Erik Pelve, University lecturer
Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry
Here you can find a list of our PhD students.
Jun Mei (Vicky) Hu Frisk
Nucleotide metabolism in health and diseases
Supervisor: Liya Wang
Sumalata Sonavane
Improving the mechanical properties of biomimetic spider silk fibers
Supervisor: Anna Rising
Linda Andersson
Body weight in dogs
Supervisor: Katja Höglund
Katrina Ask
Orthopedic pain in large animals, horses and cows
Supervisor: Marie Rhodin
Johan Lundblad
FACES: Facial Activities of C ompound Emotional States of horses
Supervisor: Marie Rhodin
Anna Leclercq
Lameness detection in cows and horses
Supervisor: Marie Rhodin
Ebba Zetterberg
Factors influencing movement symmetry in horses
Supervisor: Marie Rhodin
Birgitta Staaf Larsson
Can animal welfare of dairy cows be improved by combining resource-based and animal-based measurements in the official control?
Supervisor: Margareta Steen
Nina Känsälä
The theme of the research is horse welfare and equestrian. The preliminary title is "Equestrian and Welfare - one study of thought and physiological reality "
Supervisor:Anna Jansson
Vikingur Gunnarsson
Subjective and objective assessment of the Icelandic horse's performance.
Supervisor: Marie Rhodin
Linda Kjellberg
Horses in an active open barn systems - behaviour and welfare
Supervisor: Karin Morgan
Denise Söderroos
Weight-bearing ability of Icelandic horses and the importance of training.
Supervisor: Anna Jansson
Lotten Wahlund
Implementation of virtual fencing for control of grazing cattle
Supervisor: Anna Jansson
Lisa Johansson
Markers for good and bad training effects in horses
Supervisor: Anna Jansson
Sara Larsdotter Davey
Electrolyte and fluid balance in horses
Supervisor: Kristina Dahlborn
Erik Pelve, University lecturer
Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry