Master thesis- 30/60 credits

Last changed: 19 March 2025

Do you want to work with marine biology, marine ecology, freshwater biology, freshwater ecology, limnology or sustainable development? Make a difference for the Baltic Sea, the Skagerrak or Kattegat, for lakes or running waters! As a master thesis worker at our department, you will get the chance to deal with real problems in ongoing research projects, and have supervisors who are Sweden's leading experts in the field. You get to use theoretical knowledge in practice, and get the chance to participate in exciting fieldwork.

Our current calls concern a variety of topics in our field, such as fish, fisheries, shellfish, seals, waterfowl, ecosystems and sustainability issues. 

Current calls for master thesis 30/60 ECTS

(Are you looking for a bachelor thesis project (15 ECTS), go and have a look here!)

Population expansion and development of the invasive round goby in the Baltic Sea


One of the most distinctive alien species invading the Baltic Sea during the last decades is the fish round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). The species originates from the Ponto-Caspian region and was first observed in the Baltic Sea in 1990 in the Polish coastal waters of the Gulf of Gdansk. The main vector mediating the establishment of the species in the Baltic Sea is ballast water from ships. The round goby has since the first observation become established in all basins in the Baltic Sea, with the northernmost finding of the species along the Finnish coast of the Bothnian Bay. Following establishment, the abundance of round goby has sky-rocketed in most coastal areas, in turn potentially impacting the local coastal ecosystem structure and functioning. As many coastal fish species targeted by small-scale fisheries in the Baltic Sea have declined, the species has today become an important target in coastal fisheries in some areas. Despite the generally good knowledge on the spatial extent of the establishment of round goby in the Baltic Sea, relatively little is known about the population development in different coastal areas of the sea. Such information is key to understanding the general biology of species, what factors regulate its population development, and whether measures should be taken to manage and mitigate the ecosystem effects following the invasion of round goby.


  • To compile Baltic wide data on round goby population expansion and development and analyze time-trends in the abundance of the species in different parts of the
    Baltic Sea coast,
  • To understand potential factors driving population expansion and development of the species by addressing commonalities and differences in time-trends across areas.


In this project you will collate data from coastal fish monitoring programs in all countries bordering the Baltic Sea with a focus on round goby abundance. We already have a well established network with responsible persons for the monitoring programs, and data should be rather easily accessible. The analyses suggested include time-trends of round goby abundance across different coastal areas of the Baltic Sea, addressing common patterns in the temporal development of the species across areas, and evaluation of the trends over time in light of the local environmental conditions and the structure and temporal development of the resident coastal fish community as a whole.


Jens Olsson, Researcher at the Department of Aquatic Resources, Ultuna in Uppsala,; 076-1890538

Matilda Andersson, Environmental Assessment Specialist at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, Ultuna in Uppsala,

Coastal food web responses to marine heatwaves

Master project in Biology (30-60 credits)

This thesis project aims to resolve how marine heatwaves affect coastal food webs, including species interactions and biomass production from plankton to fish. The thesis will be part of a larger project aiming to improve our knowledge about risks posed by climate change-driven extreme marine weather events on marine food webs and fisheries as a step towards developing effective adaptation strategies.


Waters around the globe are not only exhibiting an increase in mean temperatures, but marine heatwaves – periods of unusually high water temperatures – are also increasing in frequency, including in the Baltic Sea. Marine heatwaves and other extreme marine weather events can alter the biodiversity, functioning and productivity of food webs, with potential implications for fisheries and marine food production. Whereas we have learned a lot about how food web responses to warming depend on interactions within and among species, this is largely unknown for heatwaves.

Methods and learning opportunities

The students (one or several) will join in setting up a tank experiment to test how simulated heatwaves impact juvenile fish production, biomass distributions (between phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish) and the duration and mechanisms of those responses. You will carry out the experiment using our coastal mesocosm facility for temperature-experiments. The detailed set-up and more specific study questions will be decided after discussions between the student and supervisors. During the project you will not only learn about food web responses to heatwaves but also skills such as experimental design, sampling of plankton and fish, identification of aquatic organisms, statistics and scientific writing. Preferred project start would be late April 2025.

In addition to gaining new knowledge and skills by doing your own project, you will get the opportunity to become an integrate member of our research group FishinFoodwebs, where you will join group meetings and seminars at campus Ultuna in Uppsala. There may also be opportunities to contribute to a scientific publication.

sky, sea and a boat with two peoplewomen working with big blue bags view over sea and land

The coastal field site close to Forsmark (top and bottom) is where we have our mesocosm experiment facility with heated tanks (middle), and where we sample wild fish and roe to hatch out larvae for the experiment.


Magnus Huss, Associate Professor, Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU, 010-478 41 27

Anna Gårdmark, Professor, Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU
anna.gardmark, 010-478 41 25

Lake experiment to determine how forest fertilizers and carbon leakage affect plankton communities

Many freshwaters in Sweden have become greener and browner over the last century due to human activities. This is linked to changes in land use which have led to increased concentrations of nutrients and dissolved organic matter (DOM) of terrestrial origin. During the same period, we have experienced a major shift in forestry practices, such that today the vast majority of forest areas in Sweden are managed by clearcutting and there has also been a concurrent shift towards dominance of coniferous forests. This has affected the amount and quality of elements transported from forests to water bodies.

This thesis project will make a significant contribution to ongoing research aiming to resolve how land use change and forestry practices affect lake ecosystem diversity and function via loading of DOM and nutrients. Futhermore, the thesis will also investigate if and how the impact depends on lake type, as lakes vary in light climate, carbon and nutrient availability.

The student(s) will specifically try to answer the questions (1) How do different combinations of forest fertilizers and DOM affect plankton production, community biomass and composition? (2) If and how does the response vary with lake chemistry?

Experimental setup

The student(s) will together with supervisors set up enclosure experiments in 6 or more lakes. We will select lake pairs consisting of one brown and one clear lake in each of three distinct geographical areas close to Uppsala, Umeå and in mid Sweden. In each lake, a set-up with small enclosures will be inoculated with lake water and local phytoplankton and zooplankton communities.

The treatments will be additions of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and nutrients. The experiment will run for approximately two weeks per lake-pair, whereafter phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and composition will be measured. The student(s) will, with support from supervisors, set up experiments, take biological samples, analyze the results and relate them to potential effects of forestry practices on lake ecosystems.

Timing and supervision

The fieldwork will be performed during summer 2025. 1-2 student projects are available, preferably to be carried out parallel to each other (30 or 60 ects).

The supervisors are Magnus Huss (Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua), Uppsala,, 010-4784127) and Karin Nilsson (VFM, SLU Umeå,, 070-2055017), and the student can be associated with either SLU Aqua or SLU in Umeå and will become integrated members of their respective research groups, join group meetings and seminars. There may also be opportunities to contribute to a scientific publication.

Seabird in the spotlight: turning tourists’ photographs into valuable seabird population data

Estimating population size and investigating long-term trend of seabirds are essential for conservation and management, but accurate estimations are challenging. Current counting methods mainly rely on boat and aerial surveys (e.g. by drone) or capture-recapture technique (e.g. bird ringing). Besides being time-consuming and having the likelihood of disturbing birds, the accuracy and repeatability of such surveys remain low.

The current project is a citizen science project that aims to monitor seabird populations (e.g. guillemots, razorbills) inhabiting Stora Karlsö (the second oldest natural reserve in the world) with the help of visitors’ contributions. This project relies on standardized photographs taken by visitors with their smartphone at the most visited spot on the island.

Using an advanced computational process (AI Object detection), standardized photographs will be turned into valuable population data during this degree thesis. This will be used to understand seabirds’ daily movements, and to finally assess their population size. This study will allow long-term accurate seabird population assessments and will help monitoring precociously changes that could affect seabird species of the Baltic Sea.

The work will take place in Ultuna, Uppsala, and will be co-supervised by Quentin Queiros ( and Jonas Hentati-Sundberg (

Does protected areas truly prevent seabirds from fishing activities?

Threatened by climate change and fisheries, seabird populations worldwide have declined since the mid-20th century. Seabirds are central-place foragers, commuting between colonies and feeding areas during the breeding season. Understanding their foraging areas is crucial for informing spatial management measures to protect habitats and prey populations. However, only 3% of the ocean is currently fully or highly protected, and establishing marine protected areas (MPAs) or implementing restriction measures without careful planning could have limited or even negative effects.

Identifying interactions between seabirds and fisheries is essential for the efficient future implementation of MPAs and for global conservation efforts. At the same time, global fishing activities, from small-scale fishing boats to industrial fishing vessels, have been tracked daily since 2012.

Using allometric relationships and extrapolating the foraging ranges of species from 23,000 seabird colonies, this thesis aims to evaluate (1) the interactions between seabirds and fisheries and (2) the potential value of current and future MPAs, as well as proposed Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs), in protecting seabirds from fisheries. This study will help quantify threats to seabirds, assess the efficiency of MPAs, and identify areas lacking adequate protection measures.

The thesis will include spatial analyses of seabird at-sea distributions, fishing activities, and protected areas. The data will be analyzed statistically. This project is planned for a Master’s level (30–60 ECTS) and would result in the submission of a scientific paper to a high-ranking journal. The work will take place in Ultuna, Uppsala, and will be co-supervised by Quentin Queiros ( and Jonas Hentati-Sundberg (

Competition and predation on Baltic herring under heatwaves

Master project in Biology (30-60 credits)

We have a challenging and exciting master project on the effects of heatwaves on the Baltic herring ecosystem. In this project, you will use dynamic modelling to explore how various aspects of heatwaves affect the dynamics and fisheries of Baltic herring, their food sources, competitors and predators.


Heatwaves are becoming more frequent and extreme due to climate change, especially in smaller aquatic regions such as the Baltic Sea. Fluctuations in temperature affect the primary productivity of an aquatic ecosystem as well as the behaviour and physiology of individual fish. These effects cascade through the ecosystem thought interactions such as consumption, competition and predation. It is therefore unknown how the increasing frequency and intensity of heatwaves will affect the dynamics of aquatic ecosystems. Dynamic modelling provides a tool to explore how various heatwave scenarios would affect the dynamics of an ecosystem.

Methods and learning opportunities

In this project you will work with a size-structured population model for Baltic herring. Currently, the model describes the dynamics and size structure of Baltic herring, as well as their dynamic resources consisting of two zooplankton communities and a benthos community. In the model several processes such as the growth in size, consumption and respiration of herring and the production of the resource communities are temperature dependent. Depending on your interest and the duration of the project, you will include a predator population of cod or a competitor population of stickleback or sprat in the model. You will explore the dynamics of the extended model and the effects of heatwaves on this dynamics through mathematical simulations.

For this project, we are looking for a master student with an interest in both ecosystem dynamics as well as mathematical modelling. During this project you will learn how to formulate, extend, analyse and interpret mathematical models in a biological context with a focus on size-structured population models. In addition to you gaining new knowledge and skills by doing your own project, you will get the opportunity to become an integrate member of our research group FishinFoodwebs, where you will join group meetings and seminars at campus Ultuna in Uppsala.

boats, fish and copepodsfish swimming in water

Herring (above) and a schematic overview (top illustration) of components of the herring system that forms the basis of the dynamic model (from Huss et. al. 2014, Oikos).


Jasper Croll, Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU, 010-478 81 84

Anna Gårdmark, Professor, Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU
anna.gardmark, 010-478 41 25 

Effects of Shoreline Grazing on Aquatic Environments in the Archipelago

Master’s Project (30/60 credits) in Biology

This research project provides a fantastic opportunity to explore how shoreline grazing by livestock affects aquatic vegetation, fish communities, and overall biodiversity. Fieldwork will take place during the spring and late summer in the Stockholm Archipelago and will include collecting water samples and conducting interviews with local farmers. It is an ideal project for students looking to combine practical work with exciting research in a beautiful environment.


Grazing livestock plays a central role in maintaining biodiversity in cultural landscapes. While the role of grazing in terrestrial conservation has received significant attention, its impact on aquatic systems has been relatively understudied. The STROBIO project aims to fill this knowledge gap by investigating the effects of grazing in aquatic habitats and developing guidelines for best practices. This involves integrating perspectives from conservation biology, fisheries management, and landscape ecology.

Research Questions

  • What mechanisms drive the effects of shoreline grazing on aquatic vegetation and fish communities?
  • How should shoreline grazing be conducted to optimize biodiversity outcomes, such as in terms of grazing intensity and timing?


The project will be carried out through field studies and laboratory analyses during the spring and late summer in the Stockholm Archipelago. Specific activities include:

  • Collecting water samples for eDNA analysis to identify species present in different environments.
  • Sampling water for algal toxin analysis, which the student will have the opportunity to analyze as part of the project.
  • Conducting interviews with local farmers to gain insights into their experiences and grazing methods.
  • Camera-based monitoring of grazing animals' behavior in shoreline zones.

Depending on the project scope (30 or 60 credits), students may also analyze water quality parameters and explore toxin levels or nutrient cycling in grazed versus ungrazed systems. The fieldwork offers a combination of research, collaboration, and natural exploration in one of Sweden’s most beautiful and biologically rich environments.

Opportunities for Students

This project offers a chance to combine fieldwork in a stunning archipelago setting with laboratory work and interview methodology. You will develop valuable skills in sampling, analysis, and communication. The project’s findings could contribute to sustainable grazing practices and the conservation of biodiversity.


Alfred Sandström, Researcher,, +46 761 268 129

Elin Dahlgren, Researcher,

Mysids and sticklebacks interactions with pike larvae

Large-scale mesocosm experiment — how mysids and sticklebacks interact with pike larvae


Many coastal fish communities in the Baltic Sea have experienced a regime shift where predatory fish (pike and perch) have been replaced by three-spined sticklebacks. Hypotheses for the decline in top predators involve: top-down control of adult fish by cormorants and seals, and predation on the larvae by three-spined stickleback and stickleback competition for zooplankton. However, these hypotheses are largely based on correlative field observations at rather large spatiotemporal scales, making causal inference difficult. To avoid poor management decisions and instead strive for accomplishing the best possible effect of management interventions, there is a need to understand the causal mechanisms behind observed shifts.

In the MYSTIC-project we propose that there may be other mechanisms driving the loss of predatory fish that previously have been overlooked. Invertebrate predators such as mysid shrimps have the capacity to outcompete top predators at the larval stage when they are the most vulnerable.

During spring 2025 we plan a large-scale mesocosm experiment where we want to test how mysids and sticklebacks interact with pike larvae during the early developmental phase.

Project description

  • The work will be conducted at the Askö Laboratory, a field station in the outer Stockholm Archipelago, in collaboration with researchers active in the MYSTIC-project.

  • We will hatch pike from fertilized roe and expose them to different combinations of mysids and sticklebacks to study pike larvae survival and whether survival is dependent on direct predation or indirectly by competition for zooplankton.

  • The experimental part of the study is planned to weeks 17-21 but may be adjusted to run earlier or later depending on the temperature of the nearby spawning habitats for pike which must reach 6-8 °C in order to follow the natural progression of spawning and development.


Accomodation at the field station is covered by the project. For details about your stay at Askö, please vistit the Stockholm University website.


Martin Ogonowski, Researcher
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Freshwater Research, SLU, +46 10 478 42 08

Differences in the sex ratio across perch populations in coastal areas of the Baltic

Differences in the sex ratio across perch populations in coastal areas of the Baltic – where and why does it differ?


European perch (Perca fluviatilis) is a key species impacting the food-web structure and functioning in coastal ecosystems of the Baltic Sea. Perch is also of importance for small-scaled commercial and recreational fisheries in the Baltic Sea. Recent studies have shown substantial differences across coastal areas in the status and temporal development of perch populations along the Swedish coast. Given that perch exhibit a local population structure and there are a wide range of potential pressures impacting the populations (including fishing, eutrophication, climate change, habitat availability, hazardous substances and natural predation), it is challenging to understand which factors that drives the temporal development and status of the species in different coastal areas. Such information is key for implementing the adequate measure to support and restore populations in decline.

One factor potentially influencing the status of Baltic Sea perch populations is the sex ratio of the population. Preliminary analyses suggest substantial differences in the sex ratio across populations, but little is known how it impacts the population development and what factors that influence the sex ratio of the population.


  • To analyse differences in the sex ratio of perch populations across coastal areas and over time along the Swedish Baltic Sea coast.
  • To understand the drivers of differences in sex ratios across areas and within areas over time.


In this project you will make use of the extensive data on perch population characteristics along the Swedish Baltic Sea coast that is collected yearly within national and regional environmental monitoring programs. The data covers more than 15 coastal areas and do in some areas date back to the 1970’s. It includes data on population characteristics as relative abundance, size structure, age, individual condition and population sex ratio.

Suggested analyses within the project are to assess differences in the sex ratio across populations/coastal areas, variation in sex ratios within populations/coastal areas over time, and correlations between sex ratios and potential impacting factors including biological parameters (growth rates, size structure and condition) and abiotic variables (temperature, eutrophication, hazardous substances and fishing).


Jens Olsson, researcher at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, in the Department of Aquatic Resources at Ultuna in Uppsala; +46 761-89 05 38

Swim like nobody’s watching – a comparison of fish survey methods on the Swedish West Coast

Are you interested in studying ecology, fish, and the marine environment and want to do your Masters project focused on the Swedish west coast?


How do sustainable fish stocks contribute to maintaining a healthy coastal environment? Removal of large predatory fish can cause ecosystem wide alterations resulting in trophic cascades. Previous research in both the Baltic Sea and the Swedish west coast has shown such trophic cascades due to overfishing of predatory fish and eutrophication. These cascading effects have led to negative consequences for important habitats such as seagrass meadows.


Our research group is looking for a Masters student to conduct their research project (suggested 60hp) within a larger umbrella project called MarHab. MarHab is an international research project aimed at improving the conservation status of marine habitats in Skagerrak and Kattegat by studying the link between large predatory fish and habitat quality. The project will consist of data collected from the same locations in shallow coastal areas using both baited underwater stereo-video cameras (BRUV), as well as fyke net survey data from the Swedish national environmental monitoring program. Therefore, we are now looking for a Masters student who is interested in doing a method comparison study evaluating the fish assemblages from both methods. There is also the possibility of expanding the project work in order to study the connection between habitat quality and the abundance of predatory fish (predominantly cod).

Over the course of the project you will learn about:

  • Video analysis methodology using the leading analysis software EventMeasure
  • Handling and analyzing large data sets
  • Identifying fish from the Swedish west coast (Skagerrak and Kattegat)

Previous knowledge of Swedish west coast fish species is meriting. Priority will be given to students familiar with data analysis and comfortable working in Excel and R.

More information

Learn more about the MarHab project.


If you are interested in this exciting project be sure to get in contact by emailing:

Fish welfare: Physiological responses to anaesthisia in brown trout

Bachelor project (15 ECTS) or Master project (30/60 ECTS) in biology

Fish welfare: Physiological responses to anaesthisia in brown trout

This research project aims to explore how brown trout respond to different anaesthetics. When set in water with an anaesthetic agent, fishes initially respond with increased activity. This results in  a cascade of physiological processes in the fish. In this project some of these responses will be investigated.


There is a wide array of different teleost species used in scientific research world-wide. These fish are frequently anaesthetised for various procedures and previous studies suggest that there is a divergence in the response to different anaesthetics among species. The use and efficiency, from a practical point of view, of anaesthetics in different species have been studied and reviewed. However, the fish welfare aspect and the in depth understanding of the pharmacological mechanism of action and effect in different species are largely unknown. In view of our increased awareness of animal welfare, also regarding fish, along with an increased use of fish as experimental animals, standardised anaesthetic protocols that are species specific is a necessity to assure best practices with focus on fish welfare.

In earlier experiments we have shown that the stress (cortisol) response in brown trout appear to be higher in more acid water; non-buffered tricaine methanesulfonate lower the pH.


This project we will attempt to investigate thes further by comparing the response of juvenile brown trout to four treatment (non-buffered tricaine methanesulfonate, buffered tricaine methanesulfonate., river water and river water with pH=3 (using hydrochlorid acid).

Blood sample will be taken from about 80 trout and the blood will late be analyzed.

Depending on the number of credits the student wish to achieve the brains of the trout will also be sampled and analyzed for monamines (such as dopamine and noradrenaline).


Erik  Petersson
Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua) 010-4784239

Svante Winberg
Uppsala University
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry

Fish welfare: Physiological responses to anaesthisia in zebrafish

Bachelor level (15 ECTS) or Master level (30/60 ECTS) in biology 

Fish welfare: Physiological responses to anaesthesia in zebrafish

This research project aims to explore how zebrafish respond to different anaesthetics. When set in water with an anaesthetic agent, fishes initially respond with increased activity. This, in turn, onset a cascade of physiological processes in the fish. In this project some of these responses will be investigated.


There is a wide array of different teleost species used in scientific research world-wide. These fish are frequently anaesthetised for various procedures and previous studies suggest that there is a divergence in the response to different anaesthetics among species. The use and efficiency, from a practical point of view, of anaesthetics in different species have been studied and reviewed. However, the fish welfare aspect and the in depth understanding of the pharmacological mechanism of action and effect in different species are largely unknown. In view of our increased awareness of animal welfare, also regarding fish, along with an increased use of fish as experimental animals, standardised anaesthetic protocols that are species specific is a necessity to assure best practices with focus on fish welfare.

Zebrafish is the second most common laboratory aninmal in Sweden right now and knowledge about zebrafish behavior and physiology are important for future care and housing of the species.

In earlier experiments we have gathered information about the stress response in zebrafish to metomidate and tricaine methanesulfonate. We now like to investigate the response to three other  anaesthetic methods: eugenol, benzocaine and rapid cooling.


Zebrafish will be anaesthetized with the three methods mentioned above, the fish will thereafter be sampled for cortisol (whole –body). This require that the cortisol is extracted, i.e. you will spend many days in the laboratory.

Depending on the number of credits the student wish to achieve the brains of the zebrafish will also be sampled and analyzed for monamines (such as dopamine and noradrenaline).


Erik  Petersson
Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua) 010-4784239

Svante Winberg
Uppsala University
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry

Ecology and management of the European eel

Bachelor projects in biology (15 ECTS)

Ecology and management of the European eel, several projects available!


The European eel, Anguilla anguilla, is red listed as critically endangered due to a steep population decline. Current management efforts aim to reverse this negative development. There are many knowledge gaps regarding everything from ecology, behaviour, and physiology to development of stock assessment parameters. You can help us fill these knowledge gaps!

We have a great variety of bachelor degree projects and research training/internship related to evaluating and synthesizing information about ecology, management and data collection of the European eel. There are also opportunities to assist in lab work and field activities, such as tagging, fyke-net fishing, dissections, and more (although keep in mind that this can
be difficult to fit within a 15 hp project!).

Project examples

  • Evaluating tagging and tracking data of eels in river systems, lakes and in the sea. Students can be involved in the tagging and tracking procedures, depending on time availability. Topics that can be addressed include survival (fisheries induced survival, hydropower induced mortality), movement, long distance migration, etc.
  • Improve data collection programs. To monitor the eel stock, data is collected on a number of variables, such as landings, individual length, parasite prevalence, age, etc. Since data collection is time consuming and costly it is important that it is efficient. Any improvements that can be made to the monitoring programs are highly valuable, including 3R aspects.
  • Evaluation of management activities such as restocking and fisheries regulations.
  • Behavioural and physiological studies.

The work will be supervised by Dr Josefin Sundin and Dr Philip Jacobson. Depending on the project, the student should have an interest in fish ecology, behavioural ecology, fisheries science, data analysis, statistics, and scientific writing.


At the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU Aqua) in Drottningholm (Stockholm), Uppsala-Ultuna, or Öregrund. Several projects can also be done online.

Josefin Sundin, Researcher
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Freshwater Research, SLU, +46 10 478 42 24

Fish ecology and fisheries in Tanzania

Master 60 ECTS

Are you interested in fish, fish ecology and fisheries and would like to do a Masters project in Tanzania?

Our research group is looking for a Masters student to conduct their Master thesis work (suggested 60 ECTS) within our project “FishLinks - Scrutinizing the impact of tourism-driven fish consumption on reef fish communities: a socio-environmental study in tropical seascapes”. The project starts early 2024 with fieldwork planned from August–October in Tanzania.

The focus of the Master project is related to the question of how tourism-driven fishing effects the fish communities on shallow- and deep- coral reefs in Tanzania. Suggested fieldwork sites being Zanzibar (high tourism) and Mafia Island (low tourism). Data collection will mainly be done by deploying baited remote underwater videos (BRUVs) by boat. There are also opportunities within the Masters project to develop methods or research question further. If you think this sounds like an exciting project, do not hesitate to contact:

Maria Eggertsen, Researcher
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Coastal Research, SLU, +46 10 478 41 41

Charlotte Berkström, Researcher
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Coastal Research, SLU, +46 10 478 41 65

Diana Hammar Perry, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Analyst
Department of Aquatic Resources,  SLU, +46(0)10-478 40 97

Seals and cormorants

Seals and cormorants - Top predators in Swedish waters

Suggestions of degree projects

The suggested topics are suitable for master student projects. The projects can include field work, lab work, literature studies, data analysis and scientific writing.

The contents and scope of the work can be discussed and adapted to prevailing conditions.


The populations of seals and cormorants in Sweden have increased in size and distribution during the last decades.

Consequently, requirements and needs of information about the ecological roles of seals and cormorants have increased, e.g. for inclusion of top predators in ecological models and for development of ecosystem-based management. In addition, conflicts with fish conservation biology and coastal fisheries have intensified.

At present, relevant information on prey choice and abundance of these predators and their impact on fish stocks is insufficient.

Diet analysis of seals and cormorants

  • Diet variability
  • Methodology (DNA, image analysis)

Monitoring of seals and cormorants

  • Photo-ID
  • Camera surveillance
  • Regional monitoring, e.g. in marine protected areas
  • Abundance estimates

Predator-prey dynamics

  • Prey selectivity
  • Correlations between diet data and fish monitoring data


Karl Lundström, Researcher
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Marine Research, SLU, +46 10 478 41 38

Developing a socio-ecological model for risk assessment in the Baltic Sea

Bachelor's level (15 ECTS) or Master's level (30 ECTS)

Developing a socio-ecological model for risk assessment in the Baltic Sea

Thesis work in biology or sustainable development at the Department of Aquatic Resources, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Within this project you will have the opportunity to develop a socio-ecological model for the Bothnian Sea that can be used for future management decisions in collaboration with stakeholders, managers and scientists.


A key aim in ecosystem-based management (EBM) is to establish common goals among stakeholders, as this is expected to enable the continued delivery of ecosystem services, while reducing user conflicts. Socio-ecological models are often used to support this aim. The models help increase the understanding between stakeholders and scientists and investigate how management actions could affect the ecosystem and the people who depend upon it. The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management has initiated an EBM pilot project in the southern Bothnian Sea to involve stakeholders in developing an ecosystem-based management that integrates environmental goals with societal goals for the region.


As part of the pilot EBM project, you will develop a socio-ecological model for the Bothnian sea in collaboration with stakeholders, managers and scientists. This, so called fuzzy cognitive model can be used in preparing future management decisions and increase the understanding between managers, stakeholders and scientists of the ecological and societal processes that affect environment status.

Practical work includes conducting interviews with managers and stakeholders and contributing to workshops within the southern Bothnian Sea EBM project. You should be familiar with R, interested in ecosystem-based management and comfortable interacting with people of different backgrounds. No previous modelling experience is necessary.


Carolyn Faithfull, researcher
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute ov Coastal Research , SLU, +46(0)10-478 41 74

Round goby – turning risk to resource

Bachelor's level (15 ECTS) or Master's level (30/60 ECTS)

Round goby – turning risk to resource

Thesis work in biology or environmental science at the Department of Aquatic Resources, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

The round goby is native in the Black sea and Capian Sea but has probably come by ballast water to the Baltic Sea. It was first reported 1990 in the bay of Gdansk where ot is now the most common coastal fish species. In 2008 it was reported in Sweden for the first time, in the archipelago of Karlskrona. It now occurs from Kalmar Sound up to Gävle and also around Gotland and in Gothenburg.

The round goby is an invasive species with high reproduction speed and highly tolerant for environmental stressors. There is a risk that it will compete with other bottom dwelling species and also consume eggs & fry of native species but it can also be a resource for predatory fish and humans. One concern is that it may invade freshwater systems and knowledge about its migrating capability and potential barriers to stop it from entering rivers is needed. In order to utilize the species and develop efficient fishing gear knowledge is needed about the behavior of the fish around different fishing gears. The suggested projects below are experimental studies contributing with knowledge in both these important areas and they are part of the Research project Round goby – turning risk to resource.
All experiments are conducted in Älvkarleby, by the river Dalälven south of Gävle, either at SLU Fisheries Resaerch Station (FFS) or at the Vattenfalls experimental facility Laxeratorn. Depending on your skills and interest the thesis can either be within biology or environmental science with room for personal research questions. The work is flexibel and can be either on candidate or master level.

  1. Migration ability (15-60 ETCS), ), practical work is done during 3-6 weeks between August to September in Vattenfall Laxeratorn with potential complementing studies at FFS in October for the 60hp work. In this experiment the ability to migrate in an artificial fisheway at different speed of the water and with different barriers is studied for round goby, trout and bullhead. The study can be done on one or several species depending on the number of credits of the thesis. The work can also be done later in the year on recorded videomaterial from the experiments.

  2. Behaviour around fishing gear (15-60 ETCS), practical work is done during 2-3 weeks in September in the Laxelerator. In this experiment the behehaviour of round goby in the vicinity of a fishging gear is studied with the objective to create efficient methods to catch round goby. The work can also be done later in the year on recorded videomaterial from the experiments.


Ann-Britt Florin, Head of Division
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Coastal Research, SLU, +46 10 478 41 22

Round goby – turning risk into resource

Thesis projects about salmonids in river Dalälven

Bachelor (15 ECTS) or Master level (30/60 ECTS)

Thesis projects about salmonids in river Dalälven

SLU:s Fisheries research station in Älvkarleby produce around 140 000 salmon and trout per year for river Dalälven. A prerequisite for environmental friendly and ethical aquaculture is that reserach is conducted on breeding and rearing of fish. Here we have ongoing reserach and environmental analsysis, and we have aquarieas, creeks and streams for experiments and in addition skilled personel.

We are looking for students for the following projects:

  1. Survival of salmon and trout smolt. The cormorant has been identified as a potentially important predator on smolt (salmonid juveniles) but scientific estimates from todays situation in river Dalälven is missing. Since some of the smolt is tagged with pit‐tags it is possible to look for these tags in cormorant colonies. The project involves scanning after pit‐tags in cormorant colonies along the coast but may also include investigations of regurgitates from cormorants or other fisheating birds. The field part is conducted after the breeding season of the birds, i.e. sep‐nov 2020

  2. Enhanced quality of stocked fish. It is desirable that the stocked fish similar to wild fish, but a common problem is that reared fish have damaged finns and also grows to fast and becomes to fat compared to wild fish. In this project the effect of different feedingregimes on condition, survival and fin damage is investigated. Also experiments with different densities of fish can be included. The project can take place almost anytime between march and december.

  3. Historic trends of spawning fish in river Dalälven. Breeding and rearing has taken place at the fisheries resaerch station for amlost 100 years. During this time data on the wild fish migrating from the sea has been collected which makes it possible to study changes in salmon and trout populations in the river in for example size, condition eggsize etc. This project can either be fully theoretical and take place anytime during the year or involve some practical work during either the fishing (aug) or breeding (oct) season.

Depending on previous education and interest the thesis can either be in ecology or environmental analysis and there is room for reserach questions of your own making. The extent is flexibel and the thesis can be done either on candidate or master level.


Ann-Britt Florin, Head of Division
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Coastal Research, SLU, +46 10 478 41 22

Cost-effective sampling of Baltic cod for multispecies modelling

Master project in Ecology (30-60 credits)

Study on cost-effective sampling of Baltic cod stomachs for the purpose of multispecies modelling

The paradigm shift from single species to ecosystem based fisheries management (EBFM) requires a broader, mechanistic and more in-depth understanding of marine ecosystems. Multispecies models able to account for trophic interactions and the effect of environmental variability on populations are an essential tool to move towards an EBFM. To account for predator-prey interactions in age-size structured population dynamic models high quality information on predator consumption, prey preference and trophodynamics are essential. Stomach data provide fundamental information on predators’ diet, but their collection has been generally limited which is considered one of the limiting factors for the implementation of multispecies models for the purposes of fisheries advice within the context of EBFM.

The Baltic Sea has been one of the fortunate exceptions. Here, stomachs of cod, the main predatory fish in the system, have been collected for decades. This dataset is important not only for the implementation of advanced multispecies models for EBFM in the Baltic, but also because it can serve as a benchmark to design future stomach sampling programs for the Baltic and other ecosystems.

This master project aims to explore the spatial and temporal correlation among the cod stomachs and the implications of sampling design and sample size for the estimation of the main processes linked to the implementation of multispecies models. The analyses are expected to yield alternative strategies of stomach sampling in Baltic cod and highlight costeffective sampling

schemes which sampling intensity appropriately quantifies cod predation on clupeids in the Baltic and beyond.

Requirements: good skills in spoken and written English, basic statistical skills and familiarity with R programming (ability to write simple own functions).

Work location: Lysekil


Valerio Bartolino, Researcher
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Marine Research, SLU, +46 10 478 40 58

Nuno Prista, Environmental Assessment Specialist
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Marine Research, joint staff, +46104784022, +46725450676

Study on the population structure of herring in the central and western Baltic Sea based on the analysis of growth and otolith shape

Master projedt in Ecology (30-60 credits)

Study on the population structure of herring in the central and western Baltic Sea based on the analysis of growth and otolith shape

Stock assessment of herring in the southern Baltic is currently based on a rigid geographical definition of stock boundaries which allocate herring western of Bornholm Island to the so called Western Baltic Spring spawning herring stock and herring on the eastern side of Bornholm to the large central Baltic herring stock. In reality, in this region herring reproduce in coastal habitats along the southern Swedish coasts and along the entire southern Baltic coast from the western to the eastern limits of the basin giving origin to a number of subcomponents within these two stocks.

The relationships among the different sub-components within and between the two stocks are poorly understood, as well as the level of mixing and geographical extents of overlap between the different components belonging to the two stocks remain unknown. This lack of knowledge on population structure has profound implications for the management of herring in the Baltic, both in terms of diversity and productivity.

This master project aims to evaluate the relationships between some of the main herring spawning components in the southern Baltic Sea to contribute to the harmonization of stock assessment units definitions and population structure. Moreover, the analyses are expected to identify solid baselines for future discrimination of the main herring components occurring in mixed catches of commercial fisheries and scientific survey across this broad geographical region.

Requirements: good skills in spoken and written English, basic statistical skills (familiarity with multivariate analyses is an advantage).
Work location: Lysekil.


Valerio Bartolino, Researcher
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Marine Research, SLU, +46 10 478 40 58

Carina Jernberg, Head of Unit
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Marine Research, SLU, +46 10 478 4025, +46 761-26 80 16

Energy content in the diet of breeding seabirds

Bachelor (15 ECTS) or Master (30/60 ECTS)

Energy content of the diet of Common guillemots in the Baltic Sea

Common guillemots Uria aalge L. (Am. Eng.: Common Murre) are marine piscivorous top predators with a circumpolar Arctic distribution. Long-term studies have shown that they can be important indicators of changes in marine food webs and ecosystems. The largest Common guillemot colony in the Baltic Sea (~ 15 000 pairs) is at the island of Stora Karlsö. Since 1997, a long-term research program is following this colony and collects annual data on survival, reproduction and diet, among other things.

Obtaining high energy food is a prerequisite for successful breeding and survival in Common guillemots. Several studies have shown that the main food in the Baltic Sea is sprat Sprattus sprattus. New data however show that herring Clupea harengus can also be a significant part of the diet. The energy content of herring of different sizes, and the possible energy content differences between sprat and herring is today unknown. The knowledge is important for evaluating the conservation status of Common guillemots in the Baltic Sea and how much fish that must be left in the sea to ensure survival of seabirds.

The degree thesis focusses on analyzing the energy content of the prey fish of Common guillemots. The fish has already been collected by the Institute of Marine Research in Lysekil. The fish will be analyzed using a bomb calorimeter by the student. This work will take place in Ultuna, Uppsala. The data obtained will be analyzed statistically. The project is planned for Bachelor's level (15 ECTS) but can be expanded into a Master's project as well (30–60 ECTS).



Jonas Hentati Sundberg, Researcher
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Marine Research, SLU, +46 10 478 40 70, +46 739-38 79 69

Evaluating camera monitoring for breeding seabirds

Bachelor (15 ECTS)  or Master (30–60 ECTS)

Evaluating camera monitoring for breeding seabirds

Common guillemots Uria aalge L. (Am. Eng.: Common Murre) are marine piscivorous top predators with a circumpolar Arctic distribution. Long-term studies have shown that they can be important indicators of changes in marine food webs and ecosystems.

The largest Common guillemot colony in the Baltic Sea (~ 15 000 pairs) is at the island of Stora Karlsö. Since 1997, a long-term research program is following this colony and collects annual data on survival, reproduction and diet, among other things. In 2008, a world unique research facility, the Karlsö Auk Lab, was built in the middle of the colony. Scientists can study breeding birds from the inside of the Auk lab at a very close distance (20 – 30 cm). This opens up for extremely detailed studies to a low disturbance.

This degree thesis is about evaluating a new technology for monitoring breeding success in Common guillemots – through automatic cameras. Today breeding is monitored through daily observations to check which eggs and chicks that are present. The new technology builds on images taken at regular intervals, and at a later stage analysis of the images. If this technology is working, there is a big potential of increasing data collection and reduce time spent close to the birds (which also leads to lower disturbance levels). The field work includes both traditional observations studies and collection and analysis of images.

At least four weeks will be spent at Stora Karlsö for field work. The island has a simple field station in the period May – early July. The student will work with experienced field personnel and a field work coordinator. The project is planned for Bachelors level (15 ECTS) but can be expanded into a Masters project as well (30 – 60 ECTS).


Jonas Hentati Sundberg, Researcher
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Marine Research, SLU, +46 10 478 40 70, +46 739-38 79 69

Does reed harvesting affect insect production?

Does reed harvesting affect insect production?

In this project you will compare insect biodiversity between two Baltic bays, one where the reed (Phragmites australis) bed has been harvested, and the other un-changed as a control. Over the past years, we have compared changes in bird, fish and macrophyte communities. Now, we will additionally survey insect biodiversity in the same locations. We are looking for a motivated student to collect, process and analyse insect samples, dependent on timing of your thesis.


The common reed (Phragmites australis) is a habitat forming emerging plant found on Baltic and freshwater shorelines. Reed, like trees in a forest, many important ecological functions such as structure, shelter and a source of food for numerous fish, birds, insects and mammals. However, increasing eutrophication has caused reed to invade new habitats and form large monocultures with low biodiversity. The harvesting of reed has the potential to combat monoculture formation and restore habitat heterogeneity, thereby benefiting ecosystems functions and services where reed has become too dense and/or invaded.


In this project, we investigate the impact of reed harvesting on biodiversity by performing surveys of fish, bird, insect and macrophytes in a reed harvested area, and comparing this with the same surveys at a nearby control site. For insects, we will use emergence ans/or swimming traps to collect insects in the two contrasting areas. We are also happy to discuss new or other ideas within the topic of reed harvesting effects on the ecosystem.
Field studies are based in Harg, near Östhammar, with office space available at Ultuna, Uppsala. Feel free to contact with any questions, or if you are interested in doing a bachelor thesis within this project!


William Ashworth,Doctoral student
Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Coastal Research, SLU, +46 10 478 41 68

Örjan Östman, Senior Lecturer, Director of Studies - basic education
Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU, +46 10 478 41 53

Competition between perch and roach across sizes and environments–impact on ecological status

Biology 30 credits

Stable isotopes are indicators of individual diet use and can be used to study diet (resource) overlap between species indicate (resource). Perch and roach are the two dominate fish species in Baltic Sea coastal fish communities, and have different ecological functions. Perch is the main predatory fish, but feed on invertebrates as small, whereas roach is an obligate ‘mesopredator’ feeding only on invertebrates. However, as fish change diet over their life-history they compete for common resources at younger ages (sizes). In this project you will study how the diet overlap change across body sizes depend on environmental condition, like watercolor and transparency, temperature and salinity.

To understand how environmental conditions influence the competition and resource use of perch and roach is important to better understand how global change will impact the interaction between our most common fish species, and how management may be adapted to reach good ecological status in coastal areas of the Baltic Sea.

All data has been collected and is ready to be analysed so start time is flexible.

Associate professor Magnus Huss,

Associate professor Örjan Östman,

Life-history changes of predatory fish in changing environments

Biology 30 or 60 credits

The aim of this project is to investigate changes in perch and pike life history traits to long-term changes in climate and productivity (eutrophication). Whereas the direct short-term impact of environmental variation on life histories are quite well studied, the longer term eco-evolutionary dynamic consequences on predator life-histories are less understood.

To address this you will use back-calculated growth of pike and perch from long-term monitoring data of fish communities in Swedish coastal areas and freshwater lakes. This data serves as great opportunity to develop a framework for a general future understanding of how large scale environmental variation will affect life-history traits and reaction norms of predatory fish in a changing world. This knowledge is both important to understand the long-term anthropogenic impact on natural communities, and is also relevant to reach the environmental targets set within Sweden and the European Union.

Project start is flexible data collection is ready. Therefore a large part of thesis project will be statistical analyses and model simulations.


Associated professor Örjan Östman,

Using AI to map human activities in the ocean

Masters thesis 30-60 hp


Marine ecosystems are under immense pressure from a wide range of human activities, such as fishing, shipping, coastal development, and pollution, among others. One of the greatest challenges faced by conservation scientists and practitioners is the task of mapping these activities so that we may determine which ecosystems are most threatened and where we should focus our conservation efforts. However, in recent years, exciting developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) offer a promising solution to this challenge.

Project description

In this project, the student will use neural networks and satellite imagery to produce maps of human activities in the ocean. The objective will be to map specific activities that are recognizable through satellite images, which may include small-scale fishing, mariculture, and/or oil and gas activities. The study region and scale are flexible, but will ideally include the Western Indian Ocean, the South China Sea, the Gulf of Thailand, and/or the Baltic Sea.

The student should have a strong interest in modelling/machine learning, coding (ideally in R or Python), and conservation. It is also advantageous to have some knowledge of marine ecosystems, but this is not essential. The project may be undertaken at any time and falls within larger ongoing projects in the Baltic Sea, the Western Indian Ocean, and South-East Asia. As such, the student can expect to be involved in a highly collaborative research environment.


Edmond Sacre

Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Coastal Research, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, +46 730855441

Monitoring populations by fishing gear – A camera study of the European lobster

Master thesis 30/60 credits

The European lobster (Homarus gammarus) occurs along the entire Swedish west coast down to the northern part of the Sound, and lives mainly on rocky substrates in crevices and dugouts between rocks and gravel. The lobster population along the Swedish coast is considered to be one single stock, but large local differences in density may occur. Fishing for European lobster is extensive, but catch per effort (the number of lobsters caught per pot) decreased sharply during the 1950s and 1960s and has since remained at a stable low level according to catch data from lobster fishermen in Bohuslän. New legislation limiting the lobster fishery was passed in 2017, yet the stock is still considered to be overfished: The overall stock analysis (Fish Barometer 2024) indicates high fishing mortality over long periods, and low productivity, with the result that the stock is not within safe biological limits. To provide management with a strong basis for decision-making, we are working to increase the knowledge of European lobster biology and behavior.

Every year, the Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua) conducts a lobster survey in both no-take and fished areas to provide fisheries independent data on biological parameters of the Swedish lobster population. In addition to SLU's survey, volunteer fishermen participate in the citizen science project; LOBSERVE, which enables the collection of catch data and size along a larger geographical area. Lobster catch can be used as an index of density, and thus of stock status, and can be compared between areas and over time if the fishing is standardized and carried out at the same time of year. If a pot is left fishing (soaked) for a longer period, the pot will eventually be saturated as lobsters are no longer attracted to the bait or choose not to enter due to e.g., competition. CPUE needs to be standardized to soak time to be comparable. With the help of a camera study, we want to find out what happens at and around the cage. We want to investigate questions such as

  • What influences a lobster to enter a pot?
  • At what rate is a pot getting saturated?
  • At what point do lobsters stop entering the cage?
  • Do lobsters' propensity to enter a cage with other lobsters differ between fished and no-take areas?

We offer the opportunity to do a degree project with focus on European lobsters, using camera-rigged pots to study the behavior of lobsters around pots and also factors leading to saturation of pots. We are looking for a highly motivated student with an interest in fisheries ecology and animal behavior. Experience with dynamic modelling and R is an advantage. The work includes fieldwork, analysis of collected video material and data analysis. SLU's lobster survey occurs in Lysekil in August, and the student will be part of the crew while deploying the lobster pots rigged for video.


Hege Sande, 

Andreas Sundelöf,

For more information

Read more about the European lobster at the website Fiskbarometern (text in Swedish) (published by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management)

Read about the species facts at the SLU website Swedish Species Information Centre (in Swedish)

Read the SLU news article about fishing on the European lobster (in Swedish)

Read more about the SLU citizen science project on European lobster (in Swedish)


Örjan Östman, Senior Lecturer, Director of Studies - basic education
Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU, +46 10 478 41 53