Paul Kardol

Forest Ecosystem Ecology, 15.0p (2019 - 2023)
Forest Vegetation Ecology, 7.5p (2016 - 2019)
Forest Microbiology at the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology (under developement)
Forest Vegetation Ecology at the Department of Forest Vegetation Ecology
2007, PhD, Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) / Wageningen University, The Netherlands
2000, BSc /MSc, Biology, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Positions held
2023-present , Professor, Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
2015-2023, Associate Professor, Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden
2011-2015, Assistant professor, Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden
2009-2011, Post-doctoral research associate, Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden
2008-2009, Staff scientist (Wigner fellow), Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA
2007-2008, Postdoctoral research associate, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
Eliška Kuťáková (starting 2024). Non-linear temperature responses of plant and soil communities. Main supervisor: P. Kardol. Co-supervisors: M. Sundqvist, D. Wardle and A. Classen.
Max-Mallen-Cooper (2022 – present). Ecosystem carbon cycling across forest-alpine and forest-tundra ecotones. Main supervisor: P. Kardol. Co-supervisors: M. Sundqvist, D. Wardle and A. Classen.
Leslie Forero (2021 – 2023). The role of soil biota in range shifts of mountain plant species under climate change. Main supervisor: P. Kardol. Co-supervisors: S. Jämtgård, J. Alexander.
Mengya Song (2021 – 2023). Plant-soil biota interactions and C-N-P stoichiometry. CSC Scholarship. Main supervisor: P. Kardol.
Roger Grau-Andrés (2018 – 2021). The role of mosses in mediating carbon cycling in boreal forests. Main supervisor: P. Kardol. Co-supervisors: M. Gundale, M.-C. Nilsson, and D. Wardle.
Rui Yin (2019 – 2020). Effects of climate change and land use on soil biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Halle, Germany & Swedish University of Agricultural Science. Supervisors: M. Schädler & P. Kardol.
Ludovic Henneron (2018 – 2019). Relationship between tree and soil biodiversity. Main supervisor: P. Kardol. Co-supervisors: M.P. Berg and D. Wardle.
Claire Foster (2018). Links between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning across a post-fire forest successional gradient. Endeavour Research Fellowship, Australian Government. Visiting post-doc. Supervisor: P. Kardol.
PhD students
Barryette Oberholzer (2022-2026). Thresholds and tipping points to global warming: community and ecosystem responses. Main supervisor: P. Kardol. Co-supervisors: M. Sundqivst, A. Classen, and D. Wardle.
Kohsuke Tanigawa (2022-2026). Thresholds and tipping points to global warming: plant-soil biota interactions. Main supervisor: P. Kardol. Co-supervisors: S. Jämtgård, A. Classen, and D. Wardle.
Da Guo (2022 – 2023). Research on Inversion of Leaf Area Index Based on Spaceborne Lidar ICESat-2. CSC Scholarship. PhD Mobility Program, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Main supervisor: P. Kardol. Domestic supervisor: X. Song.
Tamara van Steijn (2021-2025). Umeå University. Does it have to be “first come, first served” for roots and plants? Main supervisor: J. Sarneel. Co-supervisors: R. Jansson, and P. Kardol.
Morgane Demeaux (2021-2023; resigned). Direct and indirect climate impacts on the biodiversity and functioning of the underground ecosystem. University of Bergen, Norway. Main supervisor: V. Vandvik. Co-supervisors: A. Halbritter, and P. Kardol.
Clydecia Spitzer (2016 – 2020). Linking plant functional traits and plant-soil feedbacks to global environmental change. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Main supervisor: P. Kardol. Co-supervisors, M. Gundale, M. Sundqvist, and D. Wardle.
Shanyi Tian (2016 – 2020). Effects nitrogen deposition and soil pH in the restoration of plant and soil communities in secondary succession an abandoned arable land. Joint PhD between Nanjing Agricultural University, China (Supervisor: M. Liu) and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Supervisor: P. Kardol).
Selected publications
157. Kemppinen, J., J. Lembrechts, K. Van Meerbeek, J. Carnicer, N.I. Chardon, P. Kardol, J. Lenoir, D. Liu, I. Maclean, J. Pergl, P. Saccone, R. Senior, T. Shen, S. Słowińska, V. Vandvik, J. von Oppen, J. Aalto, B. Ayalew, O. Bates, C. Bertelsmeier, R. Bertrand, R. Beugnon, J. Borderieux, J. Brůna, L. Buckley, J. Bujan, A. Casanova-Katny, D.M. Christiansen, F. Collart, E. De Lombaerde, K. De Pauw, L. Depauw, M. Di Musciano, R. Díaz Borrego, J. Díaz-Calafat, D. Ellis-Soto, R. Esteban, G. Fälthammar de Jong, E. Gallois, M. Begoña Garcia, L. Gillerot, C. Greiser, E. Gril, S. Haesen, A. Hampe, P.-O. Hedwall, G. Hes, H. Hespanhol, R. Hoffrén, K. Hylander, B. Jiménez-Alfaro, T. Jucker, D. Klinges, J. Kolstela, M. Kopecký, B. Kovács, E.E. Maeda, F. Máliš, M. Man, C. Mathiak, E. Meineri, I. Naujokaitis-Lewis, I. Nijs, S. Normand, M. Nuñez, A. Orczewska, P. Peña-Aguilera, S. Pincebourde, R. Plichta, S. Quick, D. Renault, L. Ricci, T. Rissanen, L. Segura-Hernández, F. Selvi, J. Serra-Diaz, L. Soifer, F. Spicher, J.-C. Svenning, A. Tamian, A. Thomaes, M. Thoonen, B. Trew, S. Van de Vondel, L. van den Brink, P. Vangansbeke, S. Verdonck, M. Vitkova, M. Vives-Ingla, L. von Schmalensee, R. Wang, J. Wild, J. Williamson, F. Zellweger, X. Zhou, E. Jnr. Zuza & P. De Frenne (2024). Microclimate, an important part of ecology and biogeography. PREPRINT, DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7973313
Wan, N.-F., Y.-Q. Wang, L. Fu, J. Liu, B. Woodcock, Y. Hu, A. Eskelinen, A. Hector, M. Loreau, Y. Hautier, R. Bardgett, P. Kardol, D. Zuppinger-Dingley, L. Fraser, J. Bullock, F. Xin, J. Zhou & C. Scherber (2024). Species richness promotes plant productivity by suppressing plant antagonists. PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square []
Hupperts, S.F., K.S. Islam, M.J. Gundale, P. Kardol & M.K. Sundqvist (2024). Warming influences carbon and nitrogen assimilation between a widespread Ericaceous shrub and root‐associated fungi. New Phytologist 241: 1062-1073.
Wen, X., X. Chen, M.P. Thakur, P. Kardol, X. Lu & Y. Bai (2024). Trophic regulation of soil microbial biomass under nitrogen enrichment: A global meta‐analysis. Functional Ecology,
Zhang, Y., J. Cao, M. Lu, P. Kardol, J. Wang, G. Fan & D. Kong (2024). The origin of bi-dimensionality in plant root traits. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 39: 78-88.
Guo, D., X. Song, R. Hu, R. Ma, Y. Zhang, L. Gao, X. Zhu & P. Kardol (2023). Spatio-temporal variation in leaf area index in the Yan Mountains over the past 40 years and its relationship to hydrothermal conditions. Ecological Indicators 157: 111291.
Cheng, C., J. Zhao, L. Ding, Z.-H. Shi, P. Kardol & , G.-L. Wu (2023). The functioning of alpine grassland ecosystems: climate outweighs plant species richness. Journal of Ecology 111: 2496-2506.
Spitzer, C.M., M.K. Sundqvist, D.A. Wardle, M.J. Gundale & P. Kardol (2023). Root trait variation along a sub-arctic tundra elevational gradient. Oikos, e08903.
Bowd, E.J., Egidi, E., Lindenmayer, D.B., Wardle, D.A., P. Kardol & Foster, C. (2023). Temporal dynamics of soil fungi in a pyrodiverse dry-sclerophyll forest. Molecular Ecology 32: 4181-4198.
Iseli, E., C. Chisholm, S. Haider, T. Seipel, A. Barros, A.L. Hargreaves, P. Kardol, J.J. Lembrechts, J. Lenoir, K. McDougall, I. Rashid, S.B. Rumpf, J.R. Arévalo, L. Cavieres, C. Daehler, P.A. Dar, B. Endress, G. Jakobs, A. Jiménez, C. Küffer, M. Mihoc, A. Milbau, J.W. Morgan, B.J. Naylor, A. Pauchard, A. Ratier Backes, Z.A. Reshi, L. Rew, D. Righetti, J.M. Shannon, G. Valencia, N. Walsh, G.T. Wright & J. M. Alexander (2023). Rapid upwards spread of nonnative plants in mountains globally. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7: 405-413.
Yin, R., W. Qin, X. Wang, D. Xie, H. Wang, H. Zhao, Z. Zhang, J.-S. He, M. Schädler, P. Kardol, N. Eisenhauer &. B. Zhu (2023). Experimental warming causes mismatches in alpine plant-microbe-fauna phenology. Nature Communications 14: 2159.
Norderhaug, A., K. Clemmensen, P. Kardol, A.G Thorhallsdottir & I. Aslaksen (2023). Carbon sequestration potential and the multiple functions 1 of Nordic grasslands. Climate Change 176: 55.
Long, K., R. Yin, P. Kardol, Q. Wei, Y. Li & J. Huang (2023). Bamboo invasion alters Collembola community composition varying with life-forms. Pest Management Science 79: 2517-2526.
War, A.F., I. Bashir, Z.A. Reshi, P. Kardol & I. Rashid (2023). Insights into the seed microbiome and its ecological significance in plant life. Microbiological Research 269: 127318
Shao, Y., Z. Wang, T. Liu, P. Kardol, C. Ma, Y. Hu, Y. Cui, C. Zhao, W. Zhang, D. Guo & S. Fu (2023). Drivers of soil nematode diversity in forest soils across climatic zones. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290: 20230107.
Gerrits, G.M, R. Waenink, A. Aradottir, E. Buisson, T. Dutoit, M. Ferreira, J. Fontaine, R. Jaunatre, P. Kardol, R. Loeb; S. Magro Ruiz, M. Maltz, M. Pärtel, B. Peco, J. Piqueray, N. Pilon, I. Rodriguez, K. Schmidt, P. Sengl, R. van Diggelen, D. Vieira, W. von Brackel, P. Waryszak, T. Wills, R. Marrs & J. Wubs (2023). Synthesis on the effectiveness of soil translocation for plant community restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology 60: 714-724.
Duan, D., Z. Tian, N. Wu, X. Feng, F. Hou, Z. Nan, P. Kardol & T. Chen (2023). Drought neutralizes positive effects of long-term grazing on grassland productivity through altering plant-soil interactions. Functional Ecology 37: 1827-1840.
Kardol, P., T. Yang, D.N. Arroyo & F.P. Teste (2023). Plant-soil feedback in the ‘real world’: how does fire fit into all of this? Plant and Soil 485: 91-102.
Fanin, N., K.E. Clemmensen, B.D. Lindahl, M. Farrell, M.-C. Nilsson, M.J. Gundale, P. Kardol & D.A. Wardle (2022). Ericoid shrubs shape fungal communities and suppress organic matter decomposition in boreal forests. New Phytologist 236: 684-697.
Grau-Andrés, R., S. Thieffry, S. Tian, D.A. Wardle & P. Kardol (2022). Bryosphere fauna responds to precipitation regime similarly across a boreal forest chronosequence. Oecologia 200: 231–245.
Gu, X. S.J. Smaill, B. Wang, Z. Liu, X. Xu, Y. Hao, P. Kardol, X. Zhou (2022). Reducing plant-derived ethylene concentrations increases the resistance of temperate grassland to drought. Science of the Total Environment 846: 157408.
Grau-Andrés, R., P. Kardol & M.J. Gundale (2022). Trait coordination in boreal mosses reveals a bryophyte economic spectrum. Journal of Ecology 110: 2493-2506.
Zhang, C., W. Xue, J. Xue, J. Zhang, L. Qiu, X. Chen, F. Hu, P. Kardol & M. Liu (2022). Leveraging functional traits of cover crops to coordinate crop productivity and soil health. Journal of Applied Ecology 59: 2627-2641.
Yin, R., P. Kardol, N. Eisenhauer & M. Schädler (2022). Land-use intensification reduces soil macrofauna biomass at the community but not individual level. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 337: 108079
Pingree, M.R.A., P. Kardol, M.-C. Nilsson, D.A. Wardle, N.I. Maaroufi & M.J. Gundale (2022). No evidence that boreal biochar impacts soil functioning by serving as microbial refugia. Global Change Biology – Bioenergy 14: 972-988.
Wan, B., Z. Hu, T. Liu, Q. Yang, D. Li, C. Zhang, X. Chen, F. Hu, P. Kardol, B.S. Griffiths & M. Liu (2022). Organic amendments increase the flow uniformity of energy across nematode food webs. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 170: 108695.
Bowd, E. Edgidi, D. Lindenmayer, D.A. Wardle, P. Kardol, G.J. Cary & C. Foster (2022). Direct and indirect effects of fire on microbial communities in a pyrodiverse dry-sclerophyll forest. Journal of Ecology 110: 1687-1703.
Yin, R., Q. Liu, S. Tian, A. Potapov, B. Zhu, K. Yang, Z. Li, L. Zhuang, B. Tan, L. Zhang, Z. Xu, P. Kardol, M. Schädler & N. Eisenhauer (2022). Nitrogen deposition stimulates decomposition via changes in the structure and function of litter food webs. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 166: 108522.
Liu, Y., D. Duan, F. Jiang, Z. Tian, X. Feng, N. Wu, F. Hou, P. Kardol, Z. Nan & T. Chen (2022). Long-term heavy grazing increases community-level foliar fungal diseases by shifting plant composition. Journal of Applied Ecology 59: 791-800.
Tian, S., B. Zhu, R. Yin, M. Wang, Y. Jiang, C. Zhang, D. Li, X. Chen, P. Kardol & M. Liu (2022). Organic fertilization promotes crop productivity through changes in soil aggregation. Soil Biology & Biogeochemistry 165: 108533.
Jing, X., B. Muys, L. Baeten, H. Bruelheide, H. De Wandeler, E. Desie, S. Hättenschwiler, H. Jactel, B. Jaroszewicz, T. Jucker, P. Kardol, M. Pollastrini, S. Ratcliffe, M. Scherer-Lorenzen, F. Selvi, K. Vancampenhout, F. van der Plas, K. Verheyen, L. Vesterdal, J. Zuo & K. Van Meerbeek (2022). Climatic conditions, not above- and belowground resource availability and uptake capacity, mediate tree diversity effects on productivity and stability. Science of the Total Environment 812: 152560.
Jassey, V.E.J., R. Walcker, P. Kardol, S. Geisen, , T. Heger, M. Lamentowicz, S. Hamard & E. Lara (2022). Contribution of soil algae to the global carbon cycle. New Phytologist 234: 64-76.
Grau-Andrés, R., D.A. Wardle & P. Kardol (2022). Bryosphere loss impairs litter decomposition consistently across moss species, litter types, and micro-arthropod abundance. Ecosystems 25: 1542-1554.
Spitzer, C.M., D.A. Wardle, B.D. Lindahl, M.K. Sundqvist, M.J. Gundale, N. Fanin & P. Kardol (2022). Root traits and soil microorganisms as drivers of plant-soil feedbacks within the sub-arctic tundra. Journal of Ecology 110: 466-478.
Haider, S., J.J. Lembrechts, K. McDougall, A. Pauchard, J.M. Alexander, A. Barros, L. Cavieres, I. Rashid, L.J. Rew, A. Aleksanyan, JR. Arévalo, V. Aschero, C. Chisholm, V.R. Clark, J. Clavel, C. Daehler, P.A. Dar, H. Dietz, R.D. Dimarco, P. Edwards, F. Essl, E. Fuentes-Lillo, A. Guisan, O. Gwate, A. Hargreaves, G. Jakobs, A. Jiménez, P. Kardol, C. Kueffer, C. Larson, J. Lenoir, B. Lenzner, M.A. Padrón Mederos, M. Mihoc, A. Milbau, J.W. Morgan, J. Müllerová, B. Naylor, I. Nijs, M.A. Nuñez, R. Otto, D. Payne, N. Preuk, A. Ratier Backes, Z.A. Reshi, S.B. Rumpf, V. Sandoya, M. Schroder, K.L. Speziale, G. Valencia, V. Vandvik, M. Vitková, T. Vorstenbosch, T.W.N. Walker, N. Walsh, G. Wright, S. Zong & T. Seipel (2022). Think globally, measure locally: The MIREN standardized protocol for monitoring species distributions along elevation gradients. Ecology and Evolution 12: e8590.
Huang, K., P. Kardol, X. Yan, X. Luo & H. Guo (2021). Plant-soil biota interactions explain shifts in plant community composition under global change. Functional Ecology 35: 2778-2788.
Wei Q., R.Yin, J. Huang, A.P. Vogler, Y. Li, X. Mia & P. Kardol (2021). The diversity of soil mesofauna declines after bamboo invasion in subtropical China. Science of the Total Environment 789, Article number 147982. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147982
You, C., C. Peng C, Z. Xu, Y. Liu, L. Zhang, R. Yin, L. Liu, H. Li, L. Wang, S. Liu, B. Tan & P. Kardol (2021). Nitrogen addition mediates the response of foliar stoichiometry to phosphorus addition: a meta-analysis. Ecological Processes 10, Article number 58. 10.1186/s13717-021-00329-x
Ning, Q., S. Hättenschwiler, X. Lü, P. Kardol, Y. Zhang, C. Wei, C. Xu, J. Huang, A. Li, J. Yang, J. Wang, Y. Peng, J. Peñuelas, J. Sardans, J. He, Z. Xu, Y. Gao & X. Han (2021). Carbon limitation overrides acidification in mediating soil microbial activity to nitrogen enrichment in a temperate grassland. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.15819
Hamard, S., R. Céréghino, R., M. Barret, A. Sytiuk, E. Lara, E. Dorrepaal, P. Kardol, M. Küttim, M. Lamentowicz, J. Leflaive, O. Petchey, G. le Roux, E.-S. Tuitila & V.E.J. Jassey (2021). Contribution of microbial photosynthesis to peatland carbon uptake along a latitudinal gradient. Journal of Ecology 109: 3424-3441.
Na, X., F. Ma, S. Ma, Z. Xing, C. Ma, P. Xua, H. Zhu, W. Ding, W. Liang & P. Kardol (2021). Lycium barbarum L. (goji berry) monocropping causes microbial diversity loss and induces Fusarium spp. enrichment at distinct soil layers. Applied Soil Ecology, 168: 104107.
Gundale, M.J. & P. Kardol (2021). Multi-dimensionality as a path forward in plant-soil feedback research. Journal of Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13679
Thakur, M.P., W.H. van der Putten, R.A. Wilschut, G.F. Veen, P. Kardol, J. van Ruijven, E. Allan, C. Roscher, M. van Kleunen & T.M. Bezemer (2021). Plant-soil feedbacks and temporal dynamics of plant diversity-productivity relationships. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 36: 651-661.
Jing, X., B. Muys, H. Bruelheide, E. Desie, S. Hättenschwiler, H. Jactel, B. Jaroszewicz, P. Kardol, S. Ratcliffe, M. Scherer-Lorenzen, F. Selvi, K. Van Campenhout, F. van der Plas, K. Verheyen, L. Vesterdal, J. Zuo & K. Van Meerbeek (2021). Above- and belowground complementarity, rather than selection drives tree diversity-productivity relationships in European forests. Functional Ecology 35: 1756-1767.
Diao, H., P. Kardol, K. Dong & C. Wang (2021). Effects of nitrogen addition and mowing on nitrogen- and water-use-efficiency of Artemisia frigida in a grassland restored from an abandoned cropland. Journal of Plant Ecology 14: 515-526.
Nuske, S., A. Fajardo, M.A. Nuñez, A. Pauchard, D.A. Wardle, M.-C. Nilsson, P. Kardol, J.E. Smith, D.A. Peltzer, J. Mayano & M.J. Gundale (2021). Effects of soil biotic and abiotic factors on seedling growth exhibit context dependent interactions: evidence from a multi-country experiment on Pinus contorta invasion. New Phytologist 232: 303-317.
Spitzer, C.M., B. Lindahl, D.A. Wardle, M.K. Sundqvist, M.J. Gundale, N. Fanin & P. Kardol (2021). Root trait-microbial relationships across tundra plant species. New Phytologist 229: 1508–1520.
Grau-Andrés, R., D.A. Wardle, M.-C Nilsson & P. Kardol (2021). Precipitation regime controls bryosphere carbon cycling similarly across contrasting ecosystems. Oikos 130: 512–524.
Reinhart, K., J. Bauer, S. McCarthy-Neumann, A. Macdougall, J. Hierro, M. Chiuffo, S. Mangan, J. Heinze, J. Bergmann, J. Joshi, R. Duncan, J. Diaz, P. Kardol, G. Rutten, M. Fischer, W.H. van der Putten, T.M. Bezemer & J. Klironomos (2021). Globally, plant-soil feedbacks are weak predictors of plant abundance. Ecology and Evolution 11: 1756–1768.
Liu, W., W. Yuan, S. Xu, C, Shao, L. Hou, W. Xu, H. Shi, Q. Pan, L. Li & P. Kardol (2021). Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of methane uptake across a climate transect in Inner Mongolia Steppe. Science of the Total Environment 757, 143768.
Kong, D., J. Wang, O.J. Valverde-Barrantes & P. Kardol (2021). A framework to assess the carbon supply-consumption balance in plant roots. New Phytologist 229: 659-664.
Grau-Andrés, R., D.A. Wardle, M.J. Gundale, C.N. Foster & P. Kardol (2020). Effects of plant functional group removal on CO2 fluxes and belowground C stocks across contrasting ecosystems. Ecology, 101: e03170.
Vanermen, I., B. Muys, K. Verheyen, F. Vanwindekens, L. Bouriaud, P. Kardol & L. Vranken (2020). What do scientists and managers know about soil biodiversity? Comparative knowledge mapping for sustainable forest management. Forest Policy and Economics, 119: 102264.
Kong, D., J. Wang, O.J. Valverde-Barrantes & P. Kardol (2020). A framework to assess the carbon supply-consumption balance in plant roots. New Phytologist,
Henneron, L., P. Kardol, D.A. Wardle, C. Cross & S. Fontaine (2020). Rhizosphere control of soil nitrogen cycling: a key component of plant economic strategies. New Phytologist 228: 1269–1282.
Ren, Y., L. Zhang, K. Yang, Z. Li, R. Yin, B. Tan, L. Wang, Y. Liu, H. Li, C. You, S. Liu, Z. Xua & P. Kardol (2020). Short-term effects of snow cover manipulation on soil bacterial diversity and community composition. Science of the Total Environment 741: 140454.
Wardle, D.A., M.J. Gundale, P. Kardol, M.-C Nilsson & N. Fanin (2019). Impact of plant functional group and species removals on soil and plant nitrogen and phosphorus across a retrogressive chronosequence. Journal of Ecology 108: 561-573.ha
Jiang, L., M. Bonkowski, L. Luo, P. Kardol, Y. Zhang, X. Chen, D. Li, Z. Xiao, F. Hu & M. Liu (2020). Combined addition of chemical and organic amendments enhances plant resistance to aboveground herbivores through increasing microbial abundance and diversity. Biology and Fertility of Soils,
Yin, R., P. Kardol, M.P. Thakur, I. Gruss, G.-L. Wu, N. Eisenhauer & M. Schädler (2020). Soil functional biodiversity and biological quality under threat: intensive land use outweighs climate change. Soil Biology & Biogeochemistry 147: 107847.
Wu, G.-L., Y.-F. Liu, Z. Cui, Y. Liu, Z.-H. Shi, R. Yin & P. Kardol (2020). Trade-off between vegetation type, soil erosion control and surface water in global semi-arid regions: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology 57:875–885.
Van den Hoogen, J., S. Geisen, D. Routh, H. Ferris, W. Traunspurger, D.A. Wardle, R.G.M. de Goede, B.J. Adams, W. Ahmad, W.S. Andriuzzi, R.D. Bardgett, M. Bonkowski, R. Campos-Herrera, J.E. Cares, T. Caruso, L. de Brito Caixeta, X. Chen, S.R. Costa, R. Creamer, J. Mauro da Cunha Castro, M. Dam, D. Djigal, M. Escuer, B.S. Griffiths, C. Gutiérrez, K. Hohberg, D. Kalinkina, P. Kardol, A. Kergunteuil, G. Korthals, V. Krashevska, A.A. Kudrin, Q. Li, W. Liang, M. Magilton, M. Marais, J.A. Rodríguez Martín, E. Matveeva, E.H. Mayad, C. Mulder, P. Mullin, R. Neilson, T.A. Duong Nguyen, U.N. Nielsen, H. Okada, J.E. Palomares Rius, K. Pan, V. Peneva, L. Pellissier, J.C. Pereira da Silva, C. Pitteloud, T.O. Powers, K. Powers, C.W. Quist, S. Rasmann, S. Sánchez Moreno, S. Scheu, H. Setälä, A. Sushchuk, A.V. Tiunov, J. Trap, W.H. van der Putten, M. Vestergård, C. Villenave, L. Waeyenberge, D.H. Wall, R. Wilschut, D.G. Wright, J. Yang, O. Schmidt, A. Keith & T.W. Crowther (2020). A global database of soil nematode abundance and functional group composition. Scientific Data 7:103 |
Halbritter, A.H., H.J. De Boeck, A.E. Eycott, S. Reinsch, D.A. Robinson, S. Vicca, B. Berauer, C.T. Christiansen, M. Estiarte, J.M. Grünzweig, R. Gya, K. Hansen, A. Jentsch, H. Lee, S. Linder, J. Marshall, J. Peñuelas, I. Kappel Schmidt, E. Stuart-Haënthens, P. Wilfahrt, the ClimMani working group & V. Vandvik (2019). The handbook for standardised field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate-change experiments and observational studies. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11: 22–37.
Wang, Q., W. Lv, B. Li, Y. Zhou, L. Jiang, S. Piao, Y. Wang, L. Zhang, F. Meng, P. Liu, H. Hong, Y. Yaoming, D. Tsechoe, C. Luo, Z. Zhang, P. Ciais, J. Penuelas, P. Kardol & S. Wang (2020). Annual ecosystem respiration is resistant to changes in freeze-thaw periods in semi-arid permafrost. Global Change Biology, in press
Liu, Y., J. Du, X. Xu, P. Kardol & Dan Hua (2020). Microtopography-induced ecohydrological effects alter plant community structure. Geoderma 362: 114119.
Lv, W., C. Luo, L. Zhang, H. Niu, Z. Zhang, S. Wang, Y. Wang, L. Jiang, Y. Wang, J. He, P. Kardol, Q. Wang, B. Li, P. Liu, D. Tsechoe, H. Zhou, X. Zhao & L. Zhao (2020). Net neutral carbon responses to warming and grazing in alpine grassland ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 280: 107792
Veen, G.F., E.L. Fry, F. ten Hooven, P. Kardol, E. Morriën & J.R. De Long (2019). The role of plant litter in driving plant-soil feedbacks. Frontiers in Environmental Science, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00168
Yin, R., I. Gruss, N. Eisenhauer, P. Kardol, M.P. Thakur, A. Schmidt, Z. Xu, J. Siebert, C. Zhang, G. Wu & M. Schädler (2019). Land use modulates the effects of climate change on density but not community composition of Collembola. Soil Biology & Biogeochemistry,
Song, J., S. Wan, S. Piao, A.K. Knapp, A.T. Classen, S. Vicca, P. Ciais, M. Hovenden, S. Leuzinger, C. Beier, P. Kardol, J. Xia, Q. Liu, J. Ru, Z. Zhou, Y. Luo, D. Guo, J.A. Langley, J. Zscheischler, J.S. Dukes, J. Tang, J. Chen, K.S. Hofmockel, L.M. Kueppers, L. Rustad, L. Liu, M.D. Smith, P.H. Templer, R.Q. Thomas, R.J. Norby, R.P. Phillips, S. Niu, S. Fatichi, Y. Wang, D. Wang, L. Lei, J. Wang, X. Li, Q. Zhang, H. Han, P. Shao, X. Li, F. Su, B. Liu, F. Yang, G. Ma, G. Li, Y. Liu, Y. Liu, Z. Yang, K. Zhang, Y. Miao, M. Hu, C. Yan, A. Zhang, M. Zhong, Y. Hui, Y. Li, M. Zheng (2019). A meta-analysis of 1119 manipulative experiments on terrestrial carbon cycling responses to global change. Nature Ecology and Evolution,
Van den Hoogen, J., S. Geisen, D. Routh, H. Ferris, W. Traunspurger, D.A. Wardle, B. Adams, W. Ahmad, W. Andriuzzi, R. Bardgett, M. Bonkowski, R. Campos, J.E. Cares, T. Caruso, X. Chen, R. Creamer, M. Dam, R. de Goede, S. Costa, M. Escuer, C. Frost, B. Griffiths, C. Gutiérrez, H. Helder, K. Hohberg, P. Kaiwen, P. Kardol, A. Kergunteuil, G. Korthals, V. Krashevska, A. Kudrin , M. Magilton, M. Marais, J. Martin, M. El Hassan, C. Mulder, P. Mullin, R. Neilson, D. Nguyen, U. Nielsen, J. Palomares Rius, V. Peneva, J. Pereira da Silva, C. Pitteloud, T. Powers, K. Powers, L. Qi, C. Quist, S. Rasmann, S. Sánchez Moreno, S. Scheu, H. Setälä, A. Sushchuk, A. Tiunov, J. Trap, W.H. van der Putten, M. Vestergard, C. Villenave, L. Waeyenberge, D. Wall, R. Wilschut, J-I Yang & T.W. Crowther (2019). Soil nematode abundance, distribution, and trophic group composition at a global scale. Nature,
Kong, D., J. Wang, H. Wu, O.J. Valverde-Barrantes, R. Wang, H. Zeng, P. Kardol, H. Zhang & Y. Feng (2019). Nonlinearity of root trait relationships and the root economics spectrum. Nature Communications, 10:2203,
Fanin, N., P. Kardol, M.J. Gundale, M. Farell, A. Kempel, M. Ciobanu, M.-C. Nilsson, B.D. Lindahl, K.E. Clemmensen & D.A. Wardle (2019). Effects of plant functional group removal on structure and function of soil communities across contrasting ecosystems. Ecology Letters, doi: 10.1111/ele.13266
Yang, K., C. Peng, J. Peñuelas, P. Kardol, Z. Li, L. Zhang, X. Ni, K. Yue, B. Tan, R. Yin & Z. Xu (2019). Immediate and carry-over effects of increased soil frost on soil respiration and microbial activity in a spruce forest. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 10.1016/j.soilbio.2019.04.012
Hu, Y., Zhang, Z., Huang, L., Qi, Q., Liu, L., Zhao, Y., Wang, Z., Zhou, H., Lv, X., Mao, Z., Yang, Y., Zhou, J. and P. Kardol (2019). Shifts in soil microbial community functional gene structure across a 61-year desert revegetation chronosequence. Geoderma 347: 126-134.
de Graaff, M.-A., N. Hornslein, H.L. Throop, P. Kardol & L.T.A. van Diepen (2019). Effects of agricultural intensification on soil biodiversity and implications for ecosystem functioning: a meta-analysis. Advances in Agronomy,
Teste, F.P., P. Kardol, B.L. Turner, D.A. Wardle, G. Zemunik, M. Renton & E. Laliberté (2019). Toward more robust plant-soil feedback research: a comment. Ecology, in press
Fanin, N., P. Kardol, M. Farell, M.-C. Nilsson, M.J. Gundale & D.A. Wardle (2019). The ratio of Gram-positive to Gram-negative bacterial PFLA makers as an indicator of carbon availability in organic soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 128: 111-114.
Gundale, M.J., D.A. Wardle, P. Kardol & M.-C. Nilsson (2019). Comparison of plant-soil feedback experimental approaches for testing soil biotic interactions among ecosystems. New Phytologist 221: 577–587.
Png, G.J., H. Lambers, P. Kardol, B.L. Turner, D.A. Wardle & E. Laliberté (2019). Biotic and abiotic plant-soil feedback depends on nitrogen-acquisition strategy and shifts during long-term ecosystem development. Journal of Ecology 107: 142.
De Long, J.R., E.L. Fry, G.F. Veen & P. Kardol (2019). Why are plant-soil feedbacks so unpredictable, and what to do about it? Functional Ecology 33: 118-128.
P. Kardol, J.R. De Long & P. Mariotte (2018). Soil Biota as Drivers of Plant Community Assembly. In: Aboveground-Belowground Community Ecology, pages 2936-318, Eds T. Ohgushi, S. Wurst & S. Johnson. Ecological Studies, Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-91614-9.
Jiang, L, S. Wang; L. Zhong, Z. Pang, X. Xu, P. Kardol, Y. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Rui, N. Dong, Z. Lan, P. Hill, C. Luo, Z. Zhang; L. Zhang & D. Jones (2018) Plant organic N uptake maintains species dominance under long-term warming. Plant and Soil 433:243–255.
Chen, T., Z. Nan, P. Kardol, T. Duan, H. Song, J. Wang, C. Li & F. Hou (2018). Effects of interspecific competition on plant-soil feedbacks generated by long-term grazing. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 126: 133-143.
Maaroufi, M.I., K. Palmqvist, L.H. Bach, S. Bokhorst, A. Liess, M.J. Gundale, P. Kardol, A. Nordin & C.L. Meunier (2018). Nutrient optimization of tree growth alters the structure and function of boreal soil food webs. Forest Ecology and Management 428: 46-56.
Egelkraut, D., P. Kardol, J.R. De Long & J. Olofsson (2018). The role of plant-soil feedbacks in stabilizing a reindeer-induced vegetation shift in subarctic tundra. Functional Ecology 32: 1959–1971.
Kardol, P., N. Fanin & D.A. Wardle (2018). Long term impacts of species loss on community properties across contrasting ecosystems. Nature 557: 710-713.
Bokhorst, S., G.F. Veen, M. Sundqvist, J.R. De Long, P. Kardol & D.A. Wardle (2018). Contrasting responses between springtails and mites to elevation in a sub-Arctic heath and meadow community. Pedobiologia 67: 57–64.
Kardol, P. & J.R. De Long (2018). How anthropogenic shifts in plant community composition alter soil food webs. F1000Research 2018, 7(F1000 Faculty Rev):4 (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.13008.1)
Mariotte, P., T.M. Bezemer, G.B. De Deyn, B. Drigo, M.G.A. van der Heijden, A. Kulmatiski, Z. Mehrabi, G.F. Veen & P. Kardol (2018). Plant-Soil Feedback: Bridging Natural and Agricultural Sciences. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 33: 129-142.
Fanin, N., K.E. Clemmensen, M. Farrell, M. Ciobanu, J.A. Baldock, M.-C. Nilsson, M.J. Gundale, P. Kardol & D.A. Wardle (2018). Consistent effects of biodiversity loss on multifunctionality across contrasting ecosystems. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2: 269–278.
Na, X., X. Li, Z. Zhang, M. Li, P. Kardol, T.T. Xu, M. Wang, X. Cao & F. Ma (2018). Bacterial community dynamics in the rhizosphere of a long-lived, leguminous shrub across a 40-year age sequence. Journal of Soils and Sediments 18: 76–84.
Bradford, M.A., G. F. Veen, A. Bonis, E.M. Bradford, A.T. Classen, J.H.C. Cornelissen, T.W. Crowther, J.R. De Long, P. Kardol, M. Manrubia-Freixa, G.T. Freschet, D.S. Maynard, G. Newman, R. van Logtestijn, M. Viketoft, D.A. Wardle, W.R. Wieder, S.A. Wood & W.H. van der Putten (2017). Testing the hierarchical model of litter decomposition. Nature Ecology & Evolution, doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0367-4
Laliberté, E.*, P. Kardol*, Didham, R.K., Teste, F.P., Turner, B.L. & Wardle, D.A. (2017). Soil fertility shapes belowground food webs across a regional climate gradient. Ecology Letters, doi: 10.1111/ele.12823
* Equal contribution
Cui, L., X. Kang, W. Li, Y. Hao, Y. Zhang, J. Wang, L. Yan, X. Zhang, M. Zhang, J. Zhou & P. Kardol (2017). Rewetting decreases carbon emissions from the Zoige alpine peatland on the Tibetan Plateau. Sustainability 9, 948.
Gundale, M.J., D.A. Wardle, P. Kardol, W.H. van der Putten & R.W. Lucas (2017). Soil handling methods should be selected based on research questions and goals – a response to Reinhart & Rinella (2016, 2017). New Phytologist 216: 18-23.
Veen, G.F., J.R. De Long, P. Kardol, M.K. Sundqvist, B. Snoek & D.A. Wardle (2017). Interactive effects of elevation and vegetation type on plant and soil communities in subarctic tundra. Oikos, 126: 1586-1599.
Gómez-Aparicio, L., J. Domínguez-Begines, P. Kardol, J. M. Ávila, B. Ibáñez & L. V. García (2017). The decline of a dominant tree species induces changes in plant-soil feedbacks with implications for species coexistence in Mediterranean forests. Ecology 98: 1908-1921.
Jiang, L., S. Wang, P. Zhe, C. Wang, P. Kardol, Z. Lei, Q. Yu, Z. Lan, Y. Wang, X. Xu, Y. Kuzyakov,Y. Li, L. Zhang, C. Luo, Z. Zhang, D.L. Jones (2017). Effects of grazing on the acquisition of nitrogen by plants and microorganisms in an alpine grassland on the Tibetan Plateau. Plant and Soil 416: 297-308.
Teste, F.P., P. Kardol, B.L. Turner, D.A. Wardle, G. Zemunik, M. Renton & E. Laliberté (2017). Plant-soil feedback and the maintenance of diversity in Mediterranean-climate shrublands. Science 355: 173-176.
Bokhorst, S., P. Kardol, P.J. Bellingham, R. Kooyman, S.J. Richardson, S. Schmidt & D.A. Wardle (2017). Communities of soil organisms and plants reveal different patterns along contrasting long-term chronosequences. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 106: 69-79.
Na, X., T. Xu, M. Li, F. Ma & P. Kardol (2017). Bacterial diversity in the rhizosphere of two phylogenetically closely related plant species across environmental gradients. Journal of Soils and Sediments 17: 122–132.
Kong, D., J. Wang, H. Zeng, M. Liu, Y. Miao, H. Wu & P. Kardol (2017). The nutrient absorption-transportation hypothesis: optimizing structural traits in absorptive roots. New Phytologist 213: 1569–1572.
De Long, J.R., Laudon, H., Blume-Werry, G. & P. Kardol (2016). Nematode community resistant to deep soil frost in boreal forest soils. Pedobiologia 59: 243–251.
Bellingham, P.J., P. Kardol, K.I. Bonner, R.P. Buxton, C.W. Morse & D.A. Wardle (2016). Browsing by an invasive arboreal herbivore during primary succession: consequences for plant and soil communities. Journal of Ecology 104: 1505–1517.
Kardol, P., C.M. Spitzer, M.J. Gundale, M.-C. Nilsson & D.A. Wardle (2016). Trophic cascades in the bryosphere: The impact of global change factors on top-down control of cyanobacterial N2-fixation. Ecology Letters, 19: 967–976.
Kardol, P., H. Throop, J. Adkins & M.-A. de Graaff (2016). A hierarchical framework for studying the role of biodiversity in soil food web processes and ecosystem services. Soil Biology and Biochemistry,
Gundale, M.J., H. Wallander, J.P. Almeida, D.A. Wardle, P. Kardol, M.-C. Nilsson, A. Fajardo, A. Pauchard, D. Peltzer, S. Ruotsalainen, B. Mason & N. Rosenstock (2016). Changes in endophyte communities of introduced trees depend on the phylogenetic relatedness of the receiving forest community. Journal of Ecology, in press
Kang, X., Y. Hao, L. Cui, X. Cui, H. Chen, Y. Du,W. Li, P. Kardol & X. Xiao (2016). Variability and changes inclimate, phenology and gross primary production of an alpine wetland ecosystem. Remote Sensing 8, 391; doi:10.3390/rs8050391
De Long, J.R., E. Dorrepaal, P. Kardol, M.-C. Nilsson, L. Teuber & D.A. Wardle (2016). Understory plant functional groups and litter species identity are stronger drivers of litter decomposition than warming along a boreal forest post-fire successional gradient. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 98: 159-170.
Niu, S., A.T. Classen, J. Dukes, P. Kardol, L. Liu, Y. Luo, L. Rustad, S. Vicca, J. Tang, P. Templer, R.Q. Thomas, D. Tian, Y.-P. Wang, J. Xia & S. Zaehle. (2016). Global patterns and substrate-based mechanisms of the terrestrial nitrogen cycle. Ecology Letters, DOI: 10.1111/ele.12591
Sarneel, J.M., P. Kardol & C. Nilsson (2016). Habitat variability, arrival time and competitive strength as determinants for community assembly. Journal of Vegetation Science, in press
De long, J.R., E. Dorrepaal, P. Kardol, M.-C. Nilsson, L. Teuber & D.A. Wardle (2016). Contrasting responses of soil microbial and nematode communities to warming and plant functional group removal across a post-fire forest successional gradient. Ecosystems 19: 339-355.
Pluchon, N., A.G. Vincent, M.J. Gundale, M.-C. Nilsson, P. Kardol & D.A. Wardle (2016). The impact of charcoal andsoil mixtures on decomposition and soil microbial communities in boreal forest. Applied Soil Ecology 99: 40-50.
Kong, D., J. Wang, P. Kardol, H. Wu, H. Zeng, X. Deng, Y. Deng (2016). Economic strategies for absorptive plant roots vary withroot diameter. Biogeosciences 13: 415–424.
Jiang, L., S. Wang, L. C. Luo, P. Kardol, Z. Zhang, Y. Lia, C. Wang, Y. Wang & D.L. Jones (2016). Warming and grazing directly influence dissolved organic nitrogen in a Tibetan alpine meadow ecosystem. Soil & Tillage Research 158: 156–164.
Jiang, L., S. Wang, P. Zhe, C. Wang, P. Kardol, X. Zhou, Y. Rui, Z. Lan, Y. Wang & X. Xu (2016). Grazing modifies inorganic and organic nitrogen uptake by coexisting plant species in alpine grassland. Biology and Fertility of Soils 52: 211-221.
Pluchon, N., S.C. Casetou, P. Kardol, M.J. Gundale, M.-C. Nilsson & D.A. Wardle (2015). Influence of species identity and charring conditions on fire-derived charcoal traits. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45: 1669-1675.
Bokhorst, S., J. Asplund, P. Kardol & D.A. Wardle (2015). Lichen physiological traits and growth forms affect communities of associated invertebrates. Ecology 96: 2394–2407.
Kardol, P., G.F. Veen, F.P. Teste & M.P. Perring (2015). Peeking into the black box: A trait-based approach to predicting plant-soil feedback. New Phytologist 206: 1-4.
Asplund, J., S. Bokhorst, P. Kardol & D.A. Wardle (2015). Removal of secondary compounds increases invertebrate abundance in lichens. Fungal Ecology 18: 18-25.
Wang, J., X. Jiang, B. Zheng, Y. Niu, K. Wang, W. Wang & P. Kardol (2015). Effects of electron acceptors on soluble reactive phosphorus in the overlying water during algal decomposition. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22: 19507-19517.
De Graaff, M.-A., J. Adkins, P. Kardol & H.L. Throop (2015). A meta-analysis of soil biodiversity impacts on the carbon cycle. SOIL 1: 257-271.
Kardol, P., J.R. De Long & D.A. Wardle (2014). Local plant adaptation across a subarctic elevational gradient. Royal Society Open Science 1: 140141.
Jonsson, M., P. Kardol, M.J. Gundale, S. Bansal, M.-C. Nilsson, D.B. Metcalfe & D.A. Wardle (2015). Direct and indirect drivers of moss community structure, function and associated microfauna across a successional gradient. Ecosystems 18: 154-169.
De Long, J.R., P. Kardol, M.K. Sundqvist, G.F. Veen & D.A. Wardle (2015). Plant growth response to direct and indirect temperature effects varies by vegetation type and elevation in a subarctic tundra. Oikos 124: 772-783.
Wardle, D.A., P.J. Bellingham, P. Kardol, R. Giesler & E.V.J. Tanner (2015). Coordination of aboveground and belowground responses to local-scale soil fertility differences between two contrasting Jamaican rainforest types. Oikos 124: 285-297.
Wang, J., Z. Hu, X. Xu, X. Jiang, B. Zheng, X. Liu, X. Pan & P. Kardol (2014) Emissions of ammonia and greenhouse gases during combined pre-composting and vermicomposting of duck manure. Waste Management 34: 1546-1552.
Kardol, P., I.A. Dickie, M.G. St. John, S.W. Husheer, K.I. Bonner, P.J. Bellingham& D.A. Wardle (2014). Soil-mediated effects of invasive ungulates on native tree seedlings. Journal of Ecology 102: 622-631.
Gundale, M.J., P. Kardol, M.-C. Nilsson, U. Nilsson, R.W. Lucas & D.A. Wardle (2014). Interactions with soil biota shift from negative to positive when a tree species is moved outside its native range. New Phytologist doi: 10.1111/nph.12699.
Asplund, J., A. Sandling, P. Kardol & D.A. Wardle (2014). The influence of tree-scale and ecosystem-scale factors on epiphytic lichen communities across a long-term retrogressive chronosequence. Journal of Vegetation Science doi: 10.1111/jvs.12149
Pluchon, N., M.J. Gundale, M.-C. Nilsson, P. Kardol & D.A. Wardle (2014). Stimulation of boreal tree seedling growth by wood-derived charcoal: effects of charcoal properties, seedling species and soil fertility. Functional Ecology doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12221
Kang, X., Y. Wang, H. Chen, J. Tian, X. Cui, Y. Rui, L. Zhong, P. Kardol, Y. Hao & X. Xiao (2014). Modeling carbon fluxes using multi-temporal MODIS imagery and CO2 eddy flux tower data in Zoige alpine wetland, South-West China. Wetlands doi: 10.1007/s13157-014-0529-y.
Jiang, L., Z. Lan, G. Liu & P. Kardol (2014). Interactive effects of nitrogen and water additionon competitive hierarchies between early- and late-successional plant species. Polish Journal of Ecology 62: 665-678.
Kong, D.L., X.T. Lü, L.L. Jiang, H.F. Wu, T. Miao & P. Kardol (2013). Extreme rainfall events can alter inter-annual biomass responses to water and N enrichment. Biogeosciences 10:8129-8138.
Wei, C, Q. Yu, E. Bai, X. Lü, Q. Li, J. Xia, P. Kardol, W. Liang, Z, Wang & X. Han (2013). Nitrogen deposition weakens plant-microbe interactions in grasslandecosystems. Global Change Biology 19: 3688-3697.
Kang, X., Y. Hao, X. Cui, H. Chen, C. Li, Y. Rui, J. Tian, P. Kardol, L. Zhong, J. Wang & Y. Wang (2013). Effects of grazing on CO2 balance in asemiarid steppe: field observations and modeling. Journal of Soils and Sediments 13: 1012-1023.
Mariotte, P., C. Vanderberghe, F. Hagedorn, P. Kardol & A. Buttler (2013). Subordinate plant species enhance community resistance against drought in semi-natural grassland. Journal of Ecology 101: 763–773.
Kardol, P., L Souza & A.T. Classen (2013). Resource availability mediates the importance of priority effects inplant community assembly and ecosystem function. Oikos 122: 84-94.
Kardol, P., G.B. De Deyn, E. Laliberté, P. Mariotte & C.V. Hawkes (2013). Biotic plant-soil feedback across temporal scales. Journal of Ecology 101: 309-315.
Van der Putten, W.H., R.D. Bardgett, J.D. Bever, T.M. Bezemer, B.B. Casper, T. Fukami, P. Kardol, J.N. Klironomos, A. Kulmatiski, J.A. Schweitzer, K.N. Suding, T.F.J. Van de Voorde & D.A. Wardle (2013). Plant-soil feedback: the past, the present and future challenges. Journal of Ecology 101: 265-276 .
Kardol, P., J.R. De Long & M.K. Sundqvist (2012). Crossing the threshold: the power of multi-level experiments in identifying global change responses. New Phytologist 196: 323-326.
Wei, C., H. Zheng, Q. Li, X. Lü, Q. Yu, H. Zhang, Q. Chen, N. He, P. Kardol, W. Liang & X. Han (2012). Nitrogen addition regulates soil nematode community through ammonium suppression in a semiarid grassland. PLoS ONE 7: e43384.
Li, M., L. Jiang, Y. Rui, L. Zhong, J. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Sun & P. Kardol (2012). Effects of flue gas desulphurization gypsum by-products on microbial biomass and community structure in alkaline-saline soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments 12: 1040-1053.
Wang, J.Z., Z.Y. Hu, X.Q. Zhou, Z.Z. An, J.F. Gao, X.N. Liu, L.L. Jiang, J. Lu, X.M. Kang, M. Li, Y.B. Hao & P. Kardol (2012). Effects of reed straw, zeolite, and superphosphate amendments on ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from stored duck manure. Journal of Environmental Quality 41: 1221-1227.
Kardol, P., W.N. Reynolds, R.J. Norby & A.T. Classen (2011). Climate change effects on soil microarthropod abundance and community structure. Applied Soil Ecology 47: 37-44.
Gray, S.B., A.T. Classen, P. Kardol, Z. Yermakov & R.M. Miller (2011). Multiple climate change factors interact to alter soil microbial community structure inan old-field ecosystem. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75: 1-10.
Jiang, L., X. Han, N. Dong, Y. Wang & P. Kardol (2011). Plant species effects on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a temperate steppe in northern China. Plant and Soil 346: 331-347.
Holtkamp, R., A. van der Wal, P. Kardol, S.C. Dekker & P.C. de Ruiter (2011). Modelling C and N mineralisation in soil food webs during secondary succession on ex-arable land. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43: 251-260.
Kardol, P. & D.A. Wardle (2010). How understanding aboveground-belowground linkages can assist restoration ecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25: 670-679.
Jiang, L., X. Han, G. Zhang & P. Kardol (2010). The role of plant-soil feedbacks in restorationof a temperate steppe in northern China. Ecological Research 25: 1101-1111.
Kardol, P., C.E. Campany, L. Souza, R.J. Norby, J.F. Weltzin & A.T. Classen (2010). Climate change effects on plant biomass alter dominance patterns and community evenness in an experimental old-field ecosystem. Global Change Biology 16: 2676-2687.
Kardol, P., M.A. Cregger, C.E. Campany & A.T. Classen (2010). Soil ecosystem functioning under climate change: plant species and community effects. Ecology 91: 767-781.
Kardol, P., D.E Todd, P.J. Hanson & P.J. Mulholland† (2010). Long-term successional forest dynamics: species and community responses to climatic variability. Journal of Vegetation Science 21: 627-642.
Souza, L., R.T. Belote, P. Kardol, J.F. Weltzin& R.J. Norby (2010). CO2 enrichment accelerates successional development of an understory plant community. Journal of Plant Ecology 3: 33-39.
Kardol, P., J.S. Newton, T.M. Bezemer, M. Maraun & W.H. van der Putten (2009). Contrasting diversity patternsfor soil mites and nematodes in secondary succession. Acta Oecologica 35: 603-609.
Kardol, P., T. M. Bezemer &W.H. van der Putten (2009). Soil organism and plant introductions in restoration of species-rich grassland communities. Restoration Ecology 17: 258-269.
Kardol, P., A. van der Wal, A., T.M. Bezemer, H. Duyts & W.H. van der Putten (2008). Restoration of species-rich grasslands on ex-arable land: Seed addition outweighs soil fertility reduction. Biological Conservation 141: 2208-2217.
Holtkamp, R., P. Kardol, A. van der Wal, S.C. Dekker, W.H. van der Putten & P.C. de Ruiter (2008). Soil food web structure during ecosystem development after land abandoment. Applied Soil Ecology 39 (1): 23-34.
Kardol, P., N.J. Cornips, M.M.L. van Kempen, J.M.T. Bakx-Schotman& W.H. van der Putten (2007). Microbe-mediated plant-soil feedback in pioneer stages of secondary succession causes long-lasting historical contingency effects inplant community composition. Ecological Monographs 77(2): 147-162.
Kardol, P., T.M. Bezemer & W.H. van der Putten (2006). Temporal variation in plant-soil feedback controls succession. Ecology Letters 9: 1080-1088.
Van der Wal, A., J.A. van Veen, W. Smant, H.T.S. Boschker, J. Bloem, P. Kardol, W.H. van der Putten& W. de Boer (2006). Fungal biomass development in a chronosequence of land abandonment. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38: 51-60.
Kardol, P., T.M. Bezemer, A. van der Wal & W.H. van der Putten (2005). Successional trajectories of soil nematode and plant communities in a chronosequence of ex-arable land. Biological Conservation 126: 317-327.
Books, book chapters, and other publications
P. Kardol, J.R. De Long & P. Mariotte (2018). Soil biota as drivers of plant community assembly. In: Aboveground-Belowground Community Ecology, Eds T. Ohgushi, S. Wurst & S. Johnson. Ecological Studies, Springer.
Mariotte, P & P. Kardol (Eds.) (2014) Grassland Biodiversity and Conservation in a Changing World. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppage, NY, USA. ISBN: 978-1-61761-619-8.
Kardol, P. & W.H. van der Putten (2009). Sowing the seeds? British Wildlife 21: 20-21.
Kardol, P., M.A. Cregger, C.E. Campany & A.T. Classen (2009). Plant compositional shifts moderate climate change effects on soil enzyme activities and soil nematodes. Journal of Nematology 41: 343-344.
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Kardol, P. (2007). Plant and Soil Community Assembly in Secondary Succession on Ex-arable Land. Fundamental and Applied Approaches. PhD thesis. Ponsen & Looijen, Wageningen, the Netherlands. ISBN 90-8504-612-2.