More information about our reindeer research

Last changed: 10 June 2024

Our goal is to develop knowledge that strengthens the long-term sustainability of reindeer husbandry and helps it cope with external stresses. Climate change, other land use and predators are examples of factors that affect reindeer husbandry. We conduct research and education with a focus on the production conditions of reindeer herding and interactions with the surrounding world.

Key areas:

  • Reindeer habitat selection, activity patterns and health/production related to disturbances and other land use (including wind power and mining)

  • Reindeer management's conditions for using the natural pastures related to climate change and other land use

  • Effects of predators on reindeer and the impact of predation on reindeer production, as well as preventive measures and possible side effects of measures (health, animal welfare, production)

  • Reindeer health, condition and production related to the reindeer's use of the natural pastures and winter feeding

  • Animal health and welfare and in reindeer husbandry (collaboration with Gård- och Djurhälsan, SVA, the Swedish Sami National Federation, the Norwegian Veterinary Institute and the reindeer health service)

  • Editorship of the scientific journal Rangifer as well as research mediation for reindeer husbandry via the Sami Parliament (linked to Rangifer).


Research group:


Portrait image of Leonie Duris. Photo.

Doctoral student

Léonie Julia Blandine Duris
018 - 67 16 75


Portrait image of Heidi Rautiainen. Photo.

Doctoral student

Heidi Rautiainen
018 - 67 15 62


Portrait image of Anna Skarin. Photo.


Anna Skarin
018 - 67 19 54


Portrait image of Birgitta Åhman. Photo.

Professor emeritus

Birgitta Åhman
018 - 67 23 08


Birgitta Åhman, professor of reindeer husbandry at the Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU) 2010–2021, has had a long and eventful career in the field of reindeer husbandry. That was celebrated with a seminar day on October 25. Some of the lectures were given in English and some in Swedish.