Sustainable use of aquatic resources
The Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua) study the dynamics of aquatic ecosystems and how they are affected by environment and human activity. We monitor and assess seas, coastal waters, lakes and watercourses, conduct research with a focus on fish and shellfish and support society with expert advice. Our knowledge contributes to a more sustainable use and management of our aquatic resources. The department is SLU's largest and has more than 190 employees at four main locations: Lysekil, Öregrund, Stockholm and Uppsala.
For viable fish stocks in healthy waters
SLU Aqua is characterized by intensive dialogue and collaboration with public authorities, organisations, industry and academia. This creates a vital research environment and gives us unique opportunities to develop knowledge with high societal impact. If you want to collaborate with us, please get in touch.
The world's marine and freshwater fish resources and the exploitation of these resources face major challenges. SLU Aqua collaborates with several organizations active in low- and middle income countries to strengthen an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management. Our work contributes to the Global Goals of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.
Read more about or international development cooperation
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