Welcome to the Institute of Marine Research

Last changed: 10 February 2025
The institute of marie Research is situated just by the sea in Lysekil. Photo.

The Institute of Marine Research in Lysekil is one of three divisions at the Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua). We collect, store and analyse information about marine ecosystems and commercial fish and shellfish species such as cod, sprat, Norwegian lobster and shrimps. Our environmental analysts and researchers develop knowledge about how marine resources can be used sustainably and we provide advice to both Swedish and international authorities and organizations.

Our research

  • We study both the effects of the environment on fish and the effects of fishing on the environment.
  • We investigate how fishing affects the growth, survival and population size of fish and shellfish species,
  • and how marine ecosystems are affected by factors such as eutrophication, fishing and top predators such as seals and cormorants.

Development and evaluation of selective fishing gear

We also work on developing selective fishing gear. On behalf of the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (HaV), we run the Secretariat for Selective Fishing, which collects ideas for development projects from commercial fishing and evaluates completed projects scientifically.

Data collection and research for sustainable fisheries

We collect, process and analyse data to describe the status and trends of fish and shellfish stocks and the status of marine ecosystems. We also investigate the types of marine debris that can be found on the seabed.

A large part of the data collection at the Institute of Marine Research is carried out within the framework of the EU data collection programme. Fish do not care about land borders, so sampling of sea areas is coordinated together with our neighbouring countries. We carry out six international fish surveys in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, as well as several national fish and shellfish surveys in coastal areas. In addition, we carry out biological sampling of fish on board commercial fishing boats and in ports on behalf of the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management.

We conduct larger surveys on board research vessel R/V Svea. Our coastal surveys are carried out with the smaller vessels Hålabben or Smålabben and for other surveys we rent commercial fishing vessels.

In addition to standard fishing methods, we also try to collect data in ways that have less impact on the species we study. This could include surveys using acoustics together with video cameras lowered into the sea or drones such as Aqua Sailor.

Data and advice to support fisheries management

The stock estimates and analyses we produce are used in both national and international management of fish and shellfish stocks. Many of our employees participate in the work of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), whose scientific advice forms the basis of the EU's common fisheries policy. An important part of this is supplying data to international databases for further analysis.

We also carry out assignments for the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, for example, monitoring marine protected areas, national management of stocks (including lobster) and the development of gentle fishing methods.

Research and teaching

At the Institue of Marine Research in Lysekil, we offer students the opportunity to write their thesis at bachelor's or master's level. You can also do your postgraduate studies here. At the Department of Aquatic Resources, exciting research is underway on marine resources and ecosystems, where students and doctoral students can participate and contribute. We offer other courses.