Mohammad Ramin

My primary focus has been on understanding the various factors influencing methane production in ruminants, particularly by developing and validating models that predict methane production in dairy cows. I specifically concentrate on diets fed in Northern latitudes, tailoring my research to the unique challenges presented in these regions. Currently, my primary research interest revolves around methane production in dairy cows, exploring inhibitory factors and employing advanced techniques for accurately measuring gases emitted by ruminants.
As part of my responsibilities, I am actively engaged in utilizing the GreenFeed method (C-lock) as the main measurement technique. Additionally, I explore the in vitro gas production method as an alternative approach to estimate methane production in dairy cows. Coordinating multiple studies, I integrate both the gas in vitro method and the GreenFeed system to comprehensively investigate methane emissions.
I am currently delving into the comprehensive study of feed efficiency and the optimization of feed utilization, coupled with advanced management systems, to significantly mitigate emissions from dairy cows. By focusing on feed efficiency and identifying cows that exhibit optimal efficiency, I aim to establish a long-term solution that effectively reduces greenhouse gas emissions within the dairy farming industry. This multifaceted approach not only addresses environmental concerns but also contributes to sustainable and eco-friendly practices in dairy farming.
I am also involved in several grazing studies aimed at understanding the welfare and behavior of dairy cows. These studies contribute to the broader goal of promoting sustainable production practices. My commitment to advancing knowledge in methane production, inhibitory factors, and measurement techniques underscores my dedication to improving the environmental footprint of ruminant agriculture.
- Feed science and forage production, Uppsala – Sweden 20th March – 31st of May 2024, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
- Ruminant Nutrition-Digestion and forage chemistry course, Umeå – Sweden 9 – 28th October 2022, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
- METHAGENE training school (Breeding for complex traits), Umeå – Sweden 19 -21 of June 2017.
- NOVA PhD course in Forage Evaluation in Ruminant Nutrition, 8- 13 June 2015, Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
- Workshop on measurements of methane and carbon dioxide fluxes from cattle in production systems. C-Lock Co, GreenFeed. 21 -24 September 2014, Rapid City, South Dakota, USA.
- PhD course in Forage Evaluation in Ruminant Nutrition, 6-11 June 2013, Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden.
- Sustainable food production in Swedish dairy farming with a best practice low-methane emitting diet based on human-inedible resources.
- Different forage to concentrate ratios in the diet of efficient and inefficient dairy cows – effects on milk production and methane emissions.
- Optimizing pasture utilization for increased economic and ecological sustainability in Swedish milk production.
- Enhancing dairy cow welfare and sustainable milk production through grazing practices.
- More biodiverse and resilient leys.
- Natural bioactive compounds with antiparasitic and antimethanogenic activity in sheep and reindeer.
- Nutritional value in northern pastures and its connection to spectral measurements and methane production (Näringsvärde i norrländska betesvallar samt dess koppling till spektrala mätningar och metanproduktion).
- Improving red clover as a protein source for ruminants by optimizing polyphenoloxidase protein complexing and supply of amino acids.
- Impact of indoor environment on stabled animals' production, welfare and health, staff’s health, and potential GHG emissions from dairy farm buildings.
- Grazing in a Nordic perspective (Bete i ett norrländskt perspektiv).
- Reducing methane production of stored manure from dairy cows.
- Capturing Effects of Diet on Emissions from Ruminant Systems, FORMAS-EU-Cooperation.
- Potential feed as methane emission abatement in the diet of indigenous sheep in Ethiopia.
- Will dietary inclusion of the red macro algae Asparagopsis taxiformis reduce methane production in Swedish dairy cows?
- Seaweeds and seaweed-ingredients to reduce enteric methane emissions from pasture based sheep, cattle and dairy cows (SEASOLUTIONS).
- Seaweed biomass as feed supplement to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from dairy cows (SEAFEED).
- Management for improved efficiency by increased cow longevity in dairy herds.
- Improved sustainability in dairy production, by increased feed efficiency.
- PennState College, USA
- Teagasc Ashtown Food Research Centre, Dublin, Ireland
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- LUKE, Finland
- PhD: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2010 - 2014), Major: Animal Nutrition and Management. Thesis: Predicting Methane Production in Dairy Cows
- MSc: University of Putra Malaysia (2006-2008), Major: Animal Science. Thesis: Isolation, Identification and In-vitro fermentation activity of cellulolytic bacteria from the gut of termites
Opponent for PhD thesis:
- Puchun Niu, Faculty of Biosciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo, Norway, 2023-06-22. Thesis title: Enteric methane emission from dairy cows: Prediction, mitigation and rumen microbial heritability.
- Mariana Vadroňová (PhD – internship). 2023-09-01 – 2023 – 12- 10, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Giulia Vaccargiu (MSc - internship). 2022-04-04 – 2022-09-30. Internship. Dipartimento di Agraria Sezione di Scienze Zootecniche Viale Italia, Sassari Italia.
- Katarzyna Kozicka (PhD student - internship), 2022-05-30 – 2022-08-30. Internship. Department of Biometry, Institute of Agriculture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland, SGGW.
- Amélie Laval (MSc - internship). 2021-03-15 – 2021-08-22. Title of internship: Measurement of methane emission during the grazing period at the department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden. University in France: Institut National Supérieur des Sciences Agronomiques, de l’Alimentation et de l’Environnement (AgroSup Dijon).
- Quentin Lardy (PhD student – co-supervisor), Grazing and enteric CH4 emission–from sheep and dairy cattle, 2020-03-01, Department of Animal Nutrition and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (on-going).
- Tangi Guyader (BSc - internship). 2020-09-21 – 2021-01-21. Internship student working on projects related to methane production in dairy cows (Identifying seaweeds capable of reducing methane production) at the department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden. University in France: Aeres University of Applied Sciences.
- Petra Fant (PhD student – co-supervisor), Oats for more sustainable milk production and a better environment, 2018-01-07 – 2022-05-30, Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
- Wondimagegne Bekele (PhD student – co-supervisor), 2018-10-01 – on-going. Improving Feed Nutrition and Decreasing Enteric Methane Emission in Indigenous Sheep. AAU-SLU Biotech Project with Sida R&T Grant SLU. (on-going)
- Amanda Poppi, (MSc - internship), Comparison of in vitro and in situ degradability of NDF from tropical forage sources, 2018-10-08 – 2018-12-21, Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM). (experiment was conducted in Umeå, Sweden.
- Edward Hernando Cabezas-Garcia (PhD student – co-supervisor), Methane production and individual variation in dairy cows, 2016-11-01 – 2017-05-10, Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
- Marcia Franco (Post doc – co-supervisor), The effect of by-products on ruminant feed, 2015-2016. Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
- Marko Kass (Post-doc – co-supervisor), Comparison of Karoline and Molly model on methane production in ruminants, 2016-2017. Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
- Petra Fant (MSc – co-supervisor), Effects of different varieties of oats and barley on fermentation parameters and methane production - in vitro. 2016-10-1 – 2017-03-15, University of Helsinki, Finland. (experiment was conducted in Umeå, Sweden).
- Dora Lerose (MSc co-supervisor), Evaluation of two different inoculum sources (rumen fluid and faecal) on methane production in vitro. 2013-01-15 to 2013-05-15, Università degli studi di Padova, Italy. (experiment was conducted in Umeå, Sweden).
- Mirka Kallio (MSc – co-supervisor), Effects of birch leafs on in vivo predictions of methane production form dairy cows. 2012-10-01 to 2012-12-01, University of Helsinki, Finland. (experiment was conducted in Umeå, Sweden).
Student coordinator for short-term scientific missions – COST action FA1302 - METHANGE
- Dorien Van Wesemael (PhD student) – Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Melle, Belgium – purpose of visit: Getting more acquainted with the GreenFeed system, from 18th of march 2016 – 24th of march 2016.
- Alexis Ruiz González (PhD student) – Belgium. Purpose of visit: to learn more about the in vitro gas production technique. Methane production kinetics of rumen inoculate using a fully automated in vitro gas system, from 06/08/2017 to 21/08/2017.
Selected publications
Book chapter:
M. Ramin, J. C. Chagas, S. J. Krizsan. 2020. Methane Production in Dairy Cows, Inhibition, Measurement, and Predicting Models. In Ahmed M (ed.) Systems modelling. Springer, Singapore. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. p. 295-306. Review
Ahmed, M., Ahmad, S., Waldrip, H., Ramin, M., Raza, M. 2020. Whole farm modeling: A systems approach to understanding and managing livestock for greenhouse gas mitigation, economic viability and environmental quality. In: Waldrip, H.M., Pagliari, P.H., He, Z., editors. Animal Manure: Production, Characteristics, Environmental Concerns, and Management, ASA Special Publication 67. Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America. p. 345-372.
Journal Papers:
Fant, P and M. Ramin. 2024. Relationship between predicted in vivo and measured in vivo methane emissions from dairy cows fed grass-silage based diet with barley, oats, or dehulled oats as a grain supplement. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 311: 115955
Wondimagegne Bekele,Pekka Huhtanen, Abiy Zegeye, Addis Simachew, Abu Bakar Siddique, Benedicte Riber Albrectsen, and Mohammad Ramin. 2024. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 312: 115977
Z. Salehiana, H. Khalilvandi-Behroozyara, R. Pirmohammadia, N, Ahmadifardb, H. Almasic, and M. Ramin. 2024. Investigating the effect of supplementing different levels of Isochrysis galbana on In vitro rumen fermentation parameters. Animal Science Journal. 95: 13929.
Clasen. J. B, W. F. Fikse, M. Ramin, M. Lindberg. 2024. Effects of herd management decisions on dairy cow longevity, farm profitability, and emissions of enteric methane – a simulation study of milk and beef production. ANIMAL. 18. 101051
M. Ramin, J. C. Chagas, Y. Pal, R. Danielsson, P. Fant and S. Krizsan. 2023. Reducing methane production from stored feces of dairy cows by Asparagopsis taxiformis. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 7:1187838.
K. Östbringa, I. Lagerb, J. C. C. Chagasc, M. Ramin and M. Hultbergd. 2023. Use of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) for increased circularity and valorization of rapeseed residues. Journal of Environmental Management. 344: 118742.
L. F. Martins, S. F. Cueva, C. F. A. Lage, M. Ramin, T. Silvestre, J. Tricarico, and A. N. Hristov. 2023. A meta-analysis of methane mitigation strategies evaluated in vitro. Journal of Dairy Science. 107 (1): 288-300.
Lardy. Q, M. Ramin, V. Lind, G. Jørgensen, M. Höglind, E. Ternman and M. Hetta. 2023. Effects of daytime or night-time grazing on animal performance, diurnal behavior, and enteric methane emissions from dairy cows at high latitudes. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A – Animal Science. In press
Darmiyan. S. J, M. T. M. Torbati, M. Ramin, and S. E. Ghiasi. 2023. Effects of wheat bran replacement with Pomegranate Seed Pulp on rumen fermentation, gas production, Methanogen and Protozoa population of camel and goat rumen using competitive PCR technique: An in Vitro Study. Veterinary Medicine and Science. 9: 2901-2911.
Krizsan. S, M. Ramin, C. Chagas, A. Halmemies-Beauchet-Filleau, A. Schnürer, A, Singh and R. Danielsson. 2023. Effects on rumen microbiome and milk quality of dairy cows fed a grass silage-based diet supplemented with the macroalga Asparagopsis taxiformis. Frontiers in Animal Science. 4: 1112969.
A. J. Netto, M. A. S. da Gama, S. I. Guido, J. G. Inácio, J. C. C. Chagas, M. Ramin, M. N. Rabelo, S. B. Félix, C. S. da Silva and M. de A. Ferreira. 2023. Full-fat corn germ in diets for dairy cows as an alternative to ground corn. Journal of Dairy Research. 11: 1-17.
P. Fant, H. Leskinen, M. Ramin and P. Huhtanen. 2023. Effects of replacement of barley with oats on milk fatty acid composition in dairy cows fed grass silage-based diets. Journal of Dairy Science. 106: 2347-2360.
Krizsan. S, M. Hayes, F. Gröndahl, M. Ramin, P. O Hara and K. Owen. 2022. Characterization and in vitro assessment of seaweed bioactives with potential to reduce methane production. Frontiers in Animal Science. 3:1062324.
Bekele. W, A. Guinguina, A. Zegeye, A. Simachew and M. Ramin. 2022. Contemporary approaches to measuring and estimating methane emission from ruminants. Methane. 1, 82-95.
M. Kass, M. Ramin, M. D. Hanigan and P. Huhtanen. 2022. Comparison of Molly and Karoline models to predict methane emissions in growing and dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science. 105: 3049-3063.
M. Ramin, J. C. Chagas, H. Smidt, R. g. Exposito and S. J. Krizsan. 2021. Enteric and fecal methane emissions from dairy cows fed grass or corn silage diets supplemented with rapeseed oil. Animals. 11, 1322.
R. Muñoz-Tamayo, J. C. Chagas, M. Ramin, S.J. Krizsan. 2021. Modelling the impact of the macroalgae Asparagopsis taxiformis on rumen microbial fermentation and methane production. Peer Community Journal. 1, e7.
E. H. Cabezas-Garcia, R. Danielsson, M. Ramin, and P. Huhtanen. 2021. In Vitro Incubations do not Reflect In Vivo Differences Based on Ranking of Low and High Methane Emitters in Dairy Cows. Animals. 11, 3112.
P. Huhtanen, S. J. Krizsan, M. Ramin. 2021. Modelling faecal output and nutrient composition, and maximal methane emission from manure of dairy cows. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 282, 115120.
P. Fant, M. Ramin and P. Huhtanen. 2021. Replacement of barley with oats and dehulled oats: Effects on milk production, enteric methane emissions, and energy utilization in dairy cows fed a grass silage-based diet. Journal of Dairy Science. 104: 12540-12552.
J. C. Chagas, M. Ramin, H. Smidt, R. g. Exposito and S. J. Krizsan. 2021. Effect of low-methane diets on early lactating dairy cow performance and microbiome taking into account the methane-emitting phenotype. Animals. 11, 2597.
M. Ramin, P. Fant and P. Huhtanen. 2021. The effects of gradual replacement of barley with oats on enteric methane emissions, rumen fermentation, milk production, and energy utilization in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 104: 5617-5630.
R. Vibart, C. de Klein, A. Jonker, T. van der Weerden, A. Bannink, A. R. Bayat, L. Crompton, A. Durand, M. Eugène, K. Klumpp, B. Kuhla, G. Lanigan, P. Lund, M. Ramin and F. Salazar. 2021. Challenges and opportunities to capture dietary effects in on-farm greenhouse gas emissions models of ruminant systems. Science of the Total Environment. 769: 144989, 1-12. Review
P. Fant, M. Ramin, S. Jaakkola, Å. Grimberg, A. S. Carlsson and P. Huhtanen. 2020. Effects of different barley and oat varieties on methane production, digestibility and fermentation pattern in vitro. Journal of Dairy Science. 103: 1404-1415.
D. Wade Abbott, Inga Marie Aasen, Karen A. Beauchemin, Fredrik Grondahl, Robert Gruninger, Maria Hayes, Sharon Huws, David A. Kenny, Sophie J Krizsan, Stuart F. Kirwan, Vibeke Lind, Ulrich Meyer, Mohammad Ramin, Katerina Theodoridou, Dirk von Soosten, Pamela J. Walsh, Sinéad Waters and Xiaohui Xing. 2020. Seaweed and Seaweed Bioactives for Mitigation of Enteric Methane: Challenges and Opportunities. Animals. 10: 2432. 1-28.
J. Chagas, M. Ramin, and S. Krizsan. 2019. In vitro evaluation of different dietary methane mitigation strategies. Animals. 9: 1120, 1-17.
M. Ramin, M. Franco, M. Roleda, I. M. Aasen, M. Hetta and H. Steinshamn. 2019. In vitro evaluation of utilizable crude protein and methane production in feed ration consisting of grass silage with different percentage replacement and fractions of extracted seaweed proteins. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 225: 114225.
Rebecca Danielsson, Jane Lucas, Josef Dahlberg, Mohammad Ramin, Sigrid Agenäs, Ilma Tapio, Ali-Reza Bayat, Tobin Hammer and Tomas Roslin. 2019. Compound- and context-dependent effects of antibiotics on greenhouse gas emissions from livestock. Royal Society Open Science. 6: 182049.
Johanna Karlsson, Mohammad Ramin, Marko Kass, Mikaela Lindberg, Kjell Holtenius. 2019. Effects of replacing wheat starch with glycerol on methane emissions, milk production, and feed efficiency in dairy cows fed grass silage-based diets. Journal of Dairy Science. 102: 7927-7935.
Huhtanen, P, M. Ramin, and A. N. Hristov. 2019. Enteric methane emission can be reliably measured by the GreenFeed monitoring unit. Livestock Science. 222: 31-40.
H. Gidlund, M. Vaga, S. Ahvenjärvi, M. Rinne, M. Ramin and P. Huhtanen. 2018. Predicting omasal flow of non-ammonia N and milk protein yield from in-vitro determined utilizable crude protein at the duodenum. Journal of Dairy Science. 101: 1164-1176.
J. P. P. Rodrigues, M. Ramin, P. Huhtanen, F. Aru, E. Detmann and M. I. Marcondes. 2018. Effect of soybean oil supplementation and forage type on methane production and fibre digestibility using the in vitro gas production system. Grass and Forage Science. 73: 368-380.
Sophie J. Krizsan, Alejandro Mateos-Rivera, Stefan Bertilsson, Annika Felton, Anne Anttila, Mohammad Ramin, Merko Vaga, Helena Gidlund and Pekka Huhtanen. 2018. An in vitro evaluation of browser and grazer fermentation efficiency and microbiota using European moose spring and summer foods. Ecology and Evolution. 8: 4183-4196.
R. Danielsson, M. Ramin, J. Bertilsson, P. Lund and P. Huhtanen. 2017. Evaluation of an in vitro system for predicting methane production in vivo. Journal of Dairy Science. 100: 8881-8894.
M. Ramin, A. Höjer, M. Hetta. 2017. The effects of legume seeds on the lactation performance of dairy cows fed grass silage-based diets. Agricul. Food. Scie. 26: 129-137.
P. Huhtanen, M. Ramin and E. H. Cabezas Garcia. 2016. The effects of ruminal digesta retention time on methane emissions – a modelling approach. Animal Production Science. 56: 501-506.
M. Ramin, M. Vaga, E. H. Cabezas-Garcia and E. Detmann. 2016. Methane production from individual feeds and total diets – an in vitro evaluation. Agraarteadus: Journal of Agricultural Science. (27) 1. 42-47.
P. Huhtanen, M. Ramin, P. Udén. 2015. Nordic dairy cow model Karoline in predicting methane emissions: 1. Model description and sensitivity analysis. Livestock Science. 178: 71-80.
M. Ramin and Huhtanen. P. 2015. Nordic dairy cow model Karoline in predicting methane emissions: 2. Model evaluation. Livestock Science. 178: 81-93.
M. Ramin, D. Lerose, F. Tagliapietra and P. Huhtanen. 2015. Comparison of rumen fluid inoculum vs. faecal inoculum on predicted methane production using a fully automated in vitro gas production system. Livestock Science. 181: 65-71.
R. Danielsson, A. W. Omazic, M. Ramin, A. Schnürer, M. Griinari, J. Dicksved and Bertilsson, J. 2014. Effects on methane production and Bacterial and Archeal Communities by the Addition of Cashew Nut Shell Extract or Glycerol – an in vitro evaluation. Journal of Dairy Science. 97: 5729-5741.
S. J. Krizsan, Z. Mussadiq, M. Hetta, M. Ramin and P. Huhtanen. 2014. Effect of hybrid, site and maturity on feed value predictions of forage maize at high latitudes. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences. 23: 269-278.
M. Ramin and P. Huhtanen. 2013. Development of equations for predicting methane emissions from ruminants. Journal of Dairy Science. 96: 2476-2493.
1. Highly cited research based on Elsevier, paper cited in 2014/2015 up until June 2016 according to data from Scopus.
2. Recognized (Awarded at the annual meeting, July 2016) for the most-cited paper for the Nutrition, Feeding, and Calves section. The award is based on citations from publication through April 15, 2016.
3. Article of the month highlighted by JDS editor-in-chief, Dr. Roger Shanks.
4. Equations developed were used and cited also in the FAO report (Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in livestock production) in 2013.
5. Listed in the top 25 papers (3rd) downloaded the most in 2013 from the Journal of Dairy Science.
M. Ramin, S. J. Krizsan, F. Jančík and P. Huhtanen. 2013. Measurements of methane emissions from feed samples in filter bags or dispersed in the medium in an in vitro gas production system. Journal of Dairy Science. 96: 4643-4646.
S. J. Krizsan, F. Jančík, M. Ramin and P. Huhtanen. 2013. Comparison of some aspects of the in situ and in vitro methods in evaluation of NDF digestion. Journal of Animal Science. 91: 838-847.
M. Ramin and Huhtanen, P. 2012. Development of non-linear models for predicting enteric methane production. Acta Agriculture Scand Section A- Animal Sciences. 62: 254-258.
P. Huhtanen and M. Ramin. 2012. Evaluation of the Nordic dairy cow model Karoline in predicting methane production. Acta Agriculture Scand Section A- Animal Sciences. 62: 295-299.
M. Ramin and P. Huhtanen. 2012. Development of an in vitro method for determination of methane production kinetics using a fully automated in vitro gas system – A modelling approach. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 174 (3-4): 190-200.
Conference Papers:
P. Fant, P. Huhtanen, J. C. C. Chagas, S. Krizsan, and M. Ramin. Evaluation of different oat varieties and cold-pressed rapeseed cake on predicted in vivo methane production. Proceedings of the ADSA Annual Meeting. June 25-28 2023. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Lardy. Q, M. Hetta, M. Ramin, V. Lind. 2023. Grass chemical composition to predict methane production from grazing sheep at high latitude. European Federation of Animal Science, Proceedings of the European Federation of Animal Science, EAAP Annual Meeting. August 26th – September 1st, Lyon, France.
Angellotti. M, M. Lindberg, M. Ramin, S. J. Krizsan, R. Danielsson. Effects of supplementation of Asparagopsis taxiformis as a means to mitigate methane emission. Proceedings of the European Federation of Animal Science, EAAP Annual Meeting. August 26th – September 1st, Lyon, France.
P. Fant, M. Ramin, and P. Huhtanen. Effect of rumen inoculum on predicted in vivo methane production from barley and oats. Proceedings of the European Federation of Animal Science, EAAP Annual Meeting. August 26th – September 1st 2023, Lyon, France.
L. F. Martins, G. F. S. Congio, S. F. Cueva, C. F. A. Lage, M. Ramin, T. Silvestre, J. Tricarico, and A. N. Hristov. In vitro evaluation of enteric methane mitigation strategies: A meta-analysis. Proceedings of the Ruminant Nutrition section at the Joint Annual Meeting of the American-Dairy-Science-Association in Kansas City, MO, USA, 19-22 June 2022. (J. Dairy. Sci. Vol. 105, Suppl. 1).
M. Ramin, J. C. C. Chagas, T. Guyader and S. J. Krizsan. Reducing methane production of stored feces by Asparagopsis taxiformis from Swedish dairy cows. The 8th International Greenhouse Gas & Animal Agriculture Conference scheduled June 5-10, 2022. Orlando, Florida, USA.
Q. Lardy, M. Ramin, V. Lind, G. Jørgensen, M. Höglind and M. Hetta. 2022. Effects of day or night grazing schedule on milk production and methane emissions at high latitudes. 29th General Meeting (EGF), 26-30 June, Caen, France.
M. Ramin, M. O. Franco, M.Y. Roleda, I.M. Aasen, M. Hetta and H. Steinshamn. Effect of extracted seaweed protein fractions on estimated utilizable crude protein, methane emission and fermentation parameters – an in vitro evaluation. Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Feed Science Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, 13-14 June 2017.
Magazine and Newsletters:
M. Ramin. 2023. Rödalger kan minska metanutsläpp från gödsel. Husdjur Nr. 12.
Fant P och Ramin M. 2021. Havre sänker kons metansutsläpp. Forskningsnytt Livsmedelsproducerande djur. September 2021. SLU.
M. Ramin, J. Chagas, S. Krizsan and P. Huhtanen. Methane emission from faeces of dairy cows fed on a grass or maize silage diet supplemented with rapeseed oil. 3rd CEDERES (Capturing Effects of Diet on Emissions from Ruminant Systems) Newsletter, November 2020.
P. Fant, M. Ramin och Huhtanen, P. 2020. Havre ger minskade utsläpp av metan från mjölkkor. NYTT, nr 5.
P. Huhtanen, S. Krizsan och Ramin, M. 2019. Proteinutfodring till mjölkkor. NYTT, nr 4.
List of all publications at SLU
List of publications before SLU (PDF)
Optimized Grazing: for increased economic and ecological sustainability in Swedish milk production
Reducing methane production of stored manure from dairy cows using Asparagopsis Taxiformis
Sustainable food production in Swedish dairy farming