Research project: Improved Reproduction Using New Sequencing Technologies - Can it Provide the Food Fish of the Future

Last changed: 12 June 2024

Rainbow trout and Arctic charr: Swedish, nutrient-rich fish species currently exist on too small a scale to meet the demand. Over the next four years, the VBCN research station and Khrystyna Kurta are working towards a common goal - to explore the possibilities of improving reproduction in what could become the food fish of the future. Join us in the world of our Swedish fish farms!

Inside a Swedish fish farm

Imagine walking through the gates and being greeted by the following sight:
Fish tanks are of different sizes and shapes with different purposes: nursery, separated male and female fish, young and fully grown, and large fish. To the right is a huge oxygen tank; outside are ponds where fish grow bigger.

In a large fish farm, such as the Swedish VBCN, there are roughly 375,000 fish, ranging from larvae to 9-year-old adults of species like Arctic charr, rainbow trout, and brown trout. In such a large fish farm, the annual production can reach up to 30 tons of fish.

Many people also work diligently within the facility to maintain the fish's living environment and secure future generations. They monitor the oxygen level, temperature, and nutrient content in the water tanks. They collect roe from the females and milt from the males — and, after careful calculations, ensure that the right eggs and sperm are mixed to produce the next generation of fish.

But why go to all this trouble when fish can be naturally caught from our large lakes and seas? The answer is to be able to control breeding and select the best individuals with desirable traits using tools like selective breeding and AI.

The VBCN Research Station

Today, Arctic charr is a rare commodity in the food market. It is classified as a high-quality Swedish food fish that could be an important part of the Swedish diet. However, not today — its fertility is too low.

Arctic charr kept within aquaculture and fish farms tend to exhibit lower sperm quality than their wild counterparts, resulting in a reduced number of fertilized eggs and hatched embryos.

This makes Arctic charr a rare food fish that almost no one can afford to buy. Instead, we import enormous quantities of foreign fish - but it doesn't have to be this way, the researcher states.

Since the late 1980s, Arctic charr has been the subject of a national breeding program and is still considered a key species in the Swedish aquaculture industry. However, the factors affecting sperm quality have not been investigated until today.

Over the next four years, the VBCN research station and a research group, which Khrystyna Kurta is a part of, are collaborating towards a common goal: to investigate the possibilities of improving reproduction in what could become the food fish of the future.

Foto Lisa Chröisty av forskare Khrystyna Kurta
Multiple methods are being combined to execute the project aimed at improving the fertility of the Swedish Arctic charr — utilizing new, advanced technology and the opportunity to conduct the research project directly within a Swedish fish farm. Photo: Lisa Chröisty

AI, selective breeding, and new genetic methods

Khrystyna Kurta describes her job as "using multiple methods to identify the most fertile fish and ensuring that they are retained in breeding programs." How is this done? The answer is AI and selective breeding.

– Artificial insemination (AI) and selective breeding are keys to controlling the traits of future generations, including fish, she says.

So, it's about not allowing natural spawning (mating) to occur. Instead, gametes are collected from females and males — and fertilization is done artificially.

However, to form the next generation effectively, eggs and sperm must be carefully selected, which requires much knowledge about which traits should be prioritized.

The Big Question: Production versus Reproduction

The process of AI and selective breeding is well-established within fish farms. In this process, females and males are examined so that the most suitable ones are used for breeding. Notably, the assessment includes evaluating how "good" the fish are from a production perspective. However, measuring the fertility of fish is not currently on the agenda.

– Good production traits in other animal species can involve characteristics like high milk production (cows) or rapid growth (chickens). In fish, size is often valued. However, researchers have observed that animals selected for the BEST production traits may have the WORST reproductive performance in the future — ultimately leading to the extinction of these fantastic production traits simply because the animals are not fertile enough to create the next generation, says Khrystyna Kurta.

The researchers will evaluate Swedish-farmed Arctic charr males based on several parameters, such as age, genetics, and whether it matters when, during the fish spawning season, the sperm is collected. In addition, the research team is questioning whether sperm quality affects the offspring.

– We have reason to believe that sperm quality, how active and "fast" the sperm of Arctic charr males are, can affect both the survival and development of their offspring. If this is true, and if we can also identify genes (through a process called "sperm transcriptome/RNA analysis") that indicate fertility or infertility, we can predict the most fertile fish in the future and ensure a more sustainable fish population, the researcher continues.

Samples are collected and placed under a microscope to conduct these investigations. But there's a catch: the measurement must be quick. The researchers have only a 30-second window to study the sperm before they die. However, with the right techniques, that time is sufficient to extract all the information Khrystyna Kurta seeks.

Indeed, that might be all that's needed to advance the research.

To find 'the fertile gene'

The fish's sperm is assessed through advanced techniques using computers and microscopes, which classify them into one of the following groups:

  • Fast
  • Medium
  • Slow
  • or Dead

And the faster the sperm move, the better! explains Khrystyna Kurta, continuing:
– ...It's the same equipment used for humans and other animals, where we measure if there are live sperm in the sample and how many motile sperm cells are present.

To avoid retaining infertile males in breeding stock and eliminate the need to test sperm quality in fish multiple times per season, per fish, the researchers have another plan: to search for the trait of "high fertility" in the fish genetic code.

In this way, we can instead take a simple sample from each fish, even at a young age, and determine if it's a fish that should be kept for breeding or not. If our research shows that low fertility is passed on and affects the development and fertility of the next generation, this becomes an important tool for securing the future of farmed fish," she says.

But first, hard work needs to be done to investigate what affects the fertility of Arctic charr males and whether this impacts the development and fertility of their offspring.

The future of a growing population

The demand for nutritious food is increasing as the human population grows. Today, Swedish Arctic charr is a nutritious but expensive food fish that few can afford. However, this may not be the case in the future, especially considering projects like Khrystyna Kurta's work, which improves the prospects for what could become the food fish of the future.

– I dream that in 15 years, it will be possible for me and all other Swedes to walk into a regular grocery store and be met with a wide selection of Arctic charr, produced here in Sweden (environmental aspect), affordable enough for us to buy (economic aspect), and equally high-quality in nutritional content as it is today (health aspect). That's the goal I have in sight for the distant future," concludes Khrystyna Kurta, research leader for the project "Boosting the reproductive performance of Arctic charr using high-throughput sequencing technologies.

If it becomes possible to identify the genetic code behind high fertility, the results could be transferable to other species, both fish and larger production animals.

– Fertility has become a significant issue both for fishing and livestock farming; therefore, we need to search for all possible solutions to improve it using the latest effective tools, concludes researcher Khrystyna Kurta.

Foto Lisa Chröisty av forskare Khrystyna Kurta (12).jpg
The project was initiated in 2024 and is expected to continue until the end of 2027. Photo: Lisa Chröisty


  • Funded with 3,999,996 by the National Research Council Formas
  • Expected to last for four years, from 2024 to 2027
  • Conducted by researcher Khrystyna Kurta, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) at the forefront along with a team consisting of:
    • Christos Palaiokostas, researcher and associate professor in aquaculture with a focus on selective breeding at SLU.
    • Simone Immler, professor in genetics and reproduction at the University of East Anglia, Research Park, Norwich, UK. 
    • Henrik Jeuthe, CEO and research leader at Vattenbruksventrum Norr AB.

The research project is planned to be conducted in three different parts, simply described as:

  1. Investigate the seasonal and age effects on sperm quality in Arctic charR. The same individuals will be examined over several years and during different parts of the season to see if and how these two factors matter—both for individual fish and as a population.
  2. Investigate potential genomic influences linked to sperm quality, meaning how certain parts of the fish's DNA code are linked to sperm quality. An experiment that will involve over 600 fish.
  3. Investigate whether, and if so, how, low sperm quality affects the offspring of the fish. Fish eggs will be inseminated with sperm of varying quality, and embryos from high and low sperm quality will then be compared at different stages to examine which genes act in sperm of low and high quality and also in their respective offspring.