On-going projects
Widening the harvest window of ley by increasing stubble height
Could impaired nutritional quality from delayed harvest of ley be counteracted by increasing the stubble height drastically and how would the total annual yield and quality then be affected? -
Can the red algae Asparagopsis taxiformis reduce methane production in dairy cows?
In this project, the effect of red algae on methane production and on the feed digestibility for Swedish dairy cows is tested. -
Find the forage-efficient cows and increase profitability
Is it possible to identify dairy cows with high forage intake capacity? -
Milk production with extensively processed silage for increased forage intake
The aim of the project is to investigate how much extensive mechanical processing of silage can increase the forage intake in dairy cows and hereby reduce the requirement for concentrates. -
INDILACT - Individually adapted lactations lengths
The aim of the project is to develop tools which can be used for individually adapted lactation lengths based on the biological conditions of the cow.