CV page

Teun Dekker

My research focuses on fundamental and applied aspects of Chemical Ecology, from olfactory coding to innovative tools in pest control. The two, although traditionally often juxtaposed, can readily be bridged by a creative scientist. It is a rewarding experience to actively engage in fast tracking basic to applied sciences. But beyond personal gratification (and perhaps a logic reciprocation for the generous societal support of science), the immense need for sustainable innovation of our production systems calls' more than ever' for an active support of the science to application trajectory.


My research spans a broad array of topics, which indicates both a bet-hedging strategy as well as an diverse interest. Topics include: - invasive species - Drosophila suzukii - Tephritid fruit flies - Mosquitoes - Insect behaviour and ecology - Insect neurophysiology and olfactory coding - Push pull cropping systems. The above will be updated later. For an updated publication record, please visit my research gate page:
