Swedish Crayfish Database

The Institute of Freshwater Research is in charge of the Swedish Crayfish Database, which consists of noble crayfish and signal crayfish occurrences, crayfish test fishing events and crayfish plague occurrences.
The database is a powerful tool for storing, processing and analyzing data on crayfish. It is also used for maps and statistical reports. One of its main functions is as a geographic IT support within the framework of environmental monitoring and crayfish research. It is built within MS Access and contains quality assured data that can be directly linked to vector and raster map layers.
The database is used for several national and international research projects. It also offers an administrative support for various authorities. As the database receives crayfish data from many different sources, a close collaboration between SLU and regional and local authorities, fishing organizations and fishing rights owners is needed.
Procedures to update the database are developed continuously.
The database is cited as:
Bohman, P. (Editor). yyyy. Swedish Crayfish Database. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Aquatic Resources.
http://www.slu.se/kraftdatabasen [yyyy-mm-dd].