Degree project: Feeling secure: Promoting positive welfare and resilience in laying hens

Last changed: 20 October 2022

While laying hens on Swedish farms are reared in ways that protect them from harm, the birds may not perceive that they are in a safe environment. This can result in problems of fearfulness and poor use of resources, with the associated risk of behaviour and health problems. Laying hens are sometimes offered outdoor aviaries, but far from all hens use this resource.

We propose a novel approach to increase young birds’ perception of safety while also better preparing them for the laying period. During rearing, we shall provide birds with the choice to move between a functional Secure Zone (more dimly lit resting area with cover) and a functional Stimulation Zone (brighter activity area with varied litter types) to encourage foraging, exploration and exposure to various challenges. We predict this will result in birds that spend more time engaging in behaviour associated with comfort, growth and learning. We also predict that these birds will show greater resilience and immunocompetence, and greater willingness to explore new environments and utilise important resources and thus be more likely to venture outdoors when given the opportunity.

PosHen is a large research project where we investigate how early experiences affect laying hen behavior and welfare. Within the project, there are several opportunities to do bachelor or master degree projects. Sound interesting? Feel free to contact us to discuss possible projects.

Contact Josefina Zidar for more information.