Degree project: Human-animal interactions in large flocks on commercial laying hen farms

Last changed: 14 November 2023

Research shows that visual contact is enough to reduce fearfulness of humans in laying hens. However, most research has been performed in small experimental studies. Little is known about how this knowledge applies on commercial farms, where the majority of flocks comprises thousands of hens in loose-housing systems. 

The aim of this pilot study is to investigate whether (i) spending more time with the flock and (ii) including positive interactions can reduce fearfulness of humans in laying hens on commercial farms.

This is a pilot study – the farmers on approximately 3-5 farms will be instructed to spend a certain amount of time with the flocks during the daily routine visits, as well as to include some specific neutral or positive elements in their interactions with the hens. We are looking for a student who can help with the subsequent data collection (approximately half a day per farm) i.e. to evaluate fearfulness in the laying hen flocks.

For more information, please contact Lina Göransson  
