert S, Bethke B, Roberts P, Jones EL, Running Horse Collin Y, Orlando L.Science. 2023 Mar 31;379(6639):1316-1323. doi: 10.1126/science.adc9691. Epub 2023 Mar 30.PMID: 36996225
Rosengren, M et al. (2021). A QTL for conformation of back and croup influences lateral gait quality in Icelandic horses BMC Genomics, 22 (1), (1) . DOI: 10.1186/s12864-021-07454-z.
Andersson LS, Larhammar M, Memic F, Wootz H, Schwochow D, Rubin CJ, Patra K, Arnason T, Wellbring L, Hjälm G, Imsland F, Petersen JL, McCue ME, Mickelson JR, Cothran G, Ahituv N, Roepstorff L, Mikko S, Vallstedt A, Lindgren G, Andersson L, Kullander K. (2012). Mutations in DMRT3 affect locomotion in horses and spinal circuit function in mice. Nature. 2012 Aug 30;488(7413):642-6. doi: 10.1038/nature11399.
Wade CM, Giulotto E, Sigurdsson S, Zoli M, Gnerre S, Imsland F, Lear TL, Adelson DL, Bailey E, Bellone RR, Blöcker H, Distl O, Edgar RC, Garber M, Leeb T, Mauceli E, MacLeod JN, Penedo MC, Raison JM, Sharpe T, Vogel J, Andersson L, Antczak DF, Biagi T, Binns MM, Chowdhary BP, Coleman SJ, Della Valle G, Fryc S, Guérin G, Hasegawa T, Hill EW, Jurka J, Kiialainen A, Lindgren G, Liu J, Magnani E, Mickelson JR, Murray J, Nergadze SG, Onofrio R, Pedroni S, Piras MF, Raudsepp T, Rocchi M, Røed KH, Ryder OA, Searle S, Skow L, Swinburne JE, Syvänen AC, Tozaki T, Valberg SJ, Vaudin M, White JR, Zody MC; Broad Institute Genome Sequencing Platform; Broad Institute Whole Genome Assembly Team, Lander ES, Lindblad-Toh K. (2009). Genome sequence, comparative analysis, and population genetics of the domestic horse. Science. 2009 Nov 6;326(5954):865-7. doi: 10.1126/science.1178158.
Lindgren G, Backstöm N, Swinburne J, Hellborg L, Einarsson A, Sandberg K, Cothran G, Vilà C, Binns MM & Ellegren H. (2004). Limited Number of Patrilines in Horse Domestication. Nature Genetics 36(4): 335-6.
Publications list: