Kungsådran – river Dalälven

Last changed: 27 October 2022

Kungsådran, is well suited for experiments. River Dalälven is regulated, but by a water jurisdiction there is always water running through one of the three river veins downstream the power plant – Kungsådran.

No migratory fish can pass here without entering the "centralfiske" on Laxön, managed by the Fisheries Resaerch Station . This provides the opportunity to effectively capture and control returning fish in large-scale trials. Kungsådran is located directly next to the Dalälven, and here there is also access to:

  • Fish hatchery
  • Throughs
  • Fish sorting terminal



Ann-Britt Florin, Head of Division
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Coastal Research, SLU
ann-britt.florin@slu.se, +46 10 478 41 22