Magdalena Bieroza

- 10 PhD positions in catchment science are now available in BEYOND Doctoral Network Apply before the 15th of March 2025.
- If you are specifically interested in Understanding the processes controlling the concentration-discharge relationships in rivers apply for a PhD with me as your supervisor!
- A post-doc position is avaialble now for a new project on Retention-irrigation system to reduce negative impacts of climate change in agricultural landscapes. Expected starting date: May-June 2025. Apply here
- EGU 2025 BG4.3 Aquatic biogeochemical cycles: From field and lab measurements to understanding patterns and processes in past, recent, and future aquatic environments Get ready for a real scientific treat with 44 interesting abstracts featured in our session. More details will follow.
Publications in 2025
- Creed, I.F., D.A. Aldred, J. Leach, K. Webster, and M. Bieroza, In press. Cycles in hydrologic intensification and de-intensification create instabilities in spring nitrate-N export C-Q relationships in northern temperate forests. Water Resources Research, DOI: 10.1029/2024WR038560.
- Rozemeijer, J., Jordan P., Hooijboer, A., Kronvang, B., Glendell M., Hensley R., Rinke K., Stutter M., Bieroza M., Turner R., Mellander PE., Thorburn P., Cassidy R., Appels J., Ouwerkerk, K., M. Rode, In Press. Best practice in high-frequency water quality monitoring for improved management and assessment; a novel decision workflow. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
CURRENT POSITION (Department of Soil and Environment, SLU)
01/2021- Senior Lecturer in Water Quality in Agricultural Landscapes
12/2018- Associate Professor in Soil Sciences - Water Quality Management
Our group July 2023! From the left John Livsey (postdoc), Laura-Ainhoa Prischl (MSc student), Magda Bieroza, Lukas Hallberg (PhD student) and Maarten Wynants (post-doc)
MSc course Land use and watershed management to reduce eutrophication
Do you want to learn more about water quality pollution and how to combat eutrophication? Join the MSc course which runs annully in November.
PhD course Aquatic systems through the lens of organic matter stability and fate – a coordinated distributed experiment, 4 ECTS
PhD Course, High Temporal Resolution Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis, 1.5 ECTS
PhD course Agricultural catchments in a changing world, 3 ECTS
Do you want to learn about hydrological, biogeochemical, ecological, economic and societal processes controlling agricultural landscapes? Then this course is for you.
1. Phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon dynamics in human-impacted streams.
2. Diffuse pollution in agricultural catchments: monitoring, modelling and management.
3. High-frequency water quality monitoring.
4. Global change impacts on aquatic ecosystems.
2025-2028 EU MSCA Doctoral Networks BEYOND Beyond the current: Improving European flowing waters in an era of global change - Coordinator.
BEYOND will train the next generation of water professionals who will deliver scientific and technological innovation across disciplines, institutions and countries needed to solve European water quality problems in an era of global change. We will be employing 10 PhD students across Europe from 2025, so stay tuned for further news!
2025-2027 Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning Retention-irrigation system to reduce negative impacts of climate change in agricultural landscapes - Prinicipal Investigator.
2024-2026 Åforsk, Retention-irrigation system: a new measure to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change and diffuse pollution in agricultural landscapes - Principal Investigator.
2022-2025 Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning Remediated agricultural ditches in Sweden: evaluation of ecological and chemical status and water quality at a catchment scale under current and future climate – Principal Investigator.
- 2023-2025 BalticWaters2030 Long-term and high-frequency water quality monitoring for improved prediction of the effects of remediation and climate change - Principal Investigator.
- 2022-2023 Stiftelsen Oscar & Lili Lamms Minne Reducing erosion in agricultural ditches in Sweden - Principal Investigator.
- 2020-2024 Stiftelsen Oscar & Lili Lamms Minne Why eutrophication mitigation measures show mixed success in reducing nutrient and sediment losses? - Principal Investigator.
- 2020-2022 HaV Two-stage ditches in Sweden - Principal Investigator.
- 2019-2022 FORMAS Two-stage ditches in Sweden – Principal Investigator.
- 2020-2022 FORMAS TaRgEting Low-Sorption Soils to reduce phosphorus losses – Co-applicant.
- 2018-2021 Jordbruksverket Phosphorus ponds with and without sediment removal – Principal Investigator.
- 2017-2020 Stiftelsen Lantbruksforskning Towards environmentally friendly Swedish agriculture – Principal Investigator.
- 2017-2020 FORMAS Are anaerobic conditions in soil the main reason for large leaching losses of phosphorus from arable land? – Co-applicant.
- 2019-2020 Vetenskapsrådet Conference Grant 4th International Workshop on High Temporal Resolution Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis - Principal Investigator.
- 2019 Jordbruksverket Do agri-environmental mitigation measures increase emissions of N2O? – Principal Investigator.
- 2018-2019 Stiftelsen Carl Tryggers Denitrification in bed sediments of a two-stage ditch and a sedimentation pond – Principal Investigator.
- 2017-2019 Stiftelsen ÅForsk Evaluation of the effects of phosphorus and suspended sediments mitigation measures in agricultural catchments – Principal Investigator.
- 2016 - 2017 Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship at Department of Soil and Environment (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU, SE) Hot-spots of phosphorus and nitrogen delivery in time and space in agricultural catchments (HotPaNTS) – Principal Investigator.
- 2016-2017 Stiftelsen Oscar & Lili Lamms Minne Improved evidence of nutrient hot-spots in agricultural catchments inferred from optical sensors – Principal Investigator.
Some examples of how my research contributes to improved water quality monitoring and management.
Reducing erosion and diffuse pollution with the agri-environmental mitigation measures can be challenging due to impact of hydrologic extremes and legacy sources of pollution.
What is the deal with the Green Deal: Will the new strategy help to improve European freshwater quality beyond the Water Framework Directive?
The Green Deal's water quality goals and instruments complements well the Water Framework Directive, however achieving desired water quality improvements by 2030 might be challenging.
Popular science publications
Näringsläckage i förändrat klimat, 2024
Fosforläckage minskar med rätt utformning av tvåstegsdiken, 2024
Ny teknik för renare vattendrag, 2023
Miljö- och klimateffekt i tio tvåstegdiken, 2022
Svårt nå växtnäringsmålen i Green Deal enligt forskare, 2021
Jordbruksdiken i Sverige – från ökad processförståelse till minskad övergödning, 2021
Tre fosforåtgärder utvärderades vid samma bäck, 2019
Understanding diffuse pollution in agricultural catchments, 2014
2018 - 2021 Chair, vice-chair and board member of the SLU Future Faculty
2018- 2021 Study Director of the PhD school Focus on Soils and Water (SLU, SE).
2016-2017 Marie Curie Fellowship at Department of Soil and Environment (SLU, SE) Hot-spots of phosphorus and nitrogen delivery in time and space in agricultural catchments - HotPaNTS.
2015-2016 Natural Environment Research Council NERC and Environment Agency Research Fellow (Lancaster University, UK) Nitrate from agriculture: moving from uncertain data to operational responses.
2011-2015 Senior Research Associate in Nutrient Biogeochemistry (Lancaster University, UK) NERC project (PI AL Heathwaite) Phosphorus dynamics in groundwater-fed rivers.
2010-2011 Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Catchment Hydrology (Engineering, Bristol University, UK) Long-term nitrate trends in the Thames with N Howden (PI).
2018 Associate professor (docent) in Water Quality Management (SLU, Sweden)
2010 PhD in Water Engineering, Characterising water treatment works performance using fluorescence spectroscopy (University of Birmingham, UK), Supervisors J Bridgeman and A Baker.
2006 BEng (Hons) in Computer Science (Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, PL).
2005 MSc (Hons) in Hydrology (Mathematical & Natural Sciences, Warsaw University, PL).
2003 BSc (Hons) in Geography (Mathematical & Natural Sciences, Warsaw University, PL).
Livsey, John, Post-doc, 2022-2025, Agricultural stream remediation in Sweden
Kuśmierz, Katarzyna, Post-doc, 2025, Agriculture and Water – Dynamics of Biogenic Compounds and their Migration
Weber, Nikolaus, PhD, 2024-2025, The impact of data quality and outlier detection in high frequency water quality data on water management and process understanding
Chamerska, Aleksandra, PhD, 2025, Modelling of concentration-discharge relationships
Bornaz Torres, Valeri Nicolle, MSc, 2025, Ecological analysis of macroinvertebrates in remediated ditches based on their functional
PREVIOUS STUDENTS (as main supervisor)
Wynants, Maarten, Post-doc, 2021-2024, Water quality modelling
Hallberg, Lukas, PhD, 2020-2024, Floodplain remediation in agricultural streams: improved process understanding for reduced eutrophication
Prischl, Laura-Ainhoa, MSc, 2023, Nutrient legacies in agricultural catchments.
Houweling, Diederick, MSc, 2022, The longitudinal water quality patterns in agricultural streams.
Sakponou, Pierre-Henri , MSc, 2022, The role of macrophytes in controlling the effectiveness of remediated ditches in Sweden.
Ryding, Emma, MSc, 2022, The role of bed sediments for fractionation of phosphorus in remediated ditches in Sweden.
Holgersson, Linus, MSc, 2022, The role of bed sediments for sorption of phosphorus in remediated ditches in Sweden.
Åström, Sheryl, MSc, 2021, A two-stage ditch - a source or sink of nutrients and sediments?
Nagarajan, Neerajaa, MSc, 2021, The role of agricultural drainage in controlling the effectiveness of two-stage ditches in Sweden.
Gire, Côme, MSc internship, 2021, Hydrochemical and biogeochemical controls of nutrient removal in agricultural streams.
Casali, Emilien, MSc internship, 2021, The role of stream bed sediments in controlling dentirification and phosphorus sorption.
Eriksson, Adam, MSc, 2020. Water quality and organic matter linkages in waters draining arable fields.
Englund, Sofia, 2020. Optimizing the design of two-stage ditches to improve
nutrient and sediment retention. MSc thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences.
Hodenana, Juan, 2020. Efforts for eutrophication mitigation on the Santa Lucía River Basin: farmers’ experiences, attitudes and motivations. MSc thesis, Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences.
Uwera, Honorine, 2020. How robust is water quality determination with optical measurements for highly polluted agricultural waters? MSc thesis, SLU, Department of Soil and Environment.
Larsson, Åsa, 2018. Nutrient concentrations before and after the Focus on Phosphorus project in E23 catchment. BSc thesis, SLU, Department of Soil and Environment.
Abade Smoginski, Ana Paula, 2017. Can we use optical sensors in highly turbid agricultural streams?. MSc thesis, SLU, Department of Soil and Environment.
Ehnvall, Betty, 2017. Organic matter properties and their relation to phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations in Swedish agricultural streams. Second cycle, A2E. Uppsala: SLU, Dept. of Soil and Environment.
Please contact me if you are interested in a post-doc, Phd, MSc or BSc project in any of my current research fields. A list of available MSc projects:
Selected publications
Bieroza M., Hallberg L., Livsey J., Prischl L-A. and M. Wynants (2024), Recognizing Agricultural Headwaters as Critical Ecosystems, Environmental Science and Technology, doi/epdf/10.1021/acs.est.3c10165.
Bieroza M, Hallberg L., Livsey J. and M. Wynants (2024), Climate change accelerates water and biogeochemical cycles in temperate agricultural catchments, Science of the Total Environment 951.
Hallberg, L., Djodjic F, Hallin S, and M. Bieroza (2024), Trade-offs between nitrogen and phosphorus removal with floodplain remediation in agricultural streams, Water Research,
Hallberg, L., F. Djodjic, and M. Bieroza (2024), Phosphorus supply and floodplain design govern phosphorus reduction capacity in remediated agricultural streams. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28(2), 341–355.
Wynants, M., J. Strömqvist, L. Hallberg, J. Livsey, G. Lindström, and M. Z. Bieroza, 2024, How to Achieve a 50% Reduction in Nutrient Losses from Agricultural Catchments under Different Climate Trajectories? Earth's Future 12.
Hallberg, L., Bernal, S., and M. Bieroza (2024), Seasonal Variation in Flow and Metabolic Activity Drive Nitrate and Carbon Supply and Demand in a Temperate Agricultural Stream. JGR Biogeosciences 129, 11.
Bieroza M, Acharya S, Benisch J, ter Borg R, Hallberg L, Negri C, Pruitt A, Pucher M, Saavedra F, Staniszewska K, van’t Veen S, Vincent A, Winter C, Basu N, Jarvie H, Kirchner J, 2023, Advances in Catchment Science, Hydrochemistry, and Aquatic Ecology Enabled by High-Frequency Water Quality Measurements. Environ. Sci. Technol.,
Skarbøvik E, van’t Veen S, Lannergård E, Wenng H, Stutter M, Bieroza M, Atcheson K, Jordan P, Folster J, Mellander PE, Kronvang B, Marttila H, Lepisto O, Kamari M, 2023, Comparing in situ turbidity sensor measurements as a proxy for suspended sediments in North-Western European streams. Catena,
Rezanezhad F, Bieroza M, Contosta A and Van Cappellen P, 2023, Editorial: The cold regions in transition: Impacts on soil and groundwater biogeochemistry. Front. Environ. Sci. 11:1143388. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1143388.
Hallberg L, Hallin S, Bieroza M, 2022, Catchment controls of denitrification and nitrous oxide production rates in headwater remediated agricultural streams. Science of the Total Environment, 156513,
Berggren M, Guillemette F, Bieroza M, Buffam I, Deininger A, Hawkes JA, Kothawala DN, LaBrie R, Lapierre J-F, Murphy KR, Al-Kharusi E, Rulli M, Hensgens G, Younes H, Wünsch U, 2022, Unified understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic controls of dissolved organic carbon reactivity in aquatic ecosystems. Ecology,
Campeaua A, Eklöf K,Soerensen A, Åkerblom S, Yuan S, Hintelmann H, Bieroza M, Köhler S, Zdanowicz C, 2022, Sources of riverine mercury across the Mackenzie River Basin; inferences from a combined Hg C isotopes and optical properties approach. Science of The Total Environment, 150808.
Kurajica L, Ujević Bošnjak M, Kinsela AS, Bieroza M, Štiglić J, Waite TD, Capak K, Romić Ž, 2022, Mixing of arsenic-rich groundwater and surface water in drinking water distribution systems: Implications for contaminants, disinfection byproducts and organic components. Chemosphere, 292, 133406.
Speir S, Tank J, Bieroza M, Mahl U, Royer T, 2021, Storm size and hydrologic modification influence nitrate mobilization and transport in agricultural watersheds. Biogeochemistry, 181, 8.
Bieroza M, Bol R, Glendell M, 2021, What is the deal with the Green Deal: Will the new strategy help to improve European freshwater quality beyond the Water Framework Directive? Science of the Total Environment, 791, 148080.
Pi K, Bieroza M, Brouchkov A, et al., 2021, The Cold Region Critical Zone in Transition: Responses to Climate Warming and Land Use Change. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 46.
Djodjic F, Bieroza M, Bergström L, 2021, Land use, geology and soil properties control nutrient concentrations in headwater streams. Science of the Total Environment, 772, 145108.
Heathwaite AL and Bieroza M, 2020, Fingerprinting hydrological and biogeochemical drivers of freshwater quality. Hydrological Processes.
Bieroza M, Dupas R, Glendell M, McGrath G, Mellander P-E, 2020, Hydrological and Chemical Controls on Nutrient and Contaminant Loss to Water in Agricultural Landscapes. Water.
Bieroza M, Bergström L, Ulén B, Djodjic F, Tonderski K, Heeb A, Svensson J and
Malgeryd J, 2019, Hydrologic Extremes and Legacy Sources Can Override Efforts to Mitigate Nutrient and Sediment Losses at the Catchment Scale. Journal of Environmental Quality. doi:10.2134/jeq2019.02.0063.
Ulén B, Geranmayeh P, Blomberg M, Bieroza M, 2019, Seasonal variation in nutrient retention in a free water surface constructed wetland monitored with flow-proportional sampling and optical sensors. Ecological Engineering. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2019.105588.
Bol R, Gruau G, Mellander P-E, Dupas R, Bechmann M, Skarbøvik E, Bieroza M, Djodjic F, Glendell M, Jordan P, Van der Grift B, Rode M, Smolders E, Verbeeck M, Gu S, Klumpp E, Pohle I, Fresne M and Gascuel-Odoux C, 2018, Challenges of Reducing Phosphorus Based Water Eutrophication in the Agricultural Landscapes of Northwest Europe. Front. Mar. Sci. 5:276. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00276.
Bieroza MZ, Heathwaite AL, Bechmann M, Kyllmar K & Jordan P, 2018, The concentration-discharge slope as a tool for water quality management, Sci Total Environ, 630, 738–749.
All publications are available through self-archiving on my Research Gate profile at
If you would like a copy of any of my articles, please send me an email.
SLU Future Faculty
Focus on Soils and Water research school
Two-stage ditches in Sweden
Lancaster University Website: