CV page

Thomas Ranius

Thomas Ranius


I am a professor and leader for the Subject Area Conservation Biology (Dept. of Ecology, Faculty of Forest Sciences). I am a member of the faculty board and the academic appointments board of the Faculty of Forest Sciences, and SLU's library board.

My research aims at contributing to the knowledge needed to make decisions related to biodiversity. The applied research is mainly about the effect on biodiversity and ecosystem services (especially recreational values) of forestry, nature conservation, and climate change. I also conduct research in climate-related and spatial ecology focusing on species of conservation interest, especially insects associated with old trees and dead wood. It aims at generating knowledge needed as input to the applied research. The research consists of empirical studies, simulations, and syntheses.


I am doing teaching in ecology and conservation biology.

Previously, I have been the leader for the courses Forest conservation biology, Conservation Biology and Forest ecology and production potential.


I am currently the leader of two research projects.

- Conservation value of skeleton forests (= groups of trees killed by the spruce bark beetle)

- Effects of climate on dead wood organisms – consequences on nature conservation and forest protection

I am involved in projects about non-native tree species, forest ants, signal species, and forestry without clearfelling.


Professor in conservation biology at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2018)

Professor in ecology at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2012)

Associated professor in ecology at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2004)

Ph D in zoology at Lund university (2000)


As main supervisor for Ph D student

Ongoing: Anika Gossmann

Finished: Victor Johansson (2012), Diana Rubene (2014), Francesca Santaniello (2017), Carl Lehto (2024)

As co-supervisor for Ph D students

Ongoing: Ellinor Ramberg, Andreas Lundgren

Finished: Stefano Chiari, Alejandro Ruete, Maria Koch-Widerberg, Måns Svensson, Simon Kärvemo

As host for post docs:

Ongoing: Elodie Le Souchu

Finished: Heidi Paltto, Alexandro Caruso, Martin Hallinger, Laia Mestre, Fabien Laroche, Matthew Hiron, Victor Johansson, Anna Filyushkina, Lina Widenfalk, Kadri Runnel, Aino Hämäläinen, Sonia Merinero, Julia Kyaschenko, Ly Lindman, Malin Tälle

Selected publications

Ranius, T., Gibbons, P., Lindenmayer, D. (2024) Habitat requirements of deadwood-dependent invertebrates that occupy tree hollows. Biological Reviews.

Lehto, C., Hedblom, M., Filyushkina, A., Ranius, T. (2024) Seeing through their eyes: Revealing recreationists’ landscape preferences through viewshed analysis and machine learning. Landscape and Urban Planning 248: 105097.

Gossmann, A., Öckinger, E., Schroeder, M., Lindman, L., Ranius, T. (2024) Interaction between regional temperature and shade level shapes saproxylic beetle communities. Diversity and Distributions 30: e13836.

Tälle, M., Ranius, T., Öckinger, E. (2023) The usefulness of surrogates in biodiversity conservation: A synthesis. Biological Conservation 288: 110384.

Lindman, L., Ranius, T., Schroeder, M. (2023) Regional climate affects habitat preferences and thermal sums requires for development of the Eurasian spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus. Forest Ecology and Management 544: 121216.

Hämäläinen, A., Fahrig, L., Strengbom, J., Ranius, T. (2023) Effective management for deadwood-dependent lichen diversity requires landscape-scale habitat protection. Journal of Applied Ecology 60: 1597-1606.

Kärvemo, S., Schroeder, M., Ranius, T. (2023) Beetle diversity in dead wood is lower in non-native than native tree species, especially those more distanttly related to native species. Journal of Applied Ecology 60: 170-180.

Ranius, T., Widenfalk, L.A., Seedre, M., Lindman, L., Felton, A., Hämäläinen, A, Filyushkina, A., Öckinger, E. (2023) Protected area designation and management in a world of climate change: A review of recommendations. Ambio 52: 68-80.



Professor at the Department of Ecology; S, Conservation Biology Unit
Telephone: +4618672334
Postal address:
Inst för Ekologi, Box 7044
750 07 UPPSALA
Visiting address: Ulls Väg 16, Uppsala