Quality assurance of data collection

Last changed: 24 March 2025

To assure the quality of the data collected within DCF a number of measures are in place, concerning sampling design, sampling routines, quality checks and evaluation of eg accuracy. Documentation of  quality assurance measurements for different samplings schemes are described here.

Sampling design and quality controls for different sampling schemes are described in the National program of DCF.

National Programs and Annual Reports

On the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management's website you can find Sweden's national programs for data collection and subsequent annual reports listing those collection results.

Data Capture, storage and processing

Field data are registered on paper or in E-reg (fishery-dependent surveys, e.g., commercial and recreational fisheries, se manual) and in E-reg or Sve-reg (fishery-independent surveys). Manuals for datacapture are available by contacting lars.magnus.andersson@slu.se.

Quality checks 

Quality checks are run on data at different stages:

  • Quality checks in the field at data capture, in electronic registration applications: E-reg (commercial fishery, Fisherman survey, Swedish Sound Survey) and Sve-reg (scientific surveys on Svea).
  • Quality checks when data is registered in the database FD2
  • Annual quality checks of data in FD2 via R-scripts on commercial fishery data.
  • Annual quality checks of survey data are also made when uploading to the international database DATRAS.

Specific documentation for sampling of salmon and sea trout:

National database for electrofishing

The Swedish Electrofishing Register (SERS) contains manuals for how to perform electrofishing, information on how to retrieve data from SERS, education and permits for electrofishing, and more. Some of the content is available in English, some only in Swedish so far.

Go to the English site.

Go to the Swedish site

DCF eel
