Fish tagging in Swedish lakes and rivers

Last changed: 03 April 2023
lobster in a hand

By tagging fish and shellfish, you get information about migration patterns and growth, survival, distribution and stock size. The Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua) tags fish in several research projects. SLU Aqua also administrate tagging projects on behalf of universities and county boards.

Report your catch of tagged fish or shellfish

Report to SLU Aqua | Externwebben (in Swedish)


The information you register via the web form, e-mail, send by post or call in is processed by SLU in order to be able to send you a reply letter and reward. Read more about the processing of personal data atädten.

Carlin tagging database

The Carlin tagging data consists over 80,000 recapture registrations and approximately 8,000 release series. Data is available from the 1940s.

The fish tagging database is quality assured according to SLU's quality assurance plan: to provide open data in accordance with the ambitions of the joint authority strategy for environmental data management.

Data can be disclosed upon request for an administrative fee.



Teresa Soler, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Analyst
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Freshwater Research, SLU, +46 10 478 42 45